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Lost: The Final Season


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In relation to your complaints concerning the episode title, remember what Sayid said to Jack before he went boom; 'It's got to be you'. Considering Jack's development as a character over this season it's pretty clear where the writers are taking him.



Although this is Lost.


Fucking Lost.


That simply could just mean since Sayid was gonna go running off with the bomb and he expected Jack might possibly be the only survivor off the sub :heh:


I don't think it'll be Jack, simply because he is the obvious choice, he's the one everyone already expects to be the candidate. this being Lost the unexpected is more likely.... then again with the writers being fairly lazy in their disposal of Lipdus, Jin & Sun I guess they could also take the easy way out and have Jack be the candidate since it's already expected... that or just kill everyone off anyway :heh:


I'm still pulling for Hurely or some sort of twist surprise and it be Desmond



As you said this is fraking Lost afterall, who knows

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In relation to your complaints concerning the episode title, remember what Sayid said to Jack before he went boom; 'It's got to be you'. Considering Jack's development as a character over this season it's pretty clear where the writers are taking him.



Although this is Lost.


Fucking Lost.


Yeah this is true. Matthew Fox actually really impressed me this episode. Usually I find Jack pretty tedious and samey but


the bit where he was standing over the c4 telling Sawyer not to blow it up was utterly great.


Aside from that, pretty good episode, no emotional punch given they all still exist in the flashsides though..


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Think about the symbolic conflict between Jack and Locke - it's been there since season one. It has to be him.


Exactly. And

Sayid's line confirms it. "because it's gonna be you, Jack". Reckon he knows as Des told him


Just watched the new ep and...


I'd imagine since we've got three episodes left with these guys last night's episode was the beginning of

many deaths as these guys do whatever it takes to stop Flocke, with Jack the last man standing to sink the island and end it for good. No one's going home from that timeline. They're all martyrs to the cause.


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Exactly. And
Sayid's line confirms it. "because it's gonna be you, Jack". Reckon he knows as Des told him




I'd imagine since we've got three episodes left with these guys last night's episode was the beginning of

many deaths as these guys do whatever it takes to stop Flocke, with Jack the last man standing to sink the island and end it for good. No one's going home from that timeline. They're all martyrs to the cause.


There is only four episodes left and the final is a two parter on the Sunday on the last week of May for US.

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I haven't been a huge fan of season 6 in general (a bit too mythological for my liking), but that was a fantastic episode.


Everything on the sub was brilliant. As soon as Sayid became 'evil Sayid' at the beginning of the season I considered his character dead, and this was a great way to write him out, doing something heroic. Similarly, once the Losties no longer needed the plane to get back, I had a feeling that Frank's days were numbered. It's just a shame he was so underused in the season. I was most shocked about the deaths of Sun and Jin, but I suppose they've been fairly underused too, and it was nice their story ended together. I had a feeling something might happen to them because of the unbelievably spoilerish headline 'Dae Kim: 'Jin has poetic Lost ending'' on Digital Spy..:angry:.

I'm glad we're definitely clear that MIB is definitely the villain now. I didn't really like the idea that we should be feeling sorry for him. Does that mean we should be supporting Widmore, though? Because I've been a Ben supporter for so long, I don't really like that either.. Speaking of Ben, I really hope he's back in it soon - it's a shame such a major character has rather fizzled out this season.

Flash-sideways was pretty interesting, although I haven't really been a fan of them in general, and it was great to see Bernard again! :D I'm just waiting for him and Rose to come strolling along during the epic battle in the final episode...

Can't wait to find out what happens next, but judging by the promo / sneak peeks for next week's episode, we may need to wait two weeks to find out... Still, if we're going to find out who the Adam and Eve skeletons are before the end of the season, it looks like next week is the perfect time!



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There is only four episodes left and the final is a two parter on the Sunday on the last week of May for US.


I said there's three episodes left with our Losties. Cos next week

(apart from one scene) we won't be seeing them.


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Exactly. And
Sayid's line confirms it. "because it's gonna be you, Jack". Reckon he knows as Des told him




I'd imagine since we've got three episodes left with these guys last night's episode was the beginning of

many deaths as these guys do whatever it takes to stop Flocke, with Jack the last man standing to sink the island and end it for good. No one's going home from that timeline. They're all martyrs to the cause.


about your theory. I can see it has merits and thoughts behind it...but I refuse to accept that flash sideways Desmond's efforts to somehow recouncil the two worlds will be in vain...this could be as a result of my man love for him lol.


