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Pokémafia 3 - Turning Point


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So trigger-happy to vote = mafia, but reluctance to vote = mafia? You just can't win, can you? :heh:


Because their likeliness to vote depends on the alignment of the person? If Cube is evil, he knows those alignments and therefore acts accordingly. If not, he acts on his own impulses, which may or may not be the same as the mafia's based purely on coincidence. Whats more likely, coincidence or evil? At this point, probably coincidence, hence why I haven't voted for him. When / if more appears, maybe I will vote for him. By warning him of it now, it discourages him from doing it in future as a mafioso; maybe he'll not bother placing a vote for a good guy, which might swing it and keep that guy alive. Maybe he will place a vote for a mafioso who looks in trouble, to keep his cover. Either way it's a good thing for us. If he is innocent, it won't affect him.

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Because their likeliness to vote depends on the alignment of the person? If Cube is evil, he knows those alignments and therefore acts accordingly. If not, he acts on his own impulses, which may or may not be the same as the mafia's based purely on coincidence. Whats more likely, coincidence or evil? At this point, probably coincidence, hence why I haven't voted for him. When / if more appears, maybe I will vote for him. By warning him of it now, it discourages him from doing it in future as a mafioso; maybe he'll not bother placing a vote for a good guy, which might swing it and keep that guy alive. Maybe he will place a vote for a mafioso who looks in trouble, to keep his cover. Either way it's a good thing for us. If he is innocent, it won't affect him.

I know perfectly well the theory behind voting patterns, and I know that they do apply, but there are just an awful lot of maybes and uncertainty involved. Plus, once people start using reverse psychology, it gets even more uncertain.


Anyway, we've had this discussion before, and I can practically see where it's going to head next. I'm not interested in clogging another mafia game with it - sorry for bringing it up again, even in jest.

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I'm wary of EEVIL and Danny-boy. Danny what powers have you used so far? I want to see if it shows in the write-up.


EEVIL if you don't mind saying, what is your power? I know its not the best in case it reveals it to the mafia but right now, from the information I've worked out I believe you are mafia.

I can watch people. I think. I'm not entirely sure myself.

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I know perfectly well the theory behind voting patterns, and I know that they do apply, but there are just an awful lot of maybes and uncertainty involved. Plus, once people start using reverse psychology, it gets even more uncertain.


Anyway, we've had this discussion before, and I can practically see where it's going to head next. I'm not interested in clogging another mafia game with it - sorry for bringing it up again, even in jest.


For the last time, the whole damn game is about intuition and deduction, not about waiting to get lucky with investigations.

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For the last time, the whole damn game is about intuition and deduction, not about waiting to get lucky with investigations.

Oh, really? I didn't know. [/sarcasm] There's still a difference between being deductive and jumping on every single shadow of a suspicion. But like I said, this argument is going nowhere. It's been debated to death already, and we won't agree anytime soon. Let's not disrupt ReZ's game anymore, all right?

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Oh, really? I didn't know. [/sarcasm] There's still a difference between being deductive and jumping on every single shadow of a suspicion. But like I said, this argument is going nowhere. It's been debated to death already, and we won't agree anytime soon. Let's not disrupt ReZ's game anymore, all right?


If I was jumping on every single shadow of suspicion I would have tried voting off 5 or 6 people by now.

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Hello! I'm back. Just thought I'd let you know. Didn't get anything last night but not sure what to go with today. Dannyboy seems to have either thought about this a LOT or be telling the truth. So I don't know whether to trust him - he's a very good liar and I remember in a previous game everyone thought him to be a townie until the end where he turned out to be a mafioso. What I mean is, we know he can lie.


Anyway, other than that there is spambot. Now he is indeed inexperienced at these games and in the last one I had to explain something to him when he voted for someone because they voted for him (or something, I don't remember exactly) so I personally would believe him. Especially as, if I was in the mafia with him, I would have told him to do things very differently to just voting for the person rather than defending. So yeah, basically I don't think either of the leads are hugely strong, but if we really wanted to get rid of someone it's possible that Dannyboy is simply a great liar or Spambot is acting innoncent.


I have no idea. I'm holding my vote for now, but I'm wary (I can't remember how to spell this word :S) of Dannyboy just for previous games. Does nobody have anything even a little more solid?!


Automerge - Just read Coolness' post...


