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Trailer for the New Zelda game may be released in October


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The thing with Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Wind Waker were they were all technically brilliant. Ocarina of Time for obvious reasons. Majora's Mask used the extra RAM to keep track of an incredible number of things, and made the game bigger through the use of time. People quite rightly praise the sidequests, but I think the single most impressive thing about that game is the way the Moon gets lower and lower throughout the 3-day cycle, in real time. You can check it out any time you want, and it'll be in the correct position. It's the simplest, most brilliant way of telling a story and, to this day, I've not seen anything as audacious as that in game.


Wind Waker used the GameCube to finally have a physically bigger game. Not only that, we had full camera control all the time, sophisticated 3D towns and (incredibly) loading times as fast as those on the N64. It didn't have a 3-day cycle, but it had complete 1-day cycles for the townsfolk, and different phases of the moon. The whole thing was generally very fluid and was Zelda for the next generation.

Twilight Princess, however, did not have a single bit of extra hardware to take advantage of. Also, the graphics were so detailed, the experience did not feel as technically advanced as the previous games, such as town design and loading times (as well as the Wii control issues I've mentioned). The townsfolk did not even have a 1-day cycle. I don't say this to bash TP, just to highlight that we need technical excellence to get the "wow" factor.


For Zelda Wii, how about this for an idea? When Link draws his bow, the perspective shifts into 1st-person and you can actually move, just like Metroid Prime 3. Aiming whilst stationary is one of the few things that feels old-fashioned. I don't think you should actually have to draw your bowstring with MotionPlus; they should just keep the infra-red aiming. In fact, I've got a feeling the entire game may be in 1st-person perspective, with no sword at all, but that's just a guess.



Well put with that wind waker comment; the world felt so real and alive and the day/night cycle helped a lot. Windfall island for example is completely different at night time and it really immersed you into the game (especially when you're there chasing the pirates).

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I agree with you on the first person ideas. Not sure if the entire game would be first-person but I definitely think Nintendo will use it for things like boss battles, mini-games and maybe even regular combat. This must be where Retro Studios fit into the equation (if the rumours of their involvement turn out to be true).

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I agree with you on the first person ideas. Not sure if the entire game would be first-person but I definitely think Nintendo will use it for things like boss battles, mini-games and maybe even regular combat. This must be where Retro Studios fit into the equation (if the rumours of their involvement turn out to be true).


You have to remember that there have been some first person parts of zelda before - I distinctly remember horseriding and shooting arrows in first person, and doing first person arrowing in WW. I think Nintendo will be using it in the ways that you say, but I would also expect them to go further with it than they have before and mabey use it for another part of the gameplay. What that will be... well I have no idea.


Basically I hope we get some tidbits of info soon, even if there is no trailer, because that's all it would take for a lot of people to get very excited.

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All I'm hoping for is a new KICK-ASS villian!


Ganondorf, Vaati, General Onox, Veran, Zant and Skull Kid/Majora's Mask are all somebodies who long for ultimate power or want to rule over something. (with maybe the exception of Skull Kid) Could it ever happen that the triforce of power gets into another thing's hands? Me hopes :D

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My opinion is that it's good to see Hyrule and Ganondorf once per generation, but I like the more alternative stories as well. As the Wii is pretty much the same gen as GameCube, I quite fancy a "Majora's Mask" or "Link's Awakening". I wouldn't even mind if the graphics were kept the same as TP, and the Wii's extra power used to make a more fluid overworld.

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Sorry but this sums up my feeling about Zelda and between some of it fans.


Zelda fans often suffers from this trope, it's really quite funny to see fans' hatred of the last Zelda game (currently Wind Waker) be replaced by their hatred of the newest game (now Twilight Princess). So it goes on, when the next Zelda game comes out a load of people will be "disappointed" and suddenly Twilight Princess wasn't bad at all...and then it will have to deal with Ocarina of Time. Tough Act To Follow.


After Wind Waker was released, many articles were written suggesting that all the playing with the formula was bad and that Nintendo shouldn't muck about with three-day time limits or oceans - most articles requesting a game like Ocarina of Time. When that game did come in the form of Twilight Princess, the same people asserted that the Zelda formula was "played out" and that Nintendo ought to try new things with the franchise instead of sticking to the old stuff.


A recent trend/fad has surfaced for people to decry Ocarina of Time as "bland, overrated, and generally not good" now that Twilight Princess is released, while singing the never-ending praises of Majora's Mask. This from the same groups who lauded Ocarina as perfect and untarnishable during The Wind Waker-era, stating that Majora's Mask was "too different; too short; hard to play" etc. The flip-flopping is headache inducing.


When Twilight Princess was in development, Nintendo was inundated by complaints about an apparent lack of Ganon. Interviews constantly asked for his presence, and the fans decried that the serious tone of Twilight Princess deserved to have Ganon appear in the game and that leaving him out would make for an empty experiences. Nintendo only mentioned that he would be in the game, but never released any screens featuring him, leading many to accuse them of lying about his presence. When the game came out and Ganon was The Man Behind The Man...the complaints changed to accusing Nintendo of being too cliche and complaining that they should have left Ganon out and focused a new villain instead, declaring the plot having been Hijacked By Ganon in their rage.

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I loved how Ganon was in TP, I didn't like how the end boss battle was played out though. The sword fighting and horse riding were great but the whole wrestling of the pig should have been left out IMO.


Yeah, agreed. It was good to see Ganon in pig form (as he was originally created!) but the pig section of the battle was a bit of a drag. :(

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