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Trailer for the New Zelda game may be released in October


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Yeah, and I guess he is our regular poster of stuff. The only thing I would ask is for him to cut things down a bit more sometimes, because reading a wall of headache can be text inducing. :heh:


Now, if he was a site-worker, it would be different. Mainly because it is just copy and paste, rather than re-writing and reporting. But, as long as he keeps it short, and posts a source here, I don't think it's too much of a problem.

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If it was true would it be good that we are geting something?


Someway or another gamers will complain if the Zelda trailer is shown or not shown.


It's really funny the pattern Nintendo fans and just gamers alltogether do with the Zelda series.


OOT, was praised like it was a gift from God, everyone gets hyped up for new Zelda after this.


MM, Fans unhappy, no adult link, only child Link, only 3 days over and over again making them think even harder on how to get through some of the temples, reused characters etc etc...gets critisized but once WW is finally shown and out, fans start praising how MM was so good and awesome and how they wish WW was like MM.


WW, cel shaded, fans kick up a stink after seeing clips of the realistic style Zelda in 2000, talk about how it's going to stink will never be like it's predecessors and now start requesting from Nintendo to make a realistic style game of Zelda rather then Celda, TP get's released, people hate it and want Celda to come back and then start praising how awesome and cool Celda was.


TP, came out, too many people way overhyped and was dissapointed, thought it was the worst of the 3D series and want Nintendo to try and create something new, even though they wanted a game like this to begin with...and so comes the newest installment.


??, fans will be very cautious about the new way to play it with the Wii-mote, declare it's not as good as the last Zelda games, then they will talk back and declare how awesome TP was and how Nintendo should have stuck to the formula.


Yeah...it's going to happen. :heh:

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Someway or another gamers will complain if the Zelda trailer is shown or not shown.


It's really funny the pattern Nintendo fans and just gamers alltogether do with the Zelda series.


OOT, was praised like it was a gift from God, everyone gets hyped up for new Zelda after this.


MM, Fans unhappy, no adult link, only child Link, only 3 days over and over again making them think even harder on how to get through some of the temples, reused characters etc etc...gets critisized but once WW is finally shown and out, fans start praising how MM was so good and awesome and how they wish WW was like MM.


WW, cel shaded, fans kick up a stink after seeing clips of the realistic style Zelda in 2000, talk about how it's going to stink will never be like it's predecessors and now start requesting from Nintendo to make a realistic style game of Zelda rather then Celda, TP get's released, people hate it and want Celda to come back and then start praising how awesome and cool Celda was.


TP, came out, too many people way overhyped and was dissapointed, thought it was the worst of the 3D series and want Nintendo to try and create something new, even though they wanted a game like this to begin with...and so comes the newest installment.


??, fans will be very cautious about the new way to play it with the Wii-mote, declare it's not as good as the last Zelda games, then they will talk back and declare how awesome TP was and how Nintendo should have stuck to the formula.


Yeah...it's going to happen. :heh:


Sad to say that this is pretty much true.The Masses suck.

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I think one of the guys from Retro nailed it in that recent interview piece when he said that the games have to be better than the memories of the previous games.


Personally, I never experienced the Majora's Mask bashing you describe, and though many were up in arms about cel shading back in the day, I wasn't one of them. Being a massive animation fan I was overjoyed to see the artistic direction Wind Waker took right from the off - and tbh I always thought the 'realistic' Zelda trailer looked thrown together, plastic and unconvincing. TP was certainly a very solid game and you couldn't fault it on the same grounds as you could WW (ie being half-baked); it just felt like it was trapped between being an OOT homage and doing something new and dark. I think I'd have prefered it to explore the Twilight theme more and just stick with Zant as the villain. Also on a visual level it was hamstrung by stiff animations and muddy textures. The only parts that really 'had it' artistically were, again, the twilighty bits.


The most disappointing Zelda for me has been Phantom Hourglass - what a charmless, utilitarian little gamethat is! As a result, I have almost no interest in Spirit Tracks whatsoever :( but remain quietly optimistic for Zelda Wii..

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Can someone tell me what benefits could we possibly get from a first-person Zelda game? Link has no gun, it made more sense to bring Metroid into the first-person perspective than that. Swordplay works fine in third-person - the over-the-shoulder Swordplay in Wii Sports Resort works really well (assuming Miyamoto is making the game M+ compatible).

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Can someone tell me what benefits could we possibly get from a first-person Zelda game? Link has no gun, it made more sense to bring Metroid into the first-person perspective than that. Swordplay works fine in third-person - the over-the-shoulder Swordplay in Wii Sports Resort works really well (assuming Miyamoto is making the game M+ compatible).


