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So I started a new routine where I go to the gym 4 times a week but limit exercise to an hour. Apparently this is better than gyming three times a week for an hour and a half to two hours.


I'm not really feeling it though...


Anyone know what's best?

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So I started a new routine where I go to the gym 4 times a week but limit exercise to an hour. Apparently this is better than gyming three times a week for an hour and a half to two hours.


I'm not really feeling it though...


Anyone know what's best?


It really depends on what you plan to do in that hour, or what you plan to do during those four times.


At the moment, my routine is a bit all over the place because of being away and work. It's important you get the rest periods though and eat well. I've had some mega sessions in the past where I don't instantly feel it after the workout until the next day, after I've had some proper rest. I mean, I feel it, but it doesn't have me keeling over. :heh:


Give it a try for maybe a few weeks, see if you feel any benefits, and most of all see if you enjoy it. What might work for someone else may not work for you. For me, four sessions works better, but it does require a fair bit of planning ahead for me, planning around work, etc.

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I've got the eating sorted (stuffing my face with all the right food :heh: ) and the schedule is sorted.


The hour consists of pretty intense weights, I think they're called "supersets", and they're pretty knackering. The thing is before, when I was in the gym for easily over an hour, I could feel I'd worked my muscles. The past two sessions I've pushed as far as I can but then I recover after a short while and it doesn't seem like I've done much.


I dunno. My gym buddy has done the research and is convinced this will be way more effective. I'm not saying he isn't right, it just doesn't feel it at the moment. I'll give it a few weeks, I am still getting used to the change as well, but yeah...just wanted people's thoughts/experience.

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I've got the eating sorted (stuffing my face with all the right food :heh: ) and the schedule is sorted.


The hour consists of pretty intense weights, I think they're called "supersets", and they're pretty knackering. The thing is before, when I was in the gym for easily over an hour, I could feel I'd worked my muscles. The past two sessions I've pushed as far as I can but then I recover after a short while and it doesn't seem like I've done much.


I dunno. My gym buddy has done the research and is convinced this will be way more effective. I'm not saying he isn't right, it just doesn't feel it at the moment. I'll give it a few weeks, I am still getting used to the change as well, but yeah...just wanted people's thoughts/experience.


The eating and rest part is a big part that many people neglect. Your body grows during those rest periods, so I try to pay just as much attention to that, heh.


Supersets are where you do two or more exercises, one after the other. They are pretty knackering! I have some great memories of shoulder exercises where I did that. I felt like I was going to explode. That feeling you describe can be quite deceiving. How do you feel the next day? Sometimes I've done some exercises, then feel tired afterwards but not overly sore or anything, until the next day where I'm in agony.


I think some people would tell you not to train with weights for more than an hour anyway, because you risk over-training the muscles and losing the initial impact of the workout. Also, I've read in quite a few places that if you can keep going for over an hour, you need to up the intesity because you should be tired after that hour. Nowadays, I think I spend less time at the gym, because I try to focus on the intensity of what I'm doing.

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We just started this week. Gym is Monday, Tuesday (different muscle groups), Thursday, Friday. I'll see how I feel tomorrow since Monday the weights probably weren't heavy enough and today I got a lot closer, although could put them up again on some exercises.


Cool, I'll give it some time and see how it goes.

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We just started this week. Gym is Monday, Tuesday (different muscle groups), Thursday, Friday. I'll see how I feel tomorrow since Monday the weights probably weren't heavy enough and today I got a lot closer, although could put them up again on some exercises.


Cool, I'll give it some time and see how it goes.


Good man. I bet in time you'll come to love it.


Typically my routine would be Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Different groups on those days, with Friday being my legs day. I save that for Friday because it usually takes so much out of me (most intense workout for me), so I don't want to worry about having to work or other stuff, where I'm usually on my feet all the time.

