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Wow I kinda under estimated the Wii


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So heres the story I bought a Wii at launch and after a copy of the weeks I was bored of it I must admit motion controls are not as good as using a joypad so anyway my Wii has been pretty much gathering dust only coming out when I bought the occasional release (SMG, MKwii, SSBB, MP3 etc)


But this last week I was having a look around and noticed some really cheap games so I thought I would take a punt and boy I was so wrong about the Wii being a 1 trick pony I've bought


A Boy and His Blob

Wario: Shake dimension

Dragonball: Revenge of Piccolo


Lets Tap!

Punch Out

De Blob

Zak and Wiki


Metal Slug Anthology

House of the dead: Overkill CE


Some are being kept for xmas prezzies but the ones I've played are actually really fun and have actually kept me away from playing Modern Warfare 2


So I just wanted to check with you guys who have stuck with the console what other titles are worth a look on the Wii? any Hidden or overlooked gems?

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Looks to me like you've done a great job of getting most of Wii's great exclusive.


But definately give No More Heroes a go.

IMO it's one of the best games on Wii and especially with the sequel coming out next year!

And if you haven't already played it, Resi 4 Wii Edition of course!

Edited by Retro_Link
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There's some absolutely fantastic second tier 'underground' games on the Wii that go unnoticed because of the bad press the Wii gets. You've touched on one or two there for sure - MadWorld is tremendous fun, as is Zack and Wiki and Okami etc. Overkill is absolutely fantastic - I only got that one recently myself and have been blown away. A Wii classic imho.


Have a look at Bully, No More Heroes for sure, maybe NiGHTS if you liked the old Saturn game, and also Pro Evolution Soccer , which has the most incredible control scheme. I'm also playing PES 2009 on my PC, but it's not a patch on the Wii game, though admittedly the Wii can't match the graphics of a PC. I'll take the Wii version anyday though.


I mentioned Bully, which to me is a brilliant Wii game, perfect for the system. Has a great atmosphere and sense of humour. The school and surrounding area makes a fun sandbox to play in, though it's a little slow to start. Don't let that put you off, because it picks up a lot once you unlock the gates at the front!


Lots to love on the Wii!

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NiGHTS! Get it! I loved every moment of it. I hadn't played the Saturn version and got it simply because I found it dirt cheap and it's become one of my favourite games!

Also, Excite Truck! Another game I randomly brought because of the cheapness yet I was blown away by how intensly fun it is! So fast paced, so crazy and really smooth!

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If you haven't played the GCN games before, Metroid Prime Trilogy is a must. Otherwise, NIGHTS isn't the best, but its good for the price you'll most likely end up paying for it. I've seen it for a fiver occasionally.


To be fair, some parts aren't great (CHAMELEON) but other parts were just brilliant. Flying through the city was one of my favourite moments in gaming and as a series it has to be my favourite. I love the characters and the music, the whole atmosphere is so magical.

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