Although it really wouldn't surprise me if the last scene is of Jack and Locke sat on the island just like Jacob and MIB did at the end of Season 4 (?) It's not what I want but it could be...


Also few little points:


WTF with Sayid...I'm glad he finally came round and became himself after they made the sub, presumably because he was no longer under MIB/Locke's influence. It is however slightly annoying how they havn't explained it...they have always been keen to say dead is dead...yet with Sayid we have a character seemingly dead but not dead with no explanation, unlike Locke and the various dead people we have encountered via Hurley (on that note, wtf is Jacob?!)


Also Sun and Jin why the hell would they speak english except for once at a moment of such anguish, you would surely speak your native language as you faced up to impending death. I still however found their deaths very touching and awful and was close to tears.


I also hope Ben and Richard still have a massive part to play.


On another note my girlfriend gave me this link from her beloved Canadian press;




its hard to argue with some of the points. I am still enjoying this season however its no where near as good as last season.

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Having just watched 6.15, I think it curious how, as the show's progressed, it has embraced its more sci-fi & fantastical nature. The viewers, like a certain heroic Doc on the show, have been guided away from wanting answers based in science to answers based upon faith. Nowhere is that clearer than in tonight's ep.


What a perfect way to end the episode though. Seeing Jack/Locke and Jacob/MiB in the caves in those two scenes together was just chilling.


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Newest episode was good. Not really the Christmas morning of answers I was expecting though.


I expected a bit more from the episode.


So they explained where Jacob and his brother (why didn't they just tell us his name..) come from, how his brother becomes the smoke monster and the skeletons in the cave with the stones. I read somewhere that that part of the episode was meant to explain that the writers knew what they were doing all along. I don't really believe that, but it was an easy part to tie-in.


In true Lost fashion whilst being told a bit more, we've got more questions. Who was the woman, where did she come from? So the light, what is it really and whats its purpose? But I guess it does explain why the candidates were on the island, Jacob needed to find a successor.


And I hate how Lost makes me change allegiances all the time, I use to hate Linus, then it made me like him and even pity him. The smoke dude I have changed sides multiple times. After this episode I kind of feel sorry for him, all he wanted was to go home. But I guess there's more to it than that, what with him being 'special'..


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There was one thing that bugged me about this episode


The bodies. This episode was set in 23AD and yet the bodies would have crumbled into dust long long long before Jack, Kate and Locke found them. Jack himself said they were 50 years old


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I expected a bit more from the episode.


In true Lost fashion whilst being told a bit more, we've got more questions. Who was the woman, where did she come from? So the light, what is it really and whats its purpose? But I guess it does explain why the candidates were on the island, Jacob needed to find a successor.


And I hate how Lost makes me change allegiances all the time, I use to hate Linus, then it made me like him and even pity him. The smoke dude I have changed sides multiple times. After this episode I kind of feel sorry for him, all he wanted was to go home. But I guess there's more to it than that, what with him being 'special'..


I think it comes down to how the writers want us to make our own conclusions.


The Woman came to the island by mistake, she claimed, just as Jacob/MiB's mother did. That is as far back as the writers want to explain. Maybe before then there had been a previous protector from whom she had taken over, but the writers have decided that's as much as we need to know. The light is whatever electromagnetic shizzle has the power to heal people, make them immortal, turn them into smoke monsters... That could be some Godly energy, or some scientfic phenomena that's just unexplainable. The writers have often referenced the midichlorians of the Star Wars universe - that fans could believe in a Force, but once the Prequels tried to explain it in scientific terms it became innately uninteresting. So that's all the writers are giving us, and they're letting us decide for ourselves.


Giving MiB some backstory makes him a more rounded and interesting character and I did feel sorry for him too. But this is set in 2AD, and, in the present day, we must remember that he has just killed off a trio of our regulars. He definitely is the big bad going into the last three and a half hours of the show.