Coolness do you know what the second investigation means? did you get anything else about her absorbing power? I seem to remember the last poke mafia game being about the three porygons and at the end didn't they turn evil, absorb lots of power and then shoot a death ray into the sky? Is there any chance this could be the case here? Sorry if not, I might have missed some stuff as I've been away but to me that sounds a little odd

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Coolness do you know what the second investigation means? did you get anything else about her absorbing power? I seem to remember the last poke mafia game being about the three porygons and at the end didn't they turn evil, absorb lots of power and then shoot a death ray into the sky? Is there any chance this could be the case here? Sorry if not, I might have missed some stuff as I've been away but to me that sounds a little odd


Are you just making this stuff up as you go along? o___O

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Are you just making this stuff up as you go along? o___O






BZZZZT. BZZZZZT. A grave started to have electrical surges. BZZZZT. The soft and unsettled soil started to rise and bubble up. A charred, and damaged Porygon-Z rose from the grave.


Elsewhere Porygons eyes lit up, bright red and left her hut. The same happened with Porygon2.


The three Porygon Pokemon met in the centre of the town square, and gazed up. Red light beams shot into the sky, into a big black cloud.


At once, meteors shot down from the sky, mashing all wildlife, nature and living creatures below. The location looked about 200 miles from the little town still reeling from its loss.


There was a long argument one day about Zell (who was Porygon 2) being able to absorb/gain people's powers and use them himself.


I was just speculating, but I certainly wasn't just making stuff up. Like I said I've missed a lot, I was just looking into a potential lead.

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Hello! I'm back. Just thought I'd let you know. Didn't get anything last night but not sure what to go with today. Dannyboy seems to have either thought about this a LOT or be telling the truth. So I don't know whether to trust him - he's a very good liar and I remember in a previous game everyone thought him to be a townie until the end where he turned out to be a mafioso. What I mean is, we know he can lie.


Anyway, other than that there is spambot. Now he is indeed inexperienced at these games and in the last one I had to explain something to him when he voted for someone because they voted for him (or something, I don't remember exactly) so I personally would believe him. Especially as, if I was in the mafia with him, I would have told him to do things very differently to just voting for the person rather than defending. So yeah, basically I don't think either of the leads are hugely strong, but if we really wanted to get rid of someone it's possible that Dannyboy is simply a great liar or Spambot is acting innoncent.


I have no idea. I'm holding my vote for now, but I'm wary (I can't remember how to spell this word :S) of Dannyboy just for previous games. Does nobody have anything even a little more solid?!


Automerge - Just read Coolness' post...


Coolness do you know what the second investigation means? did you get anything else about her absorbing power? I seem to remember the last poke mafia game being about the three porygons and at the end didn't they turn evil, absorb lots of power and then shoot a death ray into the sky? Is there any chance this could be the case here? Sorry if not, I might have missed some stuff as I've been away but to me that sounds a little odd

While I know it hurts my case, I can't help but feel a little flattered. :heh:

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Coolness do you know what the second investigation means? did you get anything else about her absorbing power? I seem to remember the last poke mafia game being about the three porygons and at the end didn't they turn evil, absorb lots of power and then shoot a death ray into the sky? Is there any chance this could be the case here? Sorry if not, I might have missed some stuff as I've been away but to me that sounds a little odd


I have no idea what it means. I just get news delivered to me at the end of every night. :)

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You will also note that I didn't actually accuse you of anything, I never voted for you, and all I actually did was give one theory, and ask Coolness Bears whether he had any information. Why are you so quick to get onto the defensive? I never accused you of anything and never suggested that you were evil - I just asked Coolness a question.


I'd vote for you just because you are so quick to clam up and get defensive but that would probably convince you even more so that I need to be lynched so that you try and convince everyone to vote.


Seriously - what the hell? Do you really think I should be lynched just for putting an idea forward?

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Haha yeah could be any of those Dannyboy. Or just that I was simply asking coolness a question.


You know what, forget it, it's actually much more likely that we're shooting in the complete wrong direction while we ignore much more solid evidence. I apologise Raining, I wasn't accusing you I was just making a link in my head that may or may not exist.


Although - Dannyboy you're just making me more suspicious of you. Paranoia is at an all time high here, I think, but now you just seem to be sitting on the edge of arguments, poking them to keep them alive. You certainly should have been flattered, as you are good at these games, but that is what is making me suspicious of you.


That being said I don't want people all taking my musings the wrong way. Apparently my thoughts don't come accross well here and I end up looking suspicious at every turn. What may be best is if I shut up and just come forward when I have something useful to contribute.


But come on guys - I know some people keep saying the game is about reading people, but it is also very much about using the info we get at night. Surely we must have something from the last two nights that we can use to lynch?

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I'm defensive because you are basically trying to get everyone on the bandwagon that I am porygon (I'm not) trying to make up a theory (that isn't true) in the hope that people will believe it and lynch me.

I seriously didn't find him very accusing. I'm not going to go as far as to say you're mafia because of your reaction, but you're certainly quick on the defence, I must say ...

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