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Wow, you replied to everyone in this thread. I think I'm beginning to see why you don't have much time for games...


Haha, I hope we're not the same person. I like being me, and I'm going to take a game and say that I think you like being you. So, let me be me and you be you, ok? NO U.


:) That got me thinking. Could we actually be the same person, Fight Club style, with me having no memory of posting the FLink posts and you having no memory of posting the Patch posts? Ummm, no, probably not.


That's an interesting point...children having access to three consoles. That is class parents buying stuff for their kids to keep them happy, haha. It happens. I think my parents wanted to keep me and my brothers happy, so we ended up getting a Megadrive and a SNES. I mean, some people only had one, but I was lucky.


Aha, you have brothers and I don't. So there we go. Not the same person. I didn't have to waste all that profound thinking time earlier then.


Come to think of it, we had a Megadrive and a SNES. As children, we had time to play all the games for them, many times over. As adults, we all have varying amounts of free time and differing urges to play videogames. Some would justify needing multiple consoles for the large library it affords them. I would justify needing only one console because I barely have time to play the games I want on that.


But do we need three? I think different people have different circumstances


Woah! Didn't I more-or-less just say that? Back to the profound thinking again then...

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Thats one hell of a reply, Flinky!:bowdown:


Wow, you replied to everyone in this thread. I think I'm beginning to see why you don't have much time for games...


Haha, I was all tucked up in bed, with some telly on. All of mah special gaming machines be downstairs, with the nice telly. :)



:) That got me thinking. Could we actually be the same person, Fight Club style, with me having no memory of posting the FLink posts and you having no memory of posting the Patch posts? Ummm, no, probably not.




Aha, you have brothers and I don't. So there we go. Not the same person. I didn't have to waste all that profound thinking time earlier then.


Come to think of it, we had a Megadrive and a SNES. As children, we had time to play all the games for them, many times over. As adults, we all have varying amounts of free time and differing urges to play videogames. Some would justify needing multiple consoles for the large library it affords them. I would justify needing only one console because I barely have time to play the games I want on that.




Woah! Didn't I more-or-less just say that? Back to the profound thinking again then...


Hmm, it could all be done Fight Club style. Haha, it could be, and we would never know...



Haha, that is a commendable amount of games. Astonishing. It would really takes me years to play through all those, I'm not joking. I'm not even sure if my N64 + GC + Wii collection would be more than 80 games. So, I'm a bit shocked at that!


The consoles are very different to each other, but I also think that there is some degree of greed there by gamers. I mean, I would say that we are spoiled for choice. Each system offers something different to the other ones, with their own specific selection of games. So, having all three, plus both handhelds seems really crazy. You must get confused about what to play half the time.


I must add that A LOT I bought cheap. And yes, I won't play through them all. A lot, also, are multiplayer games. And I've had it since launch and....can't think of any more excuses....I have problems.....


I won't post my exact opinions as they won't be wanted. Let's just say I laughed at Daz's post. 70-80 Wii games... I don't understand that.


You're so predictable...DUN.....DUN D-DUN D-DUN DUN DUN..... (to the tune of You're Unbelievable)


I barely bought a bad game too!!! It's because I don't have the limiting and simply WRONG mentality of there are no good games on the Wii!!! I can look past shit graphics, shit online and shit extra features and see pure, unadulterated fun! I can see past what's "cool", flash advertising and what game everyone else is playing.....



.....yes, I am trying to cause a stir!



That's the thing, with the first part of your post, you are in disbelief. Many of us are, because that's a lot of games. However, it goes to show that he considers there to be around 70 or 80 games that are worth buying. I'd like to see a list of these games so we can see exactly what he has. But, that is commendable, anyway.


