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My dad is the captain of a state trooper boat, for the state of Alaska. yay...


What exactly are state troopers, anyway? Are they basically a militia, more like an army reserve?

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Umm I wouldn't really say that..


The troopers that my dad drives around on the boat (he's not a trooper, he just drives them around..makes more money then them.) They just go about the water in Alaska and make sure no Russians are fishing in Alaskan waters and making sure everybody is fishing the right stuff in the right season.


More like cops, then an "army reserve."

My daddy is the headmaster at a school for severely disabled children.


My Dad is starting a teaching course in September so that he can teach in a school for disabled children, as he wants to move on from something slightly different to caring for disabled adults.


it must be much harder when they run around, carry knives and use full sentences to answer back.... I mean my heart goes out to the inner london teachers of "normal" children. (helping disabled children/adults is good too .basically, what i'm saying is my daddy is better than yours and could beat yours in a fight)

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