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Everytime i watch Comedy Rainbow, i always await the EEVIL Breakdown. It brings the episode to a closure in my opinion.


I'm thinking of doing my break-down in the style i've done this time around on all future episodes, will that be ok everyone.

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Everytime i watch Comedy Rainbow, i always await the EEVIL Breakdown. It brings the episode to a closure in my opinion.


I'm thinking of doing my break-down in the style i've done this time around on all future episodes, will that be ok everyone.

NO! How dare you?!

Christ you're annoying. What a stupidly arrogant suggestion.

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NO! How dare you?!

Christ you're annoying. What a stupidly arrogant suggestion.


EEVIL gives one of the most honest opinions i know, probably because his humour level could be on the same level as my own. Who knows.


I think i shall be breaking down Comedy Rainbow in the new "Bullet" way. Keep an eye out guys and gals.

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I mean I have taken peoples comments on board and have tried to improve it in the areas where people said it needed improving. Lets be honest the jokes themselves aren't going to change. Its the same stuff after 14 episodes....if you don't like the comedy itself theres nothing I can do about that. Its all well and good saying "Well if you did X it would be better" I do X and then "Well its still shit". Blah blah blah.


I still think you need to have more of a public interaction. That's something I think you'd be able to do well (most people would be too shy/embarrassed to just talk to random strangers, like a couple of girls in hyde park). I think you should do it properly. Maybe pretend you're interviewing them for a show but keep subtly dropping in innuendos to see if they notice. Do something proper Trigger Happy TV style. Or maybe talk to women pretending you're interviewing them about women's rights and then have Claire walk by and start saying she's a hot bit of totty or some other chauvinistic comment. I don't know but something more full and daring.

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I still think you need to have more of a public interaction. That's something I think you'd be able to do well (most people would be too shy/embarrassed to just talk to random strangers, like a couple of girls in hyde park). I think you should do it properly. Maybe pretend you're interviewing them for a show but keep subtly dropping in innuendos to see if they notice. Do something proper Trigger Happy TV style. Or maybe talk to women pretending you're interviewing them about women's rights and then have Claire walk by and start saying she's a hot bit of totty or some other chauvinistic comment. I don't know but something more full and daring.

Now that was awesome. I was almost crying that day.

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I still think you need to have more of a public interaction. That's something I think you'd be able to do well (most people would be too shy/embarrassed to just talk to random strangers, like a couple of girls in hyde park). I think you should do it properly. Maybe pretend you're interviewing them for a show but keep subtly dropping in innuendos to see if they notice. Do something proper Trigger Happy TV style. Or maybe talk to women pretending you're interviewing them about women's rights and then have Claire walk by and start saying she's a hot bit of totty or some other chauvinistic comment. I don't know but something more full and daring.


Maybe a Banzia standard as well


Mr Shakey Hand for example.

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Honest opinions are good, epecially since ReZ handles the criticism incredibly well if you ask me. But there's no reason to utter mean comments that provide no advice or basis for improvement.


I'll just point out some of my own thoughts about this episode (in no particular order).


  • I like the new intro. Seems more prof-like. Though your singing is ... not terribly good. And perhaps it's just a bit too long? I say keep it for a few episodes to see how it feels in the long run.
  • I didn't find the opening pun that funny this time. It was cool that you brought your dad in, though.
  • Foods you can fuck ... nah, simply too predictable to me.
  • The greeting people series is a new favourite of mine. That's where your style of humour is really at its best. I also heartily endorse Moogle's idea. I believe it would be absolutely brilliant.
  • The BB sketch was simply too long, and it just wasn't that funny to me.
  • The joke lab was great. Ironically, I think I liked this pun better than the opening pun. I also feared it was beginning to drag on for too long as well, but then came the variations in the reactions (the slinky that epicly failed was for some reason incredibly funny to me) and it was all good again. Also, bonus points in this and the greeting people sketch for Claire cleavage.
  • Jonny's sketch was interesting, but unfortunately the audio of the receiver's end of the call was completely incomprehensible to me, so the end (and, I assume, climax) of the sketch went completely over my head.
  • Scare Claire was okay, though her reaction in slo-mo was for some reason really entertaining. Miiichaaaeeel, fooor fff- ... brilliant!
  • I never found Phil's segments funny. Just not my type of humour I guess.
  • The Hitlarious thing is really starting to improve now. It's great that you're being more creative than just inserting the "Nein, nein, nein" joke everywhere.
  • Outtakes were really funny. There's just something really contagious about a good laughter.


I think that's about it for this episode. I'll get back to you if I think of something else.