I have no idea why they want to use first-person but what I do know is the first-third switch offered in Oblivion is... simply.... awesome. The Wii have the capacity to run such a game however, debatable.

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The most disappointing Zelda for me has been Phantom Hourglass - what a charmless, utilitarian little gamethat is! As a result, I have almost no interest in Spirit Tracks whatsoever :( but remain quietly optimistic for Zelda Wii..


Totally agree with that. Phantom Hourglass was a decent game, but as a Zelda title it was the worst in my opinion. Dumbed down, Zelda "Lite", where the visuals felt like a step backwards somehow. And also, little things, like just 7 items?? And that includes the standard bow, boomerang, bombs etc.


And I don't recall any Majora's Mask bashing either back in the day but fair enough on everything else killer kirby said.


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I have no idea why they want to use first-person but what I do know is the first-third switch offered in Oblivion is... simply.... awesome. The Wii have the capacity to run such a game however, debatable.


Personally I really didn't like the first-person perspective in Oblivion, I couldn't be sure if my hits were landing.

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Can someone tell me what benefits could we possibly get from a first-person Zelda game? Link has no gun, it made more sense to bring Metroid into the first-person perspective than that. Swordplay works fine in third-person - the over-the-shoulder Swordplay in Wii Sports Resort works really well (assuming Miyamoto is making the game M+ compatible).


Imagine it though - we'd be running around with a semi-transparent Link for most of the game :confused: You're right that it works a treat in Wii Sports Resort. I just assumed that's what they'd be going for. It'd be nice if they allow a choice of viewpoints - unfortunately, Nintendo seems to favour more cut-and-dry, pre-prescribed gaming experiences these days. God I miss adjustable cameras!

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I have no idea why they want to use first-person but what I do know is the first-third switch offered in Oblivion is... simply.... awesome. The Wii have the capacity to run such a game however, debatable.


:cry:You make me sad. They started offering the 1st and 3rd person perspectives with Morrowind which the Wii would have little to no trouble handling.


As for running Oblivion, I know it's possible(I think) just simply for the fact that the engine is very scalable. On PC I turned everything as low as it would go and it basically was indistinguishable from a PS1/N64 era game until you looked at a person. Character models were still passably good. Trees were paper sprites and there was fog after about 10 meters.


Of course, Link's Combat is a bit more varied than just some swordplay and bow/boomerang action. We're always jumping around and rolling, so it'd be a tough transition, but I don't think impossible.

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And I don't recall any Majora's Mask bashing either back in the day but fair enough on everything else killer kirby said.


There was, and a fair bit as well, how would people feel knowing that there were not as many temples, the place the game is set is smaller then Hyrule and the fact that half the time you got only masks.


People were so high on OOT it wasn't funny, they expected OOT that was BIGGER (Kind of like what Banjo-Tooie did with Banjo Kazooie)


And people wouldn't remember a lot of bashing because it was out a while ago so many complaints just disappeared and have forever been forgotten

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There was, and a fair bit as well, how would people feel knowing that there were not as many temples, the place the game is set is smaller then Hyrule and the fact that half the time you got only masks.


People were so high on OOT it wasn't funny, they expected OOT that was BIGGER (Kind of like what Banjo-Tooie did with Banjo Kazooie)


And people wouldn't remember a lot of bashing because it was out a while ago so many complaints just disappeared and have forever been forgotten


I remember being a bit bummed when I read that there were only 4 dungeons. Maybe people were bashing it before it was released but I really don't think there was any negativity AFTER it was released and people played it.


But anyway, I suppose your point still stands.



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Evolution not revolution is what's needed with Zelda IMO


I genuinely agree with that, and it has the added bonus of being an Alan Partridge quote! ;)


It's really funny the pattern Nintendo fans and just gamers alltogether do with the Zelda series.


I think you're generalising the small group of reactionary fans with the wider group of gamers.


I don't remember any fuss about Majora's Mask. Everyone knew it was a "bonus", same-engine Zelda. It was less flawless than Ocarina of Time, but in many ways better.


As for Wind Waker, well, I have never criticised that. I thought it was the best game ever from pretty much the first moment. Even so, I can somewhat understand some people being disappointed they didn't receive the SpaceWorld Zelda. It's a simple case of "You get teased with something, you want it". Nintendo do this to sell machines, after all.


Now, as for the next game, maybe it will be inferior to Twilight Princess, in which case people will say so. This doesn't mean they will somehow reclassify Twilight Princess as excellent, because it wasn't. It was a right mess. It had moments of brilliance, true, but the game as a whole was an uninspired jumble of nonsense.


