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Rumor: Devs already working on 'new Nintendo platform'


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I like the Wind Waker, but I really am confused about its popularity. It doesn't deserve half of the recognition it receives, in my opinion.


Fair enough, I just thought it was brilliant from start to finish - the graphics, the technicality, the nautical theme. Some things you "get", some you don't. Unfortunately, I don't "get" the genius of Super Mario Galaxy so far. I don't even like it.


As for the definitive Gamecube game, Metroid Prime has to be up there. Maybe the jump from 3rd person to 1st in such style, and it really is a piece of art.


Oh, it's one of the best alright, but I don't think it's as definitive as Wind Waker. In screenshots, Metroid Prime could appear to be a normal FPS, which doesn't do it justice, but that's the way it could appear. Wind Waker, on the other hand, represents a certain artistic vision and concept Nintendo had with the whole machine, really.

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Fair enough, I just thought it was brilliant from start to finish - the graphics, the technicality, the nautical theme. Some things you "get", some you don't. Unfortunately, I don't "get" the genius of Super Mario Galaxy so far. I don't even like it.




Oh, it's one of the best alright, but I don't think it's as definitive as Wind Waker. In screenshots, Metroid Prime could appear to be a normal FPS, which doesn't do it justice, but that's the way it could appear. Wind Waker, on the other hand, represents a certain artistic vision and concept Nintendo had with the whole machine, really.

Although I haven't played Wind Waker, I have seen a lot of it. So from 'Some things you...' and onwards in your post I have to say I share it with or agree with you.

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Fair enough, I just thought it was brilliant from start to finish - the graphics, the technicality, the nautical theme. Some things you "get", some you don't. Unfortunately, I don't "get" the genius of Super Mario Galaxy so far. I don't even like it.


Yeah, I know what you mean. The game just seemed a bit too slow paced for my liking, and I didn't enjoy the nautical theme/sailing. Maybe one day it'll click with me, but I found it a bit boring. Brilliant fight at the end, though.


Oh, it's one of the best alright, but I don't think it's as definitive as Wind Waker. In screenshots, Metroid Prime could appear to be a normal FPS, which doesn't do it justice, but that's the way it could appear. Wind Waker, on the other hand, represents a certain artistic vision and concept Nintendo had with the whole machine, really.


They're both stylised games in different ways. I think the Wind Waker is more of a typical Nintendo-looking game than Metroid Prime is, you can instantly look at the Wind Waker and say "ah, Nintendo." So, yeah, I agree with you on that one.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. The game just seemed a bit too slow paced for my liking, and I didn't enjoy the nautical theme/sailing. Maybe one day it'll click with me, but I found it a bit boring.


Nah, it probably won't :heh: I'm not being funny, but if you don't like that sort of theme, you don't like it. It's like Okami - some people think that has an amazing visual style and is a Zelda-beater, but not me (even though I think it's a good, 8/10 sort of game).


(Although I did use to dislike Metroid Prime and now think it's excellent, but that was due to my poor gameplaying skills rather than not "feeling" it.)


Grazza Grazza Grazza... :nono: Did you just lose all the respect I had for you? :confused:


No, that was when I dissed Donkey Kong Country.


Ah, I've only got a few stars in Mario Galaxy. Love the music, but find the gameplay disorientating. I might end up liking it, but I don't think I'm going to find it a classic.

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Nah, it probably won't :heh: I'm not being funny, but if you don't like that sort of theme, you don't like it. It's like Okami - some people think that has an amazing visual style and is a Zelda-beater, but not me (even though I think it's a good, 8/10 sort of game).


(Although I did use to dislike Metroid Prime and now think it's excellent, but that was due to my poor gameplaying skills rather than not "feeling" it.)


There's definitely been a few games over the years that I've loathed or hated at first but then came to love it. Even with films, Waterworld (I chose that example for the theme) definitely got a "...that sucks" from me the first few times around, but now I like it, although in a different way than nature intended, haha. There's still time, I do want to like it. But, who knows.


Another example is A Link To The Past. I didn't connect with it when I initially played it. But then, I went back to it quite some time later and loved it the next time around. Certain things that annoyed me in the first place didn't annoy me the second time around. So, your circumstances when you play the games are important, too. You never know, I may go back and dislike The Wind Waker more next time.

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(Although I did use to dislike Metroid Prime and now think it's excellent, but that was due to my poor gameplaying skills rather than not "feeling" it.)


