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Charlie Brooker sets his sights on gaming..


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Had some moments of genuine insight - shame then that Charlie Brooker was wrapping everything in sarcastic overtones.

It was like watching a poor man's Jeremy Clarkson.


Still, was a nice oversight of the industry and the two Scottish fella's talking about The great Giana Sisters were at least lolsome.

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I thought it was okay but not what it should have been. After going on about how the news mainly focuses on violent games he... mainly focused on violent games. Obviously because it gives old sour face a better chance to have a moan but more than a little contradictory.


Dara was funny if not just because how he moaned about having to drive slowly in traffic in gta... As if that's the way it's meant to be played?! Consolevania chaps were good too.

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I have to admit, this was pretty good.


Loved Dara failing to get through Gears and having to drive "slowly" in simulated traffic jams. And one or two of the games Charlie bought up e.g. pushing a female into a canal or being neighborly made me think these games may exist.

Edited by Jimbob
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Not bad viewing, but as mentioned could be better. Nice to see a fucking tasty redhead singing a song. Bit of a shame that I couldn't hear all the words.

Still, was a nice oversight of the industry and the two Scottish fella's talking about The great Giana Sisters were at least lolsome.

The chaps from Consolevania?


One thing which pissed me off was one of them said if you were to name retro titles you'd look like an idiot if you said things like Mario and Zelda. To which I think he's a complete prick. I know there were many titles before, such as mentioned the Great Giana Sisters, but if we can't consider games about 20 years old retro, where does the year timeline start?

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Yeah it was good, not great. At times it felt as if he was reviewing year old games instead of speaking of the industry as a whole. He spoke about the media's scare tactics which was well done but he didn't have to do it throught the whole show, it kinda dragged on me thinks. One half should have been about the media and the other should have been more on how the industry has evolved and where it stands today.


I agree with murray but I don't they were being serious, tongue in cheek, although I didn't think they were all that funny.


The format of brooker's jokes are a bit stale

Edited by Sooj
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A couple of really funny moments although didn't reach the heights of screenwipe. I was waiting for him to disprove this negative viewpoint people have but it didn't really happen. Too much about violence.


Poor man's Jeremy Clarkson? Please.... That guy is overrated and nowhere near as good as Brooker.

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A couple of really funny moments although didn't reach the heights of screenwipe. I was waiting for him to disprove this negative viewpoint people have but it didn't really happen. Too much about violence.


Poor man's Jeremy Clarkson? Please.... That guy is overrated and nowhere near as good as Brooker.


I think he did kind of underline the ridiculousness of the negative news coverage of games. For example when he decided to pause burning nazis alive to take in a beer before heading back to brutal violence. As well as being a funny moment, it also pretty much underlined the point that no matter how graphic the violence, games are still very much separate from real life and something people can easily switch on and off from, rather than become engrossed psychopathic killers.


I thought it was a decent general view of how games are perceived by the wider public and how many games simply re-enforce the old stereotypes. It's not something you see on TV very often. Could have been a bit funnier though.

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Yeah, I think the amount of footage of blood and obscene violence was almost too much though. I was sat there enjoying it, half-way through my Dad came in and his opinion hasn't changed, simply because he can't get over his opinion of games being made for 'simpletons'. He disregards games by saying 'I used to play them' in order to prove that he has moved on.

In retrospect it's unsurprising he has that view, with all that gore being televised.


I thought Brooker's fair display of intellect would show that games aren't strictly for simpletons but that went in one ear and out the other.

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I was most disgraced to see that Donkey Konga wasn't mentioned in the music game genre bit.

I think he did kind of underline the ridiculousness of the negative news coverage of games. For example when he decided to pause burning nazis alive to take in a beer before heading back to brutal violence.

In a sense. What I thought he was doing was more showing the unrealistic nature of said games, by being able to stop and start the "action".

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