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No offense but... actually, scratch that, the offense is intended if you're offended. It's kinda become 'cool' round these parts to diss Rez's humour and I think it's getting more than a little harsh. If you don't like it then that's all fair and well but I can 100% guarantee these comments wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if another forumer had posted exactly the same video.


Rez has kept this up on a regular basis for 14 episodes now and I challenge any of you to come up with anything anywhere near as good for that kind of timescale. I know I struggle to come up with even 1 sketch every two weeks, nevermind a full show load. Also remember that this is not a fucking terrestrial show with a budget, it's built on nothing.

I respect teh effort involved, but if we judged entertainment purely on the man-hours gone into it then we'd not get anywhere, and nothing would be shit ever.


I was in an argumentative mood yesterday, so my comments were blunter and, perversely, more to the point. There are plenty of low-budget funny shows on the net, so that's irrelevant, and frankly if someone else had posted this then my comment would be the same.



To all moaning that it's not funny? Fair enough but we're 14 * 10 minute episodes in now. Why the fuck are you still watching? Twisted friend logic? Yeah that excuse would hold up if we were at the first few episodes but not now. If anyone but my best friend in the entire universe had produced 14 episodes of a show I hated I would have stopped watching long ago. Okay, you may not be laughing your arse off but to still be watching at this point you're all getting some sort of entertainment from it. *cue a 'yeah but only to laugh at how bad it is!!' response*

At various points I had missed several episodes and thus sat and watched a few in one go, to see how the series had progressed. I'd post afterwards with some (un)helpful comment, and a couple of episodes were actually quite funny! There isn't hate involved, just sometimes a pitiful reluctance. The 'entertainment' now, after 14 episodes, comes only from the thoughts I'm having while I watch about what I'm going to post in this thread -- that is, after 14 episodes I'm still trying to help ReZ make it a better show. Why? I've just realised that I'm watching it for all the wrong reasons.


The amount of effort involved should not be directly linked to the amount of enjoyment I get from it. It should also keep its nose out of any list of reasons to watch it. Hence the 'twisted friend logic' comment.


Okay, true, most, if not all, randomers probably wouldn't sit through 10 minutes of it if they came across it randomly but at the same time, so what? That's not really the point.


Rant over!

So what is the point? ReZ could seriously be an Internet Funny Man if it were concise and accurate.



Of course Rez wants a bit of feedback, but if you were making a video and you were putting it up to the public (spending a lot of time on it in the first place), do you really want what is essentially abuse? Just watch it, accept there's some good things and bad things and at least include some positives in your criticism. If you hadn't enjoyed it at all Jay there's no point in tuning in.


There's just potential that needs unlocking that's all. Rez probably realises that there's some bad stuff in there but you can't always do anything about it. Scathing replies don't benefit in any way.

I did include two points of positive in my criticism, and I agree, I was harsh.


I do agree with ze Spambot. People should be called out if they step the line. The thing is, Rez only means well and it is hard to watch from the sidelines to see him get slated.






These two comments in particular were the ones that pissed me off personally, and I'm guessing its what made SPAMBOT snap and post the big post. A) You guys know I can take negative feedback. I've taken it for over 6 months now, so there's no problem there, but come on the above comments are ridiculous. "Two people lying on a bed is more interesting than the collection of 10+ jokes you've just spent several hours putting together" offensive and not even true. Then "We're supposed to be friends but I'm not willing to take 10 minutes out of my busy schedule to watch this, someone let me know if its worth watching" thats god damn offensive as well.


B) There is no argument against those kinds of comments. And this is coming from someone who is extremely open to criticism you know I am.


C) Etc.


D) Oh and Murray, if you're entertained then I'm actually happy. I don't particularly mind if you laugh or not as long as you find it entertaining or interesting in some way.


ReZ; I'm sorry for being overly harsh with my posts. I've liked you every time we've met; the anonymity of the internet is a tempting idol and I think I use this forum as an outlet sometimes, needlessly assaulting other people.


It's hard to tread the line between positive feedback and honest feedback. It's hard to help you make the show better if the humour isn't quite the same as mine without being offensive. I'll still be watching the show.


Don't take comments to heart. Positive or negative.

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[*]The greeting people series is a new favourite of mine. That's where your style of humour is really at its best. I also heartily endorse Moogle's idea. I believe it would be absolutely brilliant.


Oh man I didn't think of that. Using your inappropriate ways of greeting people to actually greet strangers would be awesome.

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Oh man I didn't think of that. Using your inappropriate ways of greeting people to actually greet strangers would be awesome.


I'll use my phone as a voice recorder and someone else films and I'm totally up for this at the meet. I genuinely don't know anyone else who'd be willing to film it. Apart from Brad. But I hardly see him.


I respect teh effort involved, but if we judged entertainment purely on the man-hours gone into it then we'd not get anywhere, and nothing would be shit ever.