Another one lost to the dark side. :(


No, that was when I dissed Donkey Kong Country.


:eek: This thread just isn't doing you any favours. *mouse hovers towards the infraction button*


Ah, I've only got a few stars in Mario Galaxy. Love the music, but find the gameplay disorientating. I might end up liking it, but I don't think I'm going to find it a classic.


Ok, finally a little ray of hope for you. :heh: Play some more! I was really disoriented at the beginning of Galaxy too- running round upside down and all around the planetoids hurt my brain. It became second nature soon enough though. :) As long as you have liked the previous (3D) Mario titles...?

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I'll be honest, i've been thinking of buying a PS3 for a while - I miss the epic productions - we've had nothing like REmake, Resident Evil 4, Eternal Darkness on Wii; and i'm looking forward to Dead Space, INfamous filling that void... but the sedentary controls of the HD twins scares me - will I be bored? Back in the day, i'd play games slouched back in the sofa and I'm happy to say thats completely changed with Wii - i sit up, on the edge of the couch, truly involved, immersed and engrossed.


I was thinking the exact same thing before I bought my PS3. It shouldn't be a huge worry. It feels quite normal moving back to a more standard controller after playing Wii games, not to say either is better or worse. Its great owning a Wii and a PS3 right now. I can be looking forward to the major Nintendo games, as well as all the major PS3 games coming out in the next year. Its great to follow a gaming event or something and just look at games, and not have to cross your fingers that the game you're looking at will be coming out on the Wii. You owe Nintendo nothing, just buy the games you want to play.

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You never know, I may go back and dislike The Wind Waker more next time.


That's the spirit! (Sorry, I'm in a cheeky mood!)


:eek: This thread just isn't doing you any favours. *mouse hovers towards the infraction button*


In all seriousness, there's nothing wrong with DKC. I just remembered I didn't diss it, I just haven't played 2 or 3.


As long as you have liked the previous (3D) Mario titles...?


Yeah, loved 64 and loved Sunshine even more.

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Fair enough, I just thought it was brilliant from start to finish - the graphics, the technicality, the nautical theme. Some things you "get", some you don't. Unfortunately, I don't "get" the genius of Super Mario Galaxy so far. I don't even like it.



I agree very partially. I Love super mario galaxy. It really wowed me BUT it's not a perfect game either. The camera isn't any better since super mario 64. There's just much less things to block your view. I also don't think the graphics are any better than sunshine bar the bloom. Ever look around in super mario galaxy in first person view? Things look horrible sometimes.


I like galaxy though. I hold better memories of sunshine and I STILL think 64 is the ultimate game.


(Although I did use to dislike Metroid Prime and now think it's excellent, but that was due to my poor gameplaying skills rather than not "feeling" it.)



Prime one came out the same year as wind waker and it used to piss me right off when wind waker claimed all the game of the year awards when I felt that prime was the far better game.


Prime is constant gameplay... no boring sailing to get in the way. I like to think of the metroid prime series as a constant 3d zelda dungeon. No bullshitting sidequests just the gameplay.


POint i'm trying to make is, I don't believe anyone who would dislike wind waker the first time round would ever like it again years later. I believe the opinion would be worse in fact. :)

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Prime is constant gameplay... no boring sailing to get in the way. I like to think of the metroid prime series as a constant 3d zelda dungeon. No bullshitting sidequests just the gameplay.


1000000000000000% agree on this, Metroid Prime offered the good so much, It really felt new and refreshing yet still had that metroid atmosphere, unlike Zelda: Wind Waker which was Zelda + Different graphics, other then that it was the same game as the rest of the series. Since then, I still love playing Metroid Prime, just all the information they put into that game was great, even the data logs, made the world feel alive! :D


(I still love Wind Waker, but to be honest, Metroid Prime wowed me way much more)

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Okay, there's a bunch of avenues to cover on this one, so stick with me. Ubisoft Brand Manager Leon Winkler joined up over at the Wii-DS.nl forums in order to do a little Q&A about Red Steel 2. Those questions have come and gone, and Leon has since stuck around on those forums to chat up various topics. Today, Leon was asked this question by another forum-goer.


"Oh, and Leon, did you already hear about the juicy rumor regarding Nintendo revealing a 'new platform' on the GDC 2010? The DS2 doesn't seem too obvious since the DSi XL is going to be released soon. Most of the signs point at a revamp of the current Wii (WiiHD anyone?). It seems to be leaked by an 'employee of a big international publisher'. Are you that employee by any chance, Leon?"