Beatles Rock Band

Big Brain Academy

Boom Blox


Dth Jnr

EA Active

Endless ocean

Geometry Wars

Ghost Squad

Grand Slam Tennis

Guitar Hero 3

Guitar Hero WT

Guitar Hero 5

Guiness World Records

House of the Dead 2+3

House of the Dead Overkill

Lego Indiana

Lego Starwars

Deweys Adventure

Links Crossbow Training

Mario Kart Wii

Mario and Sonic Olympics

Mario Strikers

Metal Slug


Pro Evo 08

Pro Evo 09

Rayman Raving Rabbids


RRR TV party

Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil UC

Punch Out


Wario land

Shaun White

Trauma Centre





Deca Sports


De Blob

Deadly Creatures

Sam and Max

Secret Files

Captain Rainbow

Samba De Amigo

Skate It

Smarty Pants

Super Smash Brawl

Tiger Woods 10

Wii Fit

Wii Music


Wii Sports

Wii Sports Resort

Mario Galaxy


Metroid 3

No More Heroes

Starwars Unleashed


Zack and Wicki


Animal Crossing


I've also sold about 30 games, if not more....


To be honest, the only games I don't really like are Deweys (sorry), Lego Indiana and Nights (sorry again). I think this is a fantastic mix of games that I don't think can be rivalled on the PS3 and 360!!

Dazzy, is that all your games? Post some impressions of Captain Rainbow, plz!


Yup. It's still in its wrapper :) Maybe I should save it for our gaming weekend and me you and tapedeck go from beginning to end without stopping or breathing....maybe not that last bit....

Yup. It's still in its wrapper :) Maybe I should save it for our gaming weekend and me you and tapedeck go from beginning to end without stopping or breathing....maybe not that last bit....


Well... some impressions would have been nice but sure aye, asphyxiation it is!

Posted (edited)

Unfortunately I play on games for fun Daz, and obviously it's easy to look past shit graphics (in most cases anyway) but why not have them along with awesome games?


I'll leave you doubters with this holy grail list which I think trounces almost every game in your library Daz. Not saying I'd buy all of them but there's no lack of variety and I can't help but think that if these were on the Wii rather than the PS3 you'd be looking forward to them more. As it is you neglect the console and don't bother doing your research.


Exclusives (at least timed):


Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - see sequel video below

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - stunning animations and multiplayer added.


Metal Gear Solid 4 - amazing game, hard to find decent gameplay videos, but just buy it.


Resistance 2 - it's a solid shooter but It's my favourite for online pr0ness. Vid gives an idea of game.


Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction - a colourful game for you. Great franchise. Also has sequel coming soon. (Crack in Time)


Little Big Planet - another colourful game. Some levels are astounding.


Motorstorm: Pacific Rift - a great racing game, brilliant art style as well.


Killzone 2 - decent campaign but online is very fun and deep.


Wipeout HD - amazing racing game, possibly my favourite of all time. Game only 1/3 of the price of a retail game yet has so much content, it's amazing value, only on PSN.


Gran Turismo 5 - graphical showcase, even if it isnt your cup of tea. Must buy for me.


God of War 3 - another masterpiece in terms of graphics. Looking forward to it.


Infamous - so far it hasnt met my expectations but it is still good at worst.


The Last Guardian - Highly anticipated because the developer has been known for it's incredible games. This looks great just from the trailer.


The Agent - A rockstar exclusive, same team as GTA. Set in 70s, about stealth, sounds interesting.


Heavy Rain - looks brilliant. More of a movie than a game but it looks really interesting and almost like a thriller film that you have control over.


MAG - 256 players online....


Modnation Racers - Similar in vein to LBP, but racing. No videos that cut to the chase for this though. Anyway:


Flower - Second PSN game I will post, it's a quirky and vibrant game that uses sixaxis effectively.


Super Stardust HD - a great dual-stick shooter on PSN.


Fat Princess - another promising PSN game, huge multiplayer game by the looks of things.


Shatter - another promising PSN title. Who said brick games were a thing of the past?

