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Rage Against The Machine Xmas No. 1 2009

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Louise walsh is such a gomb like.

Makes you sick to be irish at times. He said the cranberries were shit once as well on a show.


Simon's comments are interesting about knowing not everyone likes x factor. He doesn't seem like the type of person that will do nothing about this.


But....Cranberries are shit.

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But....Cranberries are shit.


well that's open to opinion but even if louise walsh called fall out boy shit I'd be offended :D

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Yeah, fuck those people who didn't buy their one single for 29p or anything! I sure hope none of the old school or loyal long term fans end up getting free tickets to their gig, what a bloody waste of a free gig. For some reason that's all I could think when I read your post. I'm indifferent and care not either way, I like what I've heard of rage but all in all, I'm not a rager



As for people who are 'big', I guess Leona Lewis and Alexandra Burke are, but they both won and dissappeared for a year. Plus they're the last two years' winners, though I find their music fairly unremarkable. Interestingly Joe implied/said pretty outright that he's going to dissappear for a year too before another song is out? Makes me wonder why they do that. Personally, I think out of all the people to sort of come out of these shows, Will Young is the best in my mind. Girls Aloud are ok, but I find them a bit generic at times as well, I do find it slightly amusing when I think the only reason Cherly Cole is on a show like X-Factor is thanks to a show like X-Factor.


I would have thought all the Rage fans would have bought it anyway. The "arseholes" in my post is more the people who joined the Facebook group to be a part of it, but who didn't care enough to spend 29p on it.

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I would have thought all the Rage fans would have bought it anyway. The "arseholes" in my post is more the people who joined the Facebook group to be a part of it, but who didn't care enough to spend 29p on it.

Damn them people for just showing their support in spirit.

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My point is, I'm hoping there will be some sort of system to ensure that everyone who gets a ticket to the free gig actually contributed to getting the song to #1.

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My point is, I'm hoping there will be some sort of system to ensure that everyone who gets a ticket to the free gig actually contributed to getting the song to #1.

I feel where you're coming from. But I fear it may be impossible. Most likely people will submit their name to, basically, a giant raffle. Or answer some question like the competitions we run here on N-E.


Sadly that will most likely comprise of people who didn't buy the song 2+ times. You may even get some foreigners trying to get in on the action. Don't hate them.

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My point is, I'm hoping there will be some sort of system to ensure that everyone who gets a ticket to the free gig actually contributed to getting the song to #1.


That would be the way i would offer the tickets out. But, i personally don't think it would work. Because 1/2 of the sales probably were made by duplicate purchases from the same person. Leaving the ones who bought one copy i.e. people like me, from probably having a chance of getting one.


Still, am pleased Killing in the Name got to number 1.

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Legally no...I doubt the federal court will hold them to it. But they promised and I can't see them really backing down from that.


Anyone seen apparently The X-Factor is considering bumping the finale next week so that "they can guarantee a number one" (although that was "a source" so dubious if those are the actual words). Made me laugh.

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I've been away and busy the last few days, so didn't watch much telly, didn't listen to the radio and had lack of Internets. So, to come home and see that Rage actually made it Number One for Christmas is great. I heard someone say that it was the most competitive Christmas Number One Battle in years, and it has been a great one. I had a little chat with my Mum yesterday about it, and she loves the X-Factor, but even she agreed that it's unfair for the X-Factor winner to then win the christmas number one each year almost un-challenged. It was a monopoly.


Hopefully this will open the door next year for some good battles for the number one spot. If it makes the winner less predictable and it makes the competition actually a competition, then good. I'm just chuffed Rage did it. Great song, great band, and a great set of guys.

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Anyone seen apparently The X-Factor is considering bumping the finale next week so that "they can guarantee a number one"

Huh? I don't understand.

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Huh? I don't understand.

I assume he means they'll finish it a week earlier next year so it's not the Christmas number one spot up for grabs.

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A ha! Thank you! Rather brain dead this afternoon. Christmas Eve mulled wine is clearly taking effect.

Ah yes, I do believe it's mulled wine o'clock for me too :D


(I could be wrong, he did write ''next week'')

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But....Cranberries are shit.


No they aren't... they aren't like one of the best bands either but they have some decent songs Imhapo*


*In my humble and pointless opinion


Oh and Louis Walsh is a knob.**



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Wait...what? I was talking about literal cranberries, like...the food. Although in my opinion, they really aren't food.

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Wait...what? I was talking about literal cranberries, like...the food. Although in my opinion, they really aren't food.


Oh... forgiven then :)



^ Cranberries.


Zombie :heart:

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