There was one thing that bugged me about this episode


The bodies. This episode was set in 23AD and yet the bodies would have crumbled into dust long long long before Jack, Kate and Locke found them. Jack himself said they were 50 years old


Yeh, I thought about this too. Either

a) their immortalness made them decompose super slowly or b) the writers screwed up


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There was one thing that bugged me about this episode


The bodies. This episode was set in 23AD and yet the bodies would have crumbled into dust long long long before Jack, Kate and Locke found them. Jack himself said they were 50 years old


TBF the can probably explain that away with 'well time doesn't pass normally on the island' - what with Alpart not ageing and so on. Though I do agree.


Anyway, my favorite part of the episode was being amused by how much one of the kids looked like a young Zac Effron..


Having just watched 6.15, I think it curious how, as the show's progressed, it has embraced its more sci-fi & fantastical nature. The viewers, like a certain heroic Doc on the show, have been guided away from wanting answers based in science to answers based upon faith. Nowhere is that clearer than in tonight's ep.


What a perfect way to end the episode though. Seeing Jack/Locke and Jacob/MiB in the caves in those two scenes together was just chilling.


I dunno I kind of disagree,

felt like the writers going 'hey!! remember Adam and Eve? From the first series? Anyone?', as if a lazy way of explaining the relevance to the people who aren't that big fans of the show.


Flashforward does that alot and it always smacks of crap writing.


All in all, interesting enough episode, if a little dull, and

interesting to see how utterly gormless Jacob is.. it would be nice to have a bit of clarification about the crazy woman / fake mother though.


Oh, also: is Jacob the same actor as the kid that MiB kept seeing earleir in the season?


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All in all, interesting enough episode, if a little dull, and
interesting to see how utterly gormless Jacob is.. it would be nice to have a bit of clarification about the crazy woman / fake mother though.


Oh, also: is Jacob the same actor as the kid that MiB kept seeing earleir in the season?


But then Jack is gormless as well... the perfect Candidate! :grin:


And yes to your question. Same actor.

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I enjoyed the ep, in fact when it ended, I was like "WTF, that was short?" even though the full 40 odd mins had passed, thought it would go on a bit more...


.... I was waiting for MiB to reappear to Jacob at the end, like turning from Smoke to Man and seeing Jacobs reaction.


Like some have mentioned this ep really made you feel sorry for MiB, hell even after remembering he just killed a ton of people I still feel sorry for him. And I think Jacob is really a bit of a dick and a tool who apparently never made a decision for himself ever.


Hell if the woman never killed their mother and/or just let MiB go there would have been a lot less heartache, surely letting him leave before becoming blood thirsty black smoke would have done no harm.


Here's another question though, if the woman stopped MiB from building the wheel, then how did it end up built in the future?





There was one thing that bugged me about this episode


The bodies. This episode was set in 23AD and yet the bodies would have crumbled into dust long long long before Jack, Kate and Locke found them. Jack himself said they were 50 years old


I was thinking the exact same thing, silly writers... in fact ...


when they were doing the flashback bit with Kate/Jack/Locke finding the skeletons I was waiting for Jack to mention it looked they were there for about 50years


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Another good episode but alot of viewers are find it confusing because it didnt spell out things to them and for that the viewers find it as the worse episode yet. :hmm:


Even after you puzzle it all together, it was a pretty lame episode. Really very lame indeed.



Here's another question though, if the woman stopped MiB from building the wheel, then how did it end up built in the future?

Well, he did have another 2000 years to dig again. And since he was still able to manifest himself with a human form, like when he first spoke to Richard, I don't really see the doubt.



Also, I wonder just how MIB lost the ability to manifest itself in human form in the future.

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Pretty interesting interview with Damon and Carlton regarding the latest ep. Though it's a shame as they really come off as pretty over-defensive and self important in it. Lots of "Get over that, you aint getting an answer" type answers. Cannot believe that it looks like we're not getting an answer to...

who was shooting at the losties in the other boat during one of their flashes through time. They say they know the answer but couldn't get around to it. Kinda bull with the amount of filler and 'pissing about doing nada in the temple' this season has had. There's actually been a fair bit of boating for them to get onto it in my opinion anyway. Seriously, don't introduce something like that if you don't plan on delivering on it.


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WTF, saying that they know who was shooting at the timetravelling losties, but their not going to tells us, just screams, "we actually have no clue who was doing the shooting and it wasn't till now that we realised we had no way to solve that part and we now we wish we never wrote that scene"

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