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I do my weight sessions on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and mix in some Cardio on the other days. At the moment i'm doing chest, shoulders and triceps on Monday, biceps and back on Wednesday and then legs and back on the Friday. I also do abs on all 3 days.


I've been told that depending on what you want to achieve, you should be looking at doing either 8-10 reps (to build bulk), or 12-15 reps (to tone up) per exercise. If you can do any more than those reps you should be looking at upping the weight you are using.


Supersets are where you do two or more exercises, one after the other. They are pretty knackering! I have some great memories of shoulder exercises where I did that.

There's an exercise I do in my Monday routine that starts with a shoulder fly, then a row, then from the top of the row I press the weights before bringing them back to my shoulders and reverse curling them down. 10-12 of them equals buuuuuuurrrrrrrn. :grin:


Also.. an exercise i'm loving at the moment are Fly-Press ups. Basically you hold a Press up position, but you slide one arm out wide before doing the press up, then you bring it back in after you've finished the press. I do 5 on the one arm before switching arms, and I do maximum reps (until I physically can not do another rep) on all exercises without weights.

When that exercise is coming up I dread it, but i'm sure it's that one that gives me the burn the day after and so I love it :D

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How ebarrassing :D


Had an appointment in a local fitness centre to do a check-up before I start exercising.


So the guy examined me in order to localise some problems (I have a hollow-back) and then I had to do an endurance test...I knew that I don't have much stamina since I have been doing almost no sports for 4 or 5 years.

My pulse went up to 145 (which was the limit the guy gave) during the 5 minutes that I spent on this thing (I don't know if it's called bicycle in English but it's pretty much the same). The resistance while cycling went up but still, 5 minutes? I feel ashamed.


I could have gone on, no problems at all. I didn't start to sweat and I didn't feel tired at all, but my pulse so high after only 5 minutes...


Anyway, I'll probably start the training programm next week.

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Well my eating patterns have changed again, I always have oatmeal every morning now with tuna and eggs on another plate very filling breakfast ^^


But I have also been going to sleep at better hours so most of the time if I am not working I go to sleep around 10:00-10:30pm and wake up between 6:00-6:30am. To my surprise it's really helping.


Also restricted my daily routine in exercise, how I am not trying to do every exercise every day and for long periods of time, but giving space for like 2 days apart and such, as well as every 2 weeks I change what I do for exercise. (One example is I used to go for very long runs, but at the moment I go for a walk for a minute and then sprint for 15 seconds, then back to walking, I do this ten times as I was told )


Also starting to put some more weights into squats, man I was sore the next day after doing it xD

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I ran 4.7km in 25 minutes today. First time running outside since last summer so I'm pretty chuffed with that. Could probably have gone a wee bit quicker if I hadn't had breakfast so soon before. I've got a nice route just outside my flat, quick circuit which climbs only 19m and is 2.35km so doesn't take that long at all and if you want you can do it twice, which I did.


Will try it again on Wednesday morning to see if I can beat my time.

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Haven't really been doing much since oh say Christmas. But decided I would get back into the swing of things by starting off with Shaun T's insanity.


Not the best idea but managed to get through it. Paid for it the next day, but two days later my biceps which seemed to have turned to jelly reappeared, hopefully they stay and it isn't some sort of temporary augmentation.

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Guest Captain Falcon

Started a new routine at the weekend.


It used to be that we'd do 6 reps on max, and then 8 and 12 on lower weights for 3 different exercises. Now, we are do 12 reps on one exercise followed immediately by 12 reps on a different exercise that targets the same muscle group. We do that 3 times and the on the fourth set, it's as many as you can do.


Yesterday was bicep day and I did 12 barbell curls with a 20kg weight followed straight up with 12 half curls (so your muscle is always tensed) on 15kg.


My arms were on fire... and proper pumped too - they'd never looked so big.


Typically we follow bicep up with back but it was so tiring that we decided to do some stomach work in between to give our arms a bit of a breather before starting on the back otherwise we would have been hopeless.