Don't forget that, unlike Majora's Mask and Wind Waker, Twilight Princess had an overly long development time, spread out between two consoles. This meant that the end product was nothing like it was meant to be.


The most disappointing Zelda for me has been Phantom Hourglass - what a charmless, utilitarian little gamethat is! As a result, I have almost no interest in Spirit Tracks whatsoever :( but remain quietly optimistic for Zelda Wii..


Too true. I can't believe how unexcited I am for Spirit Tracks, which, after all, is out very soon! I keep forgetting that. If you look at the lack of hype, I'm sure many people feel this way. That said, I didn't find Phantom Hourglass disappointing, personally, as I just had a feeling it wouldn't be all that.

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Please, no one get their hopes up for a trailer... this happens too frequently on the net: a rumour begins and it gets out of control and when it doesn't come to pass everyone shouts at, and blames, Nintendo, even though they never started the rumour or gave any reason themselves for the hype. This site seems to have an awful lot more people with their heads screwed on than anywhere else online though :)


As for a 1st-person Zelda, a lot of people were unsure how Metroid would work in the 1st person. AND we're forgetting something which could show us how good a 1st-person Zelda could be as far as swordplay goes: Red Steel 2 :bowdown:

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As for a 1st-person Zelda, a lot of people were unsure how Metroid would work in the 1st person. AND we're forgetting something which could show us how good a 1st-person Zelda could be as far as swordplay goes: Red Steel 2 :bowdown:


Good point.


I really think Zelda needs to take some tips from Metroid. Not in terms of structure, but rather in terms of intensity and pacing.


Metroid Prime is a lean, mean, intense game. Twilight Princess is flabby. Metroid Prime only has about five big bosses, but we sure remember them. Twilight Princess has loads of bosses and dungeons, but they're pretty forgettable.


Zelda has always been a cross between an action game and an RPG, and I hate to say it, but it's veered too close to being an RPG.


What I'd like from the next Zelda is a simple, intense game. It's always fun to do a Zelda wish list, so here goes!


1. No twilight or light world/dark world. The light world is always better. just concentrate on making that as fun as possible.


2. Better art direction. In Twilight Princess, the enemies looked too much like real creatures. The spiders were realistic and the Dodongos looked like gekkos! Not magical enough.


3. No real gimmicks. Mounts are good because they're an extension of Link, but I don't want any of these wolf/twilight shenanigans that completely change the gameplay. Zelda Wii should just be about Link running around as well-designed a world as possible.


4. More "wow" moments. Twilight Princess had a few, like the storming of the Bulblins' camp, but not enough and not close enough together. We need more "rollercoaster" sections, with a greater sense of speed and excitement.


5. Cut the flab. I like sidequests, but these should really be optional, post-game affairs. Like I say, we need lean, mean pacing, like Metroid.


6. Better sense of location. The dungeons should feel more like castles, cathedrals, mansions etc - whatever building they're actually meant to be. The Forsaken Fortress was particularly good at this. Perhaps even if you jumped out of a window, you'd land straight in the overworld, with no discernable separation from the two.


7. Technical excellence. I want smooth gameplay, running around with no loading times, switching between perspectives when I like. Zelda should be the pinnacle of technical excellence.


8. Magic. Whatever they were thinking when they made Wind Waker, they were right...

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Whats really good about Metroid Prime is that even though you don't get the whole 'dungeon' design that Zelda has, it really feels like you are exploring the world around you; you never got that with Twilight Princess unless you were actually in a dungeon. To me the overworld was very poor and unlike the Ocarina/Wind Waker world it seemed as if it just linked dungeons together and there wasn't anything to explore.

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Grazza you talk a lot of sense.


TP Kakariko was indeed awful. Design wise I thought personally that it was fine, just the fact that, you know... there was hardly anything you could actually do there! You'd think that after 4 3D Zelda games Nintendo would be able to give us more than one large village/town location.


For me, TP is probably the weakest of the 3D Zeldas, still pretty good, but a bit of a mess. It had a number of genuinely 'WOW' moments. Some seriously excellent locations, events or mini quests. Mostly in the first half of the game. Things just seemed to go downhill when you went looking for mirror shards (the mansion level apart). Like Grazza says, given the amount of time they took making it I expected more. Still an excellent game mind.


Zelda Wii should be a mixture of OOT's epicness, MM's dark and eerie qualities + number of sidequests, WW's magic and charm and TP's attention to detail in terms of locations and events + excellent companion. There, easy!


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