Embed doesn't seem to work, here's link:



3D Dot Game heroes A zelda rip-off somewhat but looks like a great game all the same:


Demons Souls Apparently a rock-hard action/RPG


Valkyria Chronicles Highly rated JRPG





Cba to get videos for these but I'll list the biggies:

Fallout 3


Bioshock 1 / 2

Call of Duty 4

Modern Warfare 2

Assasins Creed 1 / 2

Resident Evil 5

Red Dead Revolver

Fifa (10)

Dirt 2

Batman: Arkham Asylum


+ stuff I've missed



Edited by dwarf



- I finished Uncharted, fantastic game, can't wait for the sequel

- MGS 4, got it, impressive, but can't get into it

- Ratchet and Clank, bought it, sold it (to you didn't I actually? Or was it matthehat?), think it's bollocks

- Little Big Planet. Got it, sort of love the idea of it. But again,can't get into it; don't have enough time to really get into the creation stuff (which is a shame) and that's 90% of the fun

- Motostorm. Had the first one. Good game. Nothing more.

Resistence 2. Had the first. Absolute bollocks. 2nd one looks alright though

KZ2 looks good, will buy at some point

Wipeout HD; got it, love it

- GT5, I would rather throw up over my mum and lick it off

- GoW 3 - yeah, I'm sure it'll be brilliant

- Infamous. Great ideas, average game


I'm actually bored, other games look alright, I'm VERY interested in Hard Rain; and I have, played think is bollocks the rest of the games you mentioned.


What's your point? I didn't list the BEST Wii games, just the ones I have. I have or played most of the games (that are actually out) on your list; you can't say the same to my list. And NO game on the PS3 - including Uncharted, Bioshock and Dead Space which I LOVE. Comes close to Zelda, Mario or Metroid....sorry!!!


And where are the fun mutiplayer games on the PS3? Where are the bounteous group of niche games? Where are the pure arcade joyous games? There are a few exceptions; but can't compete with the Wii


PS Please insert 'in my opinion' sporadically throughout the post. Wherever you feel it is needed


Oh God...


As much as I like my PS3 AND Wii this kind of self-justification of an inanimate object rendered useless for anything but your own personal enjoyment has gone too far.


Sin bin. Do EET!

Posted (edited)

I mostly posted that because of your lack depth in trying to show everyone in the Wii GD thread what the PS3 is doing as of now.

I can't comprehend that if you've enjoyed those games you haven't bought more for the PS3. You claim you hardly play it yet have 70-80 games for the Wii. No system this gen even has 30 games worth buying, yet you've scoffed down all you can get on Nintendo's system because it's Nintendo.


And those analogies for the games: Can't get into it/don't have the time for/or you've bought the inferior version. Just ignorant really. Why buy the games or the system if you can't appreciate that sort of stuff? Maybe if you stopped using all that cash and were more selective your gaming experiences would be better and less clogged up with unneccessary stuff.


It's just so that you can say you have the system before discarding it to the corner to play more party and lightgun games on the Wii. Or the 1st party Mario/zelda/metroid efforts that on the wii have been sub-par over previous iterations. (Well Galaxy maybe not, but I'm only saying that because everyone claimed it was the next Jahova when really it was just very good.)

Edited by dwarf

Next year is going to be amazing for both the Wii and PS3, I'm glad I own both. At this point I'm just buying games I think I'll enjoy, I don't really care which of the two consoles they're on. I might be buying more PS3 games recently, but that's more because I've got a lot of catching up to do.


2010 games I'm interested in:




Super Mario Galaxy 2

Metroid Other M

Zelda Wii (if it comes out next year)

Pikmin 3 (if it comes out next year)

Red Steel 2





God of War 3

The Last Guardian

Final Fantasy 13

There were a couple others I can't remember at the moment.

I mostly posted that because of your lack depth in trying to show everyone in the Wii GD thread what the PS3 is doing as of now.