I was in an argumentative mood yesterday, so my comments were blunter and, perversely, more to the point. There are plenty of low-budget funny shows on the net, so that's irrelevant, and frankly if someone else had posted this then my comment would be the same.




At various points I had missed several episodes and thus sat and watched a few in one go, to see how the series had progressed. I'd post afterwards with some (un)helpful comment, and a couple of episodes were actually quite funny! There isn't hate involved, just sometimes a pitiful reluctance. The 'entertainment' now, after 14 episodes, comes only from the thoughts I'm having while I watch about what I'm going to post in this thread -- that is, after 14 episodes I'm still trying to help ReZ make it a better show. Why? I've just realised that I'm watching it for all the wrong reasons.


The amount of effort involved should not be directly linked to the amount of enjoyment I get from it. It should also keep its nose out of any list of reasons to watch it. Hence the 'twisted friend logic' comment.



So what is the point? ReZ could seriously be an Internet Funny Man if it were concise and accurate.


I did include two points of positive in my criticism, and I agree, I was harsh.







ReZ; I'm sorry for being overly harsh with my posts. I've liked you every time we've met; the anonymity of the internet is a tempting idol and I think I use this forum as an outlet sometimes, needlessly assaulting other people.


It's hard to tread the line between positive feedback and honest feedback. It's hard to help you make the show better if the humour isn't quite the same as mine without being offensive. I'll still be watching the show.


Don't take comments to heart. Positive or negative.


Thats fair enough. I like you too man. I like you, like you. :)


I think both viewpoints have some truth. It's better to give your honest opinions, for sure. On the other hand, if you really don't like these videos at all, no-one is forcing you to watch them...friend or not.


I have watched all episodes, though haven't commented anything yet. One thing I find weird are the comments like "not a single laugh". Really? I mean I certainly laugh when watching these...some of it from the jokes, some of it from the sheer campiness of the show :D Sure, some bits do have questionable quality, but I have to say, the whole is still amusing...and this despite the fact I'm not a fan of the constant penis jokes, cum-swimming etc.


New intro? Like Danny said, great graphics, but the singing is off. Like with the old intro and i.e. "fun with a pun", it sounds as if you're afraid to use your voice. You wanna open your voice and belt the themes out with authority, would make them much better...or if you're actually going for bad singing, you can certainly do worse, right? At the moment, it's so ambiguously in the middle that the viewer can't possibly tell whether you're trying to sing in key or off key...




Indeed. A lesser man would've crumbled already...


Thanks. :D


I've started episode 15 already, and it should hopefully be just a few short weeks away.

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I'll use my phone as a voice recorder and someone else films and I'm totally up for this at the meet. I genuinely don't know anyone else who'd be willing to film it. Apart from Brad. But I hardly see him.


Throw a camera my way and I'll film it. We talking close up, part of the action, exposing corrupt politicians shady meetings style filming or from the bushes, ninja filming?


Ninja filming I can do, exposing politicians not so much.

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Right then, as promised here is the delightful pisstake of Comedy Rainbow I managed to churn out. As the description says:


Full of non-predictable jokes, well timed pauses and a gripping soundtrack.

I think you'll agree.


I might've stolen the Freeze thing from somewhere else. I loved it too much. If you don't like it, I've done my job.


You're welcome.

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Right then, as promised here is the delightful pisstake of Comedy Rainbow I managed to churn out. As the description says:


Full of non-predictable jokes, well timed pauses and a gripping soundtrack.

I think you'll agree.


I might've stolen the Freeze thing from somewhere else. I loved it too much. If you don't like it, I've done my job.


You're welcome.


Pr0 ReZ Breakdown


- Comedy Typhoon. Nicely done piss take.

- Dunno if you've heard. My joint favourite bit. "I dunno if you've heard but I'm gonna give you a really shit play on words followed by a smug grin". 9/10

- Mr Freeze. (Dunno?)

- 999. My favourite bit. I love the when you slyly look at the camera and then "Oh you fucking idiot". 10/10

- Dr Man. The opening itself was amazing.

- Scare Kelly. Meh.

- Fuck Ups. Meh.


Well done I enjoyed it. :D

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Comedy Rainbow benefits everyone who watches it. To the open minded it can be entertaining and to the closed minded it gives a sense of undeserved superiority over the author. If I was a doctor I'd be prescribing Comedy Rainbow to everyone with any form of depression.

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Comedy Rainbow benefits everyone who watches it. To the open minded it can be entertaining and to the closed minded it gives a sense of undeserved superiority over the author. If I was a doctor I'd be prescribing Comedy Rainbow to everyone with any form of depression.

And?... .

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