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Pokémon Black & White


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I don't understand why Nintendo aren't using anime more throughout their pokemon games now that they're on the DS. Push the series forward, give it an anime intro... a few anime cutscenes throughout, and gym leader intro's etc...


It would look far more slick than the crude 3D of the HG/SS intro!


Professor Layton is a good example to follow (and shows how lazy Nintendo have got with Pokemon)... anime cutscenes, nice 2D backgrounds/characters for conversations, and then the sprites for the main game.

That'd be god awful and would alienate a significant portion of the fanbase

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The thing is, the very original designs of the 'mon for Generation I were more... I don't want to say 'gritty', but they almost seemed less kid-friendly/'colourful' than the visual sensibility the cartoons brought in. Just look at the images in the user manual for Red/Blue.


Yet it seemed after the cartoon became popularised, the designs in subsequent games naturally converged towards the style of the cartoon. Not massively so - they still kept their own feel - but I felt it was something that was noticeable.


We went from rbspr001.png to gby001.gif


Personally, I always found those very original designs far more appealing.

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The thing is, the very original designs of the 'mon for Generation I were more... I don't want to say 'gritty', but they almost seemed less kid-friendly/'colourful' than the visual sensibility the cartoons brought in. Just look at the images in the user manual for Red/Blue.


Yet it seemed after the cartoon became popularised, the designs in subsequent games naturally converged towards the style of the cartoon. Not massively so - they still kept their own feel - but I felt it was something that was noticeable.


We went from rbspr001.png to gby001.gif


Personally, I always found those very original designs far more appealing.

Ah, but the original artwork resembles the anime stuff closer than the Green or Red/Blue sprites

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A lot of people (me) hate the Pokemon anime and would like to leave that gap un-bridged.


I don't really like the look of the new game. None of the Pokemon games have really progressed beyond the original, adding psuedo 3D gimmicks don't change the fact it has the same blocky style which was once very quaint but now looks dated. The little machine is capable of so much more vibrance, heck even Golden Sun looked more alive and that was about 7 years ago.

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I'm curious to know why?


...An animated intro at least?!


Seems the games have been trying to seperate it from the anime for years..


and probably a good idea as well... Maybe an animated intro may happen but not during gameplay. I don't think it would work.. Not everyone likes anime especially older fans of the games

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Ha that's pretty funny but not sure why you quoted me:) I only said older people don't tend to like anime not pokemone itself... that has a fanbase of ALL ages.


Point is there already IS a pokemon anime and everyone knows it kinda sucks, even the games know this because it seems like it wants to distance itself ever since pokemon yellow.


That and there are a lot of people who don't like japanese style anime.


Its better off without I think. I'd rather see them focus in other areas to be honest.

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The animé is designed for 8-12 year olds. While some older people do like it, the vast majority of game players do not and some even blame it for destroying and transforming the franchise into one looked down upon as if it was kids.


The more distance they have, the better

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We have the final bits from CoroCoro released. No new images have been unveiled, but they do promise that in the next issue (due out Saturday May 15th), in addition to brand new information about the upcoming games, they're going to reveal how to obtain Zoroark. Whether this means a special means and you breed it to get Zorua or an explanation of how Zorua will evolve into Zoroark remains to be seen. We'll bring more details as and when it comes and expect clearer pictures soon.

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1UP - First Pokemon Black/White Details Trickle In


While some diehard series fans were quick to show their dismay that the new games aren't coming out on the Nintendo 3DS first, Pokemon Black and Pokemon White is still looking like a pretty decent update for the million-selling series. That's the take-home we got, at least, from a set of screenshots published in this week's issue of Famitsu magazine.


Among the things hinted at in the screens is a brand-new cityscape setting, with your trainer traveling on elevated paths (an extension of cycling roads, perhaps?) and weaving his way through tall buildings. Also depicted is a new one-stop Pokemon shop that combines the facilities of a PokeMart, Pokemon Center and Global Terminal into a single building -- the Pokemon equivalent of a Walmart Supercenter, you could say.


The setting isn't the only new thing, either. In addition to the usual sort of visual upgrades, Pokemon Black/White will feature a battle system that, if initial impressions are worth anything, will be quite a bit more dynamically depicted than before, with the battle camera switching viewpoints depending on the action and the fighters even casting realistic shadows on the ground. (The Pokemon are still 2D sprites, though, so don't expect some kind of massive Pokemon Colosseum-style graphic upgrade.)


"As you can tell from the screenshots, Pokemon Black/White's adventure takes place in an area different in nature from before," a Pokemon Company rep told Famitsu. "The new story that unfolds in this place, along with the never-seen-before Pokemon you'll encounter, will allow both old fans and people who haven't played the other games to enjoy the experience without preconceptions."


The new games have a tentative fall release date in Japan and will presumably hit American DSes sometime soon afterward.

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Hm ok so it does look like they are willing to change things more this time. Id love to see a trailer because those scans don't do it justice..


The battle thing interests me.


It is a challenge to make turn based battle interesting to watch. I can't be the only person who turns off battle animation in pokemon games to make them seem faster.


not any fault of pokemone alone though. Some of my favourite games like fire emblem and advance wars are turned off also.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to post this;


The official site updated a few hours ago with the details of the Legendary Beast events that we noted on Monday. However, in addition to this, the official site indicates that the Legendary Beasts hold a secret other than the details given. This indicates that the three Pokémon will unlock something. As we've searched through HeartGold & SoulSilver and found nothing, it seems likely that they will unlock something in Black & White. However, this remains to be seen. We'll post more details as and when we get them

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Oh yeah, I forgot to post this;


The official site updated a few hours ago with the details of the Legendary Beast events that we noted on Monday. However, in addition to this, the official site indicates that the Legendary Beasts hold a secret other than the details given. This indicates that the three Pokémon will unlock something. As we've searched through HeartGold & SoulSilver and found nothing, it seems likely that they will unlock something in Black & White. However, this remains to be seen. We'll post more details as and when we get them


Pokemon: Serious in-game data treasure hunting business.


Every fucking legendary these days unlock something, which makes the fact shit loads of them don't make their way to Europe all the more frustrating.

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Pokemon: Serious in-game data treasure hunting business.


Every fucking legendary these days unlock something, which makes the fact shit loads of them don't make their way to Europe all the more frustrating.

All the ones that unlock things have come out here...

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Crisp screenshots


Oh, and unfortunately 1Up is guessing. While it seems likely due to the distortion of Zoroark and Zorua's sprites, I wouldn't say it is just yet


Caves! Yeah! My Favourite! Now with 3D Zubats!

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Pokemon's ostensible simplicity was perfectly echoed in its Black and White graphics and 8-bit sound card. The more colour and 3D they add to it, the less appealing it gets.


There was something so charming by the little flecks of colour when you played Red or Blue on a GBC, and the soundtrack was perfect. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic.

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Pokemon's ostensible simplicity was perfectly echoed in its Black and White graphics and 8-bit sound card. The more colour and 3D they add to it, the less appealing it gets.


There was something so charming by the little flecks of colour when you played Red or Blue on a GBC, and the soundtrack was perfect. Maybe I'm just being nostalgic.

You are. Try playing them now, it'll make you want to take a knife to your gameboy

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