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Comedy Rainbow


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  • 3 weeks later...
Brisk north westerly fail gale. Could they even have got any worse? :(


Please, don't make it worse. I am begging you Rez.


Break-down from Jimbob's perspective/review


Definetly the worst so far.


And what foods are better and worse with salt, i think they were missed out my friend.


Your "Nien" sketch was the most predictable, even more so than the Rainbow 10 "Nien" and thats coming from me.


Don't get me started with "Shitter". Please don't.


Scare Claire seemed a tad staged this time around, like she was knowing you were coming as such.


No Phil, not sure if that was a relief or not.


Mountain Dew/Jew...........:shakehead...........


Seriously, Comedy Rainbow needs drastic improving. The early episodes were excellent (i say this lightly). I chuckled at many scenes, and i though things were improving with 10 a bit.


I'll score this 2/10. Only because Claire saved it at the end in the Out-takes.


(please don't hate me for this, i'm only giving my honest opinion - (preparing for the flock to come and hunt me down))

Edited by Jimbob
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Do you find it funny yourself, ReZ? When you watch the videos back, what do you think yourself?


I hated the Shitter bit. I just don't think you can do the toilet humour (literally) gags all that well. It's something that needs to come through with delivery, and when you rehearse things, you lose the impact of it.


Like with gag about toffee, you'd rehearsed it to get it right, but it seemed to come across very flat. I know that's your humour, but in my opinion, to get that deadpan humour you need to be very, very good.


I thought the sketch with the aftershave wasn't too bad. Not the worst sketch you've done.


The sketch where:


She shouted "I've got no clothes onnnnn"



I don't think that was scripted, was it? It was funny because of her reaction. The first one you did wasn't as good though, imo.


Also, sorry dude, like the others I thought the puns were very flat. Just didn't get a reaction from me. Maybe it's something that would seem funnier written down.

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I enjoyed as usual Mr Jamieson! Some of your shitter faces/noises were epicly terrifying and I mean that in a very good way! The naked Phil compilation was fab. For some reason I hear the black beauty music in my head whenever I see his nekkid body. I liked the broadening of Scare Claire into the realm of physical violence! Excellent!

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Subliminal: I do hope that location is yours, because I'm going to be sending you some of my shit.

"I don't know if you've heard": Terrible.

Guess the sound: I see the smug "This was funny, laugh here" pose has made an [un]welcome return:


Rabbi: Once the punchline [which admittedly was clever] was delivered you just warbled on which decreased its entertainment value. Plus the weird screaming afterwards? WHY?

Foods that benefit from salt: ... What.

Pizza oven: Please explain*

Fun with a pun: Just like how it wouldn't be Comedy Rainbow without Phil getting his kit off, it wouldn't be the same without you drawing a veiny cock. Looks more Bill Clinton than Gordon Brown[?]

Jonnys: The ending was good. But I was desensitized by the flaming queen-esque dancing. Although the shit pattern looks different from where I thought the arsehole was.

Foods that don't benefit from salt: ... What.

Hemp bag: Please explain*

Scare Claire: Nice to see Claire with her hair up. But as Jimbobmon said, seemed a little fixed.

Scare Claire Extra: It is good to see you catering for the heterosexual community by getting a bit of female flesh on show:



Top draw.


Syringes: Shit.

Nein: These are sadly too predictable, as you see it coming after a wave of irrelevant bullshit.

Irish: Is this a potential series? [internationally speaking]

Phils Greatest Hits: No words to say. Was that you perving on him?

Google Translate: Could've been so much better if you hadn't cut to a screenshot.

Shitter: Just no.

Outtakes: I do like how you're getting worked up over Claire. Imagine her anger when you "scare" her.




*If it's a simple case of remixing the punchlines, this takes that facepalm thing to a whole new level.

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Hemp bag: Please explain*.



Should explain all Mr Murray


Now that i thought about it a little., i may have got the pizza pun now. Clever Rez (and i don't say that often).


I hear-by give myself this



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Have you lost weight?


Erm don't think so. In fact I've put on weight fairly recently, however I have had a hair cut which probably makes my face look slightly less fat.




Should explain all Mr Murray


Now that i thought about it a little., i may have got the pizza pun now. Clever Rez (and i don't say that often).


I hear-by give myself this




:p Indeed, for anyone still not quite getting it, hemp bag = got fired, pizza oven = got sacked. Its bad....but yeah.


Seriously, Comedy Rainbow needs drastic improving. The early episodes were excellent (i say this lightly). I chuckled at many scenes, and i though things were improving with 10 a bit.


I'll score this 2/10. Only because Claire saved it at the end in the Out-takes.


(please don't hate me for this, i'm only giving my honest opinion - (preparing for the flock to come and hunt me down))


Noooo, I don't mind. I'd much prefer you were honest to lie-ing.


Do you find it funny yourself, ReZ? When you watch the videos back, what do you think yourself?


I find some of it funny. But I see a lot of it so many times before the episode is made, in editting. For example, I laughed pretty much every time at Mountain Jew (personally) and I found the screaming at the end particularly hilarious. Also SPAMBOTS "getting in sync with the music" just before he starts dancing, floors me every time.


I enjoyed as usual Mr Jamieson! Some of your shitter faces/noises were epicly terrifying and I mean that in a very good way! The naked Phil compilation was fab. For some reason I hear the black beauty music in my head whenever I see his nekkid body. I liked the broadening of Scare Claire into the realm of physical violence! Excellent!


Thanks :D


Whether they're really shite, shite, or passable, it's fun watching them anyway.


You're better at Uncharted.


Agreed. But I'm glad that they're enjoyable regardless.


Rabbi: Once the punchline [which admittedly was clever] was delivered you just warbled on which decreased its entertainment value. Plus the weird screaming afterwards? WHY? I think it all added a bit. The random jew moving portraits, and the slogans, and amazing screaming.

Fun with a pun: Just like how it wouldn't be Comedy Rainbow without Phil getting his kit off, it wouldn't be the same without you drawing a veiny cock. Looks more Bill Clinton than Gordon Brown[?] Yeah I'm not good with characetures.

Scare Claire: Nice to see Claire with her hair up. But as Jimbobmon said, seemed a little fixed. Are you accusing me afixiation?

Syringes: Shit. :(

Google Translate: Could've been so much better if you hadn't cut to a screenshot. Would've been really difficult not too really. Unless I edited it in PS and then videoed that, but it would have had to have faded and may have looked worse.


I must say I'm surprised the first joke hasn't been better received. I tried it on several people in the flesh and they thought it was hilarious.


Also I was quite proud of Google Translate.




Back to the drawing board.

Edited by ReZourceman
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I'm going to commend ReZ. Because, week after week of facepalming, he laughs in the face of adversary and defeat, and yet he keeps on going. I'm sure one day his unique brand of (italics) Comedy (finish italics) will make him an ever bigger Internet sensation and grant him worldwide acclaim.


Maybe we should call it Anti-Comedy?

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Actually, ReZ, maybe that's a point: Maybe you should make an Anti-Comedy Rainbow. Something that you even yourself just think is so badly not funny. It might become a cult hit.

This almost relates to the pisstake I keep telling myself I will make.

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