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My titties can now lift a good 85kg for 6 reps. I feel awesome. There seems to be a stock routine for me that cycles every four days, and unfortunately, my anterior deltoids and squat are kinda suffering. You've gotta properly hurt your legs to get them to grow at all.

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Had a good gym session today. Went back to the old routine just for today since my gym partner is ill and trying to hold two lots of equipment for supersets is too much of a hassle.


Also, signed up for the London to Brighton Bike Ride in March.

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I've been going to the gym for about 2 weeks, go about 5 to 6 times a week. 3 times a week I stay for about an hour and the 'inbetween' days I spend about 20-30 mins in the gym.


I usually start by running at 9.5 (don't know the unit on the machine haha) and every 4/5 minutes I increase the speed by 0.5 (I usually run for 15 mins). Then I go on the cycling machine for 10 mins at level 10. Then back on the running machine for 5 mins at 10.5/11.0.


After that I do some light weights focusing on my chest, back, shoulders, bi and tri cepts though I only use 3 different machines. I start on 35kg on all the machines I use and I continue using them until I fail but as I go along I tend to lower the weights and increase the amount of reps up until I reach 10kg which by then becomes the hardest thing in the world to lift.

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Lately ive been trying to improve my CV and pull ups motly. I have an 8 mile yomp with about 8 stone of weight to do in 2 hours in about 3 weeks so have got to get some weigted runs in soon.

Am doing 4 miles (no weight) in about 28 mins at the moment which i think is pritty good. My entire body is in bits at the moment though ha. Rest day soon i think.

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So yeah my condition is horribleeeeee. I decided to run up and down the stairs a few times in between tv programmes, and I got extremely exhausted, panting and everything haha.


Done two "sets" of 10 running up and down haha. Might do more throughout the evening. Might help with my fatty thighs maybe? =P

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So yeah my condition is horribleeeeee. I decided to run up and down the stairs a few times in between tv programmes, and I got extremely exhausted, panting and everything haha.


Done two "sets" of 10 running up and down haha. Might do more throughout the evening. Might help with my fatty thighs maybe? =P


It must have been a pain in the arse on your stairs, because of the smoothness of the floor. I could probably do eet on the carpet like on my stairs, but yours would worry me for slippage.


I had a very satisfying shoulder workout on Monday, then back yesterday. Didn't feel it too much when I woke up, but gradually I have been feeling it throughout the day. Some lads pissed me off at the gym yesterday. Two guys hanging around the only lateral pulldown machine. After doing what must have been 5 or more sets each, one of them moves away from the machine, whilst the other uses another one. So, I ask the guy who moved away if he's still using it, and he says "yeah, I'll be on it for a while yet."




What's more, I start to do some low rows, and the guy just sits on the seat and chats to the other one. They sit there. No pulling. I hate it sometimes when people travel in packs to the gym, because they sometimes hog the equipment and all they do is chaaaaat. They talk more than they fucking pull!


Also, there's clearly signs up around the place telling people not to use their phones, and yet there's always one idiot who sits next to a machine or close enough so you can't use it, using his phone. Send a text, do 5 reps, stare into space. Ring someone, have a little chat. Hang up. 5 more reps. More staring. Next maaaaachine.


Haha, as you can guess, people fuck me off sometimes.

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It must have been a pain in the arse on your stairs, because of the smoothness of the floor. I could probably do eet on the carpet like on my stairs, but yours would worry me for slippage.


I just take off my socks, it's not slippery then.

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Woohoo, my whey powder arrived today! (5kg of the stuff) I've done 120 push ups so far and will leave it at 160 tonight. I'll get up to 200 every other day by Monday and will do other exercises on the days in between.


I will do 200 push ups every other day until the end of the month and then I will buy some weights and add those into the mix.

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If anyone needs help with training just let me know; Im a Fitness Instructor (and *cough* martial arts extraordinaire).