I can't comprehend that if you've enjoyed those games you haven't bought more for the PS3. You claim you hardly play it yet have 70-80 games for the Wii. No system this gen even has 30 games worth buying, yet you've scoffed down all you can get on Nintendo's system because it's Nintendo.


And those analogies for the games: Can't get into it/don't have the time for/or you've bought the inferior version. Just ignorant really. Why buy the games or the system if you can't appreciate that sort of stuff? Maybe if you stopped using all that cash and were more selective your gaming experiences would be better and less clogged up with unneccessary stuff.


It's just so that you can say you have the system before discarding it to the corner to play more party and lightgun games on the Wii. Or the 1st party Mario/zelda/metroid efforts that on the wii have been sub-par over previous iterations. (Well Galaxy maybe not, but I'm only saying that because everyone claimed it was the next Jahova when really it was just very good.)


I'm sorry, where in this thread, on the Nintendo board should I have gone indepth about the PS3? Why do you feel to come here, which you do a lot, and say it's ridiculous that I like the Wii so much and that I should wank over the PS3 as well?! I don't get it. You're so defensive even when we're not talking about the PS3....


And yes, you're right, I bought the PS3 and such JUST so I can give weight to me preferring the Wii. It has nothing to do with me just preferring it.


And they're not analogies. That's not what analogies are. And what's wrong with me not being able to get in to a game? Why does that mean I don't appreciate the system? Just being honest.


Why do you ALWAYS come over to the Wii board, when you don't have a Wii, and all you do when we discuss the Wii is slag it off and demand discussion and comparison with the PS3?!


i own alot of PS3 games, ive had it a little over a year and would guess ive owned (though sold) over 20 games, and rented more. i wouldent say i was greedy though. simply put, i enjoy games. i dont spend all my money on them, i still go out with mates and have enough left over to help me climb out of my over draft. i have outher hobbies besides gaming, and an active social life. i tend to complete most games i get, and then if i enjoyed em, i hold on, if they werent so good or i dont see a second play on the cards, i sell em on. i also lend games out occasionaly to friends.


i do own a wii and did buy a few games on there, though alot were just impulse buys to eliviate bordom. there is little that interest me on the wii right now, a few games id like to play if i get the time, but all in all, there are proportionaly fewer games im interested on for the wii. not saying its the wii at fault, simply due to my tastes.

Or the 1st party Mario/zelda/metroid efforts that on the wii have been sub-par over previous iterations. (Well Galaxy maybe not, but I'm only saying that because everyone claimed it was the next Jahova when really it was just very good.)




Great I come in from nightshift and find once again another topic gone to hell. Come on people lets stop with the pointless list wars and endless arguements. Im not locking the topic as its quite an interesting one and had some great replies. Anymore school yard rubbish of "My console is better than yours" will be deleted.


I hope this helps H-o-T:


I haven't got the largest collection, but I do have quite a few games I haven't finished, really for time purposes and the motivation to get back into a game when you've put it down. I find that hard, haha. It took me ages to finish Resident Evil 4, and I think I maybe didn't get as much out of it because I lost momentum.


For me it's more or less the opposite. I think that, sometimes, I force myself way too much to complete a certain game and I probably don't get to enjoy it to its fullest because of that. I noticed that with MP3: Corruption. Now that I play it again on trilogy I somehow enjoy it more than on my first time.


Sometimes I ask myself how people with those huge collections actually play their games. They must either play all day long or they must run through them like crazy ( if they play them at all :heh:)

I have "only" 21 Wii games right now and I really can't complain about not getting enough playtime. I just play them at my own pace and try to find all the neat little things and secrets.


( I apologize in advance if something should be wrong with this post. Been awake for around 20 hours now)

I'm sorry, where in this thread, on the Nintendo board should I have gone indepth about the PS3? Why do you feel to come here, which you do a lot, and say it's ridiculous that I like the Wii so much and that I should wank over the PS3 as well?! I don't get it. You're so defensive even when we're not talking about the PS3....


