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Pokémon Black & White


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So... most of the big Pokesites have received Cease & Desist letters from Nintendo's lawyers regarding the display of images from the new games.


I don't really think it's legit, as they've been relatively cool before this, but if this is a true legit email from their lawyers, what a bunch of cunts.

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Pokebeach is lol.


As posted yesterday:

We just received a letter from a Nintendo lawyer (edited to remove personal info obviously) asking to take down all of our Black and White images or bad stuff will happen. I called the lawyer through his law firm and he said he'll be making the rounds on other Pokemon sites as well. I was the first website on their list. I'm about to go out while Bangiras plays the game due to a small family emergency but I have 24 hours to remove the images, which means they'll be gone by tomorrow afternoon (Sunday). Joy! Anyways, we'll continue to play the game and report what we find like we've been doing.


Since us posting images of Black and White "has the potential to cause substantial damage to Nintendo," we have obviously complied with their wishes. All recent images of the games have been replaced by Ditto, a Pokemon from 1996 who we feel will best represent Pokemon's current image. We've also taken the liberty to change the name of this site to "PokerBeach" since we figured using "Poké" also has the chance of causing substantial damage to Nintendo's property. We hope that all English-speakers will remove images of Black and White from their websites, forums, blogs, YouTubes, Facebooks, instant messages, e-mails, homes, and minds since under law Nintendo has the right to declare any media they want, on any website they want, illegal and out of the domain of fair use [luckily criticism isn't]. We hope everyone will comply with their wishes or Pokemon may end up in the gutter, since covering and advertising new games for free is obviously counter-productive to Nintendo's sales. I mean, images of the games will obviously cost more damage than minor Isshus like this. Why go after the big guys when you can waste your lawyers' time on small fan sites that only help your franchise?

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Even if this was originally played on a pirate version, it's fucking Serebii, he's going to buy the game multiple times due to the Jap release and then the English one. And a portion of his forum will also buy multiple language versions, so they can chip into the discovery thread.


Nintendo can go suck a dick. It's total reverse thinking, unless they plan to remove content from the English release, which is the majority of events planned for any Pokemon game as of late.. I wanted to actually catch Arceus, not just given to me on a platter thanks to your laziness.


"Aww I wanted to see what the game looked like, I guess i'l pirate it to find out"

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So... most of the big Pokesites have received Cease & Desist letters from Nintendo's lawyers regarding the display of images from the new games.


Wow...I wonder what their reasoning is. I mean, it's sites like Serebii's that keep people interested in these games, but also enhance the actual gaming experience with the databases...

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They could be coming from video capturing software. As Serebii showed above he does own the game and its not impossible that he could be getting screens through that method.


That's how it's meant to look and for legality reasons he is required to own a copy of the game... but we all know this is the Internet and that isn't how it works.


I'm sure there's a way out of this though.

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I find this disgusting on Nintendo's part. Even if they were worrying that some of these sites might be using ROMs surely they would need to be able to prove it. In Serebii's case I'm sure he kept he order reciept etc (aswell as the phyiscal game itself) to shown he owns a legit copy of the game.


Really these sites serve as massive free adverts for Nintendo and help keep hype about the games high from the day the game is announced right through to it's release in all areas.


Such fansites are pure labours of love by their webmasters and I find it very disturbing that Nintendo could basically shit on that devotion to their products.

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According to some comments on Kotaku, both sites were caught using a ROM at the first day of coverage. Although I fail to see the problem as they clearly had ordered it like they do every generation, these activities possibly got them upset:


Some one doing the coverage on Pokebeach admitted using a ROM on forums.


Serebii at one point in the coverage (and I can't vouch for this as I never saw it) mentioned how he was not gaining experience from battles and noted how he thought the first few battles were just training for beginners to get to grips with how things work, when in fact it's an anti-piracy method they included.


They probably saw this as advertising that the ROM is available and decided to jump to the conclusion that the admins of both websites were forms of role models and it may rub off on the community as a way of seeing piracy is okay, which is totally wrong.


Many people were going to pirate it any way, which is illegal and has been noted on both forums that any discussion in relation to the ROM and it's location and cracking methods will not be permitted. So they idiotically punished the ones who were caught using the ROM, despite being 2 of the largest english Pokemon fansites on the internet.


But what's more disgusting is that they know these fan sites absolutely love the series and weren't going to stop the coverage due to the screenshot set back. So now Nintendo has their cake and can eat it too, as let's face it, the totally dick move only cost them some respect which let's be honest, is going to be ancient history when the game's are released, no one's going to boycott it. They punished, they still get free advertising and no one can argue back. Ass holes.

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Serebii at one point in the coverage (and I can't vouch for this as I never saw it) mentioned how he was not gaining experience from battles and noted how he thought the first few battles were just training for beginners to get to grips with how things work, when in fact it's an anti-piracy method they included.

The lack of gaining experience at the beginning is to discourage people pirating it?

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Pokemon Black and White first Japanese week sale




Best opening in Japan ever, finally beating FFVIII in just 2 days.


Biggest 1st week

[PS1] Final Fantasy VIII (Square) - 2.504.044 / 2.504.044

[NDS] Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Square Enix) - 2.343.440 / 2.343.440

[PS2] Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (Square Enix) - 2.236.881 / 2.236.881

[PS1] Final Fantasy VII (Square) - 2.034.879 / 2.034.879

[PS1] Final Fantasy IX (Square) - 1.954.421 / 1.954.421



Edited by killer kirby
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The lack of gaining experience at the beginning is to discourage people pirating it?


I think the idea is there's no XP gain at all, not just at the beginning.


I'm confused, so the version Serebii has he can't get any experience as an anti-piracy measure?


Okay it seems I had a poor choice of words in my original post that has been confused.


Basically in the pirate version before it was cracked, Nintendo included a piece of anti-pirate software which would freeze the game in random intervals (I believe it's random, I haven't heard anything suggesting it's not) and no matter how much you battled, you would never gain experience points.


Of course this works brilliantly for those families who have flash carts who aren't tech savvy as they'l just give up on the game, but a lot of people will work on cracks and wait for them.


So, according to Kotaku comments, Serebii had noted that he was not gaining any experience points and believed the first few battles may just be catering towards new audiences so they can get to grips with how the game works, when in fact it was actually the anti-piracy software.


So, it was confirmed that Serebii had been using the ROM and Nintendo may have been upset with this. Which is still retarded, as it's a given he was waiting for his Japanese copy any way.

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I've spoken to the lawyers and it was because of the posting of all 156 new Pokemon prior to the release of the game. These images were leaked by Pokexperto and posted on Serebii.net on good faith but that obviously pissed Nintendo off


I've been given the goahead to post images as per fair use

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