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Demon's Souls


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OMG Ive never felt so conflicted in a video game ever as i did


having Maiden Astraea in my crosshairs....firing arrow after unretaliated arrow into her body as she's begging me to stop, questioning God in her soft quivering voice, and desperately clinging to life with her weak healing spell



Anyhoo, 15 down, 1 to go

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Does anyone think that the USA version's online will work with the UK's when we get it released over here?


Probably not tbh, for the same reason the Asian version does not work with the US version. Massive headstart. It would matter at certain parts of the game that i dont want to spoil.

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tbf, ive heard no talk of it getting a uk release. i say import, join meeeeee!


Lol, i think I shall, I dunno if I can wait like 6 months+ for a release over here if it gets released at all. As long as the online works with my UK psn account i'll be happy. Or will I have to create a US account?

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I'm ordering it tomorrow, hopefully it'll be here by Christmas, the seller is in the UK anyway so it should. I expect myself to resort to my standard behaviour when playing hard games. I usually try many times, get pissed and shout at the game accusing it of cheating :P and then end up still playing it later on.

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  • 2 weeks later...
This has been getting some great nods lately. It got the RPG of the year at Gametrailers and even got game of the year at Gamespot. Greg Kasavin also gave it his number 2 game of the year as well. PRAISE FOR THE SOULS!!! :D


*golf clap!*


Well done From! Hopefully other devs will play this and take note of the little things that make this such a brilliant game. SOJ and Atlus should each get awards for having the testicular fortitude to publish it.

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  • 1 month later...

Just received this and been playing through it. Thankfully I got through the first major level with only a couple of deaths at the start, then a load of gameplay which didn't end in a death. I'm really enjoying it so far...has anyone else decided to import this since the last few posts? It seems to have got many awards like 'RPG of the system', 'game of the year' from various places.

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Mine came the other day (finally, had trouble obtaining a reasonably priced one), i'll start playing tonight probably. I hope it doesn't stress me out within the first few minutes as i'll get really upset and throw a tantrum :P. Then i'll probably end up playing it more later on xD.

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Just received this and been playing through it. Thankfully I got through the first major level with only a couple of deaths at the start, then a load of gameplay which didn't end in a death. I'm really enjoying it so far...has anyone else decided to import this since the last few posts? It seems to have got many awards like 'RPG of the system', 'game of the year' from various places.


Which version have you? Asian or American? I need to finish this game.

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Just received this and been playing through it. Thankfully I got through the first major level with only a couple of deaths at the start, then a load of gameplay which didn't end in a death.


Interesting. What class did you start with? I died so many times starting with a Barbarian that i had to just start over with a Thief, which helped tremedously

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Royal, although aside from the very beginning the class makes next to no difference. It's just base starting stats, and even a barbarian can be a magician, etc. The royal just starts out with better equipment (for instance, the ring that regenerates MP) and being Soul L1 you can shape them more. I read about the classes and apparently the thief and barbarians are the hardest for the first level, so kudos to doing it with a thief.


Apparently stats don't make too much difference in the grand scheme of things and it's mostly down to technique. Although time will tell...

Edited by Sheikah
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Basically you can max out all stats so the character you started out with becomes irrelevant. BUT, the start of the game is brutal so the class you choose is important. Think you made a wise choice there sheikah. Theif imo would be a good choice if you had confidence and skill with the game. Being able to attack, run and dodge at speed is a good asset to have. Ah i remember the days that I didnt even know there was a run button lol. How I got past some stuff I will never know.

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Apparently stats don't make too much difference in the grand scheme of things and it's mostly down to technique. Although time will tell...


Its true, especially HP, is almost useless since most enemies can slay you with 1 or 2 hits. Being alert and cautious far outweighs the benefits of stat building.


Also, chance of a sequel soonish!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I completed my first playthrough the other day, with over 55 hours clocked. This is easily one of the best games on the system, and I urge everyone to buy it. It really is true that so many these games are a breeze to play through, with the opportunity to take multiple hits and never really feel too much pressure in terms of dying. Dying far more easily makes you appreciate the game; I don't just mean having the option of a hard mode, because many people play on normal first and get their first taste of the game that way. Even then, I sincerely doubt most game's hard modes are anything like this.


The online is also excellent. Being able to invade the worlds of others as well as being summoned by a boss to fight in his stead. And how people leave messages as clues - it's clever and fun. It might be a bit expensive to go out of your way to buy a copy off eBay or import (just over 40 quid for me - note that buying either US/Asian copies is fine, as they're both in English) but it's a stellar game and one that you'll feel proud to have found without all the hype that games like Uncharted had. A first class title. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Since I'm too lazy to look infos up, I'm going to ask here (Sheikah, I speak to you :p)


1. Do I need to be signed out of the Play Station network in order to play the game purely alone? In other words: If I'm signed in, is there no other way than "playing" this game online?

I read somewhere that if you're signed in you automatically play online.


2. This game is hard. Does it have even harder difficulties? If it does, are they available from the start?


3. Do the classes play differently?

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Since I'm too lazy to look infos up, I'm going to ask here (Sheikah, I speak to you :p)


1. Do I need to be signed out of the Play Station network in order to play the game purely alone? In other words: If I'm signed in, is there no other way than "playing" this game online?


I read somewhere that if you're signed in you automatically play online.


Yes and no. If you die in body form, you become a soul. When a soul, no one can invade you as only people in body form can be invaded (and only by souls). Most of the time you will be a soul anyway; you only get your body back by defeating a boss or using a fairly rare item.


If playing offline even in body form, you can never be invaded, let alone see messages or bloodstains (last footage before someone dies).


But yes, technically you are right. If signed into PSN, and in body form, there is no way to opt out of potentially being attacked. Although playing online has many perks, such as being able to invite other players to fight alongside you (if you're in body form), meaning that most of the time if someone does invade, there's a good chance you'll kill them (remember compared to a soul, a body form character usually has at least a third more HP and 1 extra ring slot).



2. This game is hard. Does it have even harder difficulties? If it does, are they available from the start?


It does, but you wouldn't be able to handle these from the start. New game+ is several bounds harder than the original game, but stats and items carry over. It's still more difficult; the Flamelurker boss has 5 times more HP, for isntance. And by replaying you can get extra copies of the same demon's soul but exchange them for different things.


3. Do the classes play differently?

Aside from the first level, no. The royal is usually the best to start off as, since it's L1 and you can put the stats where you want. Plus they start off with a catylst (wand) and a MP regenerating ring. But after L1, you can put your stats where you want, so the tiny differences in stats won't make any difference a few levels down the line.

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That sounds bloody awesome. Thanks for your answer. :)

Those four weeks of wait can't come to an end soon enough.


Oh, another question I forgot to ask:


Are there still a lot of people playing this? Would be a shame if the online mode would be underpopulated.

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This game just sounds incredibly cool, but there's a hell of a lot I still don't know about it.


I remember watching the ZP review and Yahtz said that there was a bit where you have to cross a bridge, when, without warning, you get murked by something and it's really unforgiving. Care to share any info on that?

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