To which, Leon responded with this...


"I only leak when I go to the toilet. I do know it, but I'm not going to tell it MWOAAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Have fun speculating !"


anyway this monday the same leon responded to another user whe he was asked if it scared him that the subject landed all over the web his response to that:

It wasnt that bad. I didnt say anyting concrete. So no worries...

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Miyamoto: Nintendo working on new hardware

Speaking at the Annual Japan Media Arts Festival on Saturday (via Andriasang), Miyamoto admitted the company was working on something new.


His words come following a rumoured reveal for new Nintendo hardware at GDC in a month’s time.


Official confirmation of new, in-the-works hardware is nothing new: company execs regularly assure fresh meat is on the way.


Speculation surrounding new Nintendo consoles is picking up. Wii HD is an evergreen story, and was joined recently by talk of a new DS with motion controls, which was apparently suggested by Nintendo president Satoru Iwata last month in a Japanese newspaper article, only to be flatly denied by the exec last week.


At the same event, Miyamoto confirmed he was working on a new title involving WiiMotionPlus, but isn’t the new Zelda in development for Wii.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I'm sorry but announcing they are working on new hardware is like admitting to working on a new Mario game - we all get excited when we hear it but it's not really news now, is it?


I'm sure they were working on a successor to the Wii before that was even out the door. This is just a confirmation of that which we all should have known.

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Personally, although i think they'll keep the name Wii HD, i'd rather see something new from Nintendo. Yes, a HD machine, but with new ideas and new controls.


For those who have larger HD screens, maybe invest in a decent video processor and not rely on the turd of an upscaler TV manufacturers put in their products.

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STAR FOX WII: CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111one


No, You're wrong, I just heard from Iwata that Shigsy is working on "Wrecking Crew Wii: Anger Therapy". It supports both Wii Motion Plus as the new Vitality Sensor;


- The more stressed you are, the harder the walls are to break

- Real lifelike wall-breaking actions with 1:1 hammer-jamming!!!


: peace:

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I dont get this, if the new DS XL have just come out (and its not even out in Europe yet) and Wii still selling pretty good, why should they annonce new hardware? Thinking in economic contest this isnt making much sense.


There are some good examples as to why bringing out a new system even though the current one is still selling like hot cakes.


Sony do it.


PS1 was really still kicking when PS2 just came out, and even after that the PS1 continued to sell while the PS2 rode on the waves of the success.

Same with the PS3, after PS3 came out, some great games still came out and made, even now it's still out on the market.

Gameboy was doing bloody well with pokemon and Gameboy Advance came out, there were still some awesome games that came out on the GB during the time of GBA era and likewise for DS to GBA.


In the end what I am saying is that the Wii have given Nintendo an open gate, a gate which if they release another system, people can make really awesome games on it, but will take them time, while on the Wii, the last of the great games on the series will be coming out. So by the time the Wii has died down, the new Nintendo system will be (Hopefully) shining with great well dedicated games.

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I can see you point yes. But the wii have been out for like 3 years. Its to early to annonce a new Wii I think. If the sales are good, why introduce something new so early in Wii's console lifetime.


The early bit I do agree with, and if anything, I still think Nintendo won't do much in terms of hardware until they see how well the vitality sensor does (Too be honest, after thinking about the idea of the vitality sensor, if Nintendo show me what I am thinking that could make it really work I'll be really really happy)

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I can see you point yes. But the wii have been out for like 3 years. Its to early to annonce a new Wii I think. If the sales are good, why introduce something new so early in Wii's console lifetime.


Theres no chance of another home-console yet..it's out of the question, i'm sure of it..this probably won't be shown till E3 2011...the vitality sensor is coming out this autumn and i'm guessing Nintendo have a few things for that and theres a game called 'Zelda' everyone raves about :wink:..that'll take us well into spring 2011...the Wii has probably another year or so left yet and thats fine.


The DS however, has been with us for quite sometime now..i'm guessing a new handheld would resemble something like a DS (so it's backwards compatible) but also has new features too..i reckon it may be bigger too...perhaps the DS XL was to see the consumers reaction on a bigger handheld? It's a test..just my two-cents..i personally wouldn't splash out on a DS XL as i'm 80% sure we'll see a new handheld from Nintendo this year.


My views of course! : peace:

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