And yes, you're right, I bought the PS3 and such JUST so I can give weight to me preferring the Wii. It has nothing to do with me just preferring it.


And they're not analogies. That's not what analogies are. And what's wrong with me not being able to get in to a game? Why does that mean I don't appreciate the system? Just being honest.


Why do you ALWAYS come over to the Wii board, when you don't have a Wii, and all you do when we discuss the Wii is slag it off and demand discussion and comparison with the PS3?!

No it's just when you posted in the Wii GD and people asked about the other systems you didn't really seem to help or try to show them why it's a good alternative or whatever.


I don't mind if you enjoy your Wii, if you enjoy it then fair enough, I'm wrong if I said that you're lying, but I'll say it again - 70-80 Wii games... Instead of piling up all that, why don't you try completing MGS4 or one of the more expansive titles instead of playing an hour, realising you haven't completed it and then going back to your massive lump of games for the Wii.


If you're more selective you'd be able to spend time on the stuff that deserves a bit more than a once-in once-out treatment.


I will have to get out of the habit of bashing Mario Galaxy et al, but you're lying when you say I always come in here. I usually do it sparingly, and it's not always negative i.e Trilogy, Brawl, TP.


Not that I'm gonna condone playing a PS3 :heh: but I think the following is a good point and a way of getting the thread back to what Flinky started, rather than you guys going at it hammer and tongs again.


If you're more selective you'd be able to spend time on the stuff that deserves a bit more than a once-in once-out treatment.


Like most people here, I'm able to pretty much buy any game I want for the Wii or DS- not that I'm a moneybags or anything. Meaning my collection is bigger than is probably necessary and it also means each game gets less and less attention. Actually, seeing as I have games for Wii and DS that haven't been opened, that does mean my collection is bigger than necessary. Games seem to come out thicker and faster than ever (even for someone like me who doesn't own a PS3, 360, PSP or play games on the PC!).


Basically, the secret is to try and give each game attention and be more focused with what you're playing rather than jumping from game to game every 15 mins. Its easy to play something a little and then move on to the next big thing, but it keeps you from seeing what each game is all about.


Easier said than done of course! :p


It's a tricky one; the greedy part. I think it's greedy gamers complaining and wanting more; but not necessarily greedy buying lots of games. Greedy implies you not being satisified, when I'm more than satisified, over satisfied. But, I see myself as a bit of a collector, that's why I buy so many, and I like new experiences, and whether they're good or shit, the Wii has a lot of new experiences, so it excites me to see what these are, how these feel, how the control system working etc. I think I'll be much more interested in 360 and PS3 when Natal and PS3 motion come out.


Though I have curbed my spending and sold a lot of games that don't interest me anymore or I know I won't play through, so I'm being much stricter on myself. But yeah, ultimately, the greedy gamers are the ones who complain there aren't enough great games, always wanting more...


Maybe I like more longevity in my games than you Daz. You are more the person to want an instant buzz once you've loaded the game in rather than sit there getting down to the knitty gritty.


Tell me if that's not the case, but let's just say we're very different. I think in a way you're limiting yourself by buying more games if anything, only delving onto them if it's a big hitter like a Zelda or whatever. I think you need to give MGS4 an actual chance, even Fallout 3 maybe.


Very few people complete Fallout 3 and don't find it awesome. Probably my favourite game this gen in fact.


Bought Oblivion before deciding on Fallout 3 and actually hated it. Therefore don't think I'll be buying Fallout anytime soon. I gave Oblivion a ton of play time but just didn't get on with it one iota. MGS4 was good because it was a traditional game - you didn't have to sneak around all of the time and (without cutscenes) it wasn't the longest game ever.


Just my cuppa tea.


I can't say much for Obilvion because I've barely played it, but the whole retro, dank feel of Fallout along with the feeling of something epic, it just clicked with me. A masterpiece of a game if there ever was one. VATS never got old either.

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