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Is the price confirmed as £350?


...still £100 more than my netbook...


Actually no :) But surely it'll be about that. £399 TOPS.


But it isn't like your netbook... it's different. Better in some ways, worse than others. I don't think it replaces the laptop/netbook, it's a different product. It can replace it for 'some' people, but not me and clearly not most people on here. But if you can afford it, I think it is an incredible product.


What's this about the book store? Why would there be problems?

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Actually no :) But surely it'll be about that. £399 TOPS.


The Mac mini (120Gb) in the US is WHAT? $599 and HERE it's £510.


And FOR the added 3G (Honestly, why would you get it without) that's ANOTHER $130...so AROUND £80-100?


Like I said, reading books off it be a pain. I'd never read a book of a computer screen - my eyes are strained enough when just surfing the web. E-ink, no problem.


Not a CRITICISM of the iPad specifically but I also don't GET watching video on the go. Why would you want to watch something on THE go. I've watched a couple episodes of South Park on the bus on my Touch and that was kind of nice but I'd never pull an iPad out on the BUS partly because I don't want PEOPLE looking over my shoulder (Really annoying on the tube) and partly because I don't want to be mugged and left for dead (that being the main issue).

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None of those are frequent enough occurrences for me to do that tbh and I don't remember a recent plane trip that didn't have in-flight movies.


The second point makes sense, but then I don't have clients. :heh:


Since you're locked to that OS it means you can't download anything. I'd miss my torrents, massively.


Does iPlayer/4oD work? Download or not?

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For £350...how is all the above "shit"?


Well, not just £350 for what you listed there; add on the monthly charge.


Plus, like Daft said, you would need to add some on for your 3G model.


Also, you directly compare it to a laptop/netbook in your last point.


...but if you're going to directly compare it on your last point then most of your other points are invalid.


So I've been thinking more about it and the only thing that excites me is the App store.


That was the only thing to really excite me about the iPhone to be honest.


I wouldn't be surprised that I'll be picking up the 3rd gen of these when I have money spare and I go on a binge.

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Yeah planes have inflight films, but the quality of the image, size of the screen, insane cropping and censorship make it a pale alternative.


iplayer, cathuptv work, don't know about 4onD


Whatever the case on a plane, you're going to have to combat the sound of huge engines, good luck.


That's crap about iPlayer et all.


I think it's dumb to get this without 3G. It's frustrating enough not having it on my Touch. I'll get an iPhone next time (or a Dell Mini 5).

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Whatever the case on a plane, you're going to have to combat the sound of huge engines, good luck.


That's crap about iPlayer et all.


I think it's dumb to get this without 3G. It's frustrating enough not having it on my Touch. I'll get an iPhone next time (or a Dell Mini 5).


Huh, sorry. I meant iplayer and catchup DO work. Don't know about 4onD, never tried it.


I'm definitely getting the 64G 3G version of this. Can't wait :D

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You would spend £650 on a bigger iPod touch then? (Your own words)


My PC cost about £650 altogether. i7 with 6GB DDR3 RAM, 1.5 TB hard drive, 22" monitor, top of the range graphics card. I'm aware that it's significantly less portable but come on....

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I'd agree with that too, looking at the rates they use on various products I would say we're probably looking at prices something along the lines of: £400, £475, £550 for the basic models and then the 3g models being about £100 on top.


Right now I think I'm going to go for the very base model. My iPhone has never even come close to it's 8GB capacity so I reckon 16GB in one of these will do me fine.

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