Most common 'mistakes' are giving yourselves hard routines, or routines which never change in intensity - If its too strenuous, you're more likely to not be consistent and quit. Its not about killing yourself, infact I see having the knowledge 100x over intensity.


Things I'm working on with clients nowadays are:

*Interval sprint training; Great for fast twitch muscle fibres (ie your speed), muscular strength, and its more engaging and a quickjer route than just cruising on mid intensity for 20mins. I aim to do it everyday for 10mins. So basically, on a treadmill; full speed 20km/h for 30 secs, then off for 30secs. Then you can progress it by add another minute, or adding some incline, or shortening the rest.


*Cable Crossover; Cable's my number one choice but its probably the most neglected piece of equipment in the gym. Most of us usually do core stuff like sit-ups, plank etc. But none that doesn't focus greatly on the obliques (muscles on the sides of your six pack, ie love handles). Im telling you, this is a brill piece of equip, you'll see results in notime, basically seeing those little muscles around your rib cage and you having greater posture and a better feeling of mobility (due to a stronger core - core = abdomen).

All you need to do is bring the weights to your mid section, add a handle grip, face forward with your arms straight and to the side, and just basically pull the cable across you to your other side, focusing on the rotation at your mid section. and take it back. Go at a good weight, as we can all do with a stronger core.


*Balance; If you work your front, you HAVE to work your back. If you work your bicep, you have to work your tricep. Since muscles work in pairs, and by over working one side, abnormalities in growth such as bad posture will arise.


*Women using weights; they myth that a lot of women hold with weight training is that they will bulk up... So they spend 1hour on a treadmill every other day and wonder why theres no major improvement. You have to tone up if your truly want to lose weight. You WON'T bulk up if you keep the weights light but keep the reps (the amount of time you lift that weight) high. For example, a bicep curl at about 3kg, lifting it 12-15 times for 3 sets, resting only 30 secs max between sets.


*Try some spin; For a good cardiovascular and lower body workout. Don't be afraid because with each session you progress very quickly, and the good music plus training as a group encourages you. When I teach my classes I actually throw in a bit of Zelda music ;) (people LOVE Majora's Mask' Pirates Fortress when we do hills).


*Plan; Make a plan, and use certain days to focus on certain areas, giving that area enough time in the week to rest. Try not to make everyday high in intensity otherwise you'll just lack motivation - we're not Saiyans. ;) Even us fighters don't go hard everyday. Rest and recovery is crucial.

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NOT SAIYANS????? NEEEEEVARRRR 100% TO THE MAX 24/7 until you break your back and can't move


Think I might have over done it today. Did a 30 minute session of weight training, followed by the 550 rep workout. Followed by a 30 minute hip hop abs session, finishing off with a 40 min insanity session for dessert.


Although not entirely good for you it does wear you out enough to have a good night's sleep. That and our heating is out at the moment so any excuse to keep warm goes at the moment.

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NOT SAIYANS????? NEEEEEVARRRR 100% TO THE MAX 24/7 until you break your back and can't move


Think I might have over done it today. Did a 30 minute session of weight training, followed by the 550 rep workout. Followed by a 30 minute hip hop abs session, finishing off with a 40 min insanity session for dessert.


Although not entirely good for you it does wear you out enough to have a good night's sleep. That and our heating is out at the moment so any excuse to keep warm goes at the moment.


550? How about over 9000?

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NOT SAIYANS????? NEEEEEVARRRR 100% TO THE MAX 24/7 until you break your back and can't move


Think I might have over done it today. Did a 30 minute session of weight training, followed by the 550 rep workout. Followed by a 30 minute hip hop abs session, finishing off with a 40 min insanity session for dessert.


Although not entirely good for you it does wear you out enough to have a good night's sleep. That and our heating is out at the moment so any excuse to keep warm goes at the moment.


5 hundred and 50 whaaa?! :laughing:



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