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So Headhunter on the Dreamcast, apparently pretty good? Anyone ever played it? I'm about to start it for a truly random reason. When I put a H on my phone for some reason it goes to autofill Head-Hunter, even though I have never written the word. I took it as a sign!









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At the time I thought this was a Fantastic game, reallly, really good.

I'm not sure how it'll holds up now, but it was one of my favourite Dreamcast games.


The motorbike is a little awkward, but you can play around it, though there's a mission later on that requires driving it under a time limit... that may frustrate you, but play on!

I loved driving around certain parts of the map on my bike, especially the tunnels and one other movie inspired area!


It gets a bit random towards the end, you'll see what I mean, but it's a game with a great style to it.


The VR training missions to 'level up' are also really great!!


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..you know, you starting into it may finally prompt me to delve into Headhunter too :hehe:


I've had it as my next Dreamcast game to play for a while (well, if I could decide between it and Shenmue II) but with the overwhelming amount of other games begging for my time, which has been scarce, I haven't been able to begin either game :hmm:


I'm quite looking forward to it :smile:

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At the time I thought this was a Fantastic game, reallly, really good.

I'm not sure how it'll holds up now, but it was one of my favourite Dreamcast games.


The motorbike is a little awkward, but you can play around it, though there's a mission later on that requires driving it under a time limit... that may frustrate you, but play on!

I loved driving around certain parts of the map on my bike, especially the tunnels and one other movie inspired area!


It gets a bit random towards the end, you'll see what I mean, but it's a game with a great style to it.


The VR training missions to 'level up' are also really great!!





I remember you bringing it round to mine once and playing loads of it, I then bought it for myself and loved it!


Was that motorbike bit where you had to diffuse the different bombs in different locations? If it was then that was annoying, not so much for the motorbike sections (which I don't recall being overly tricky?) but I always messed up the last bomb code!

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Was that motorbike bit where you had to diffuse the different bombs in different locations? If it was then that was annoying, not so much for the motorbike sections (which I don't recall being overly tricky?) but I always messed up the last bomb code!
haha, sshhh, I didn't want to give any of the game away, but yeah that's the bit!


Remember the bug in the training levels on the 2nd playthrough (Headhunter v2/Hard Mode) that prevented me going any further, making it unfinishable...

I thought I'd have a quick look on the internet and see if anyone else had the same problem and...




Maybe you know about the bug in V2?

That is after completing it, you can play HeadHunter v2 (basically more difficult, with some extras), but the game has a bug in the second LEILA test that prevents you from advancing the game (I'm talking about my original GDs)... but one night some years ago i was a little drunk, just enough not to remember the bug and after trying around 20~30 times i actually got past the guy that wouldn't turn around after you toss the coin... so you can actually finish HHV2!!!

It was so stupid! Edited by Retro_Link
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Well played it for about 2ish hours. I do like it, think whilst yes the graphics have obviously aged they've aged pretty well. I think the characters art direction means they still kinda look good. Sort of in between trying to be realistic and team fortress?


I think for an action game it starts pretty slow lots of cut scenes and whilst those news bulletins things are funny they were starting to do my nut in abit.


The controls are so so a bit of mess to be honest in many respects. Sick of having to constantly centre the camera behind me but you forget how games used to be before twin analogue sticks. I mean its ok and functional but nothing more and as a component as it is, still could be termed as game breaking to a modern gamer.


Also blimey the bike controls I was trying to weave through traffic Burnout Bikes style that was never gonna happen.


I hate the license bits what an annoying set of tasks with arbitrary rules that restricts your progress. URGH...looks like they are something have to come back to as well...


I think I will play it a bit more but its not instantly grabbed me but still given me enough to perhaps wanna come back for more and give it a bit more time, whether I end up playing it through to the end if another thing all together though.

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I have a copy of the soundtrack signed by Richard Jacques. Who wants to touch me?


I consider both Headhunter games to toe the line between "alright" and "good" with certain elements — the soundtrack, the story, the news reports — greatly overshadowing the actual gameplay. They're also both very loose and unfinished feeling, and were so at the time; the baseline quality of games is so much higher than it used to be.


That said I'd actually love to see the series be reborn. I think the bounty hunting concept and satirical near-future setting are really interesting, and if the actual game came anywhere near the quality of production/construction as Uncharted 2...

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It's a real shame because I guess it just hasn't aged well, it possibly would have made it into my Top 5 Dreamcast games (hmm... Sonic Adventure, Code Veronica, Shenmue 1/2, Powerstone...), yeah probably just outside, but definately up there. I'd have given it around 90% at the time!


@ Aimless, yeah it was definately a great concept! I didn't give the sequel a go because I didn't have a PS2, but I think it got quite average reviews. A reboot could work!... but as quite an unknown franchise it would have pretty strong competition from 3rd person shooters/action adventures like Gears, Uncharted, Resi etc... nowadays.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I loved this game and is deffinately still one of my faves. I got it on release and played a long way into it and got stuck on one of the bosses near the end and gave up for a while.(years)

About 3 months ago I actually finished the game.

I got Headhunter 2 on Xbox, but just couldnt get into it.

All I need to do now is try and complete my first ever Dreamcast game Blue Stinger which I started and got stuck near the end so gave up.

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