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So, I had really bad acne last year, until the dermatologist prescribed me some isotretonoin. It did the trick, didn't have a spot in months. I cam off it last year, but now the acne is starting to come back. I fear I'm fighting a loosing battle and that I may have to take isotretonoin again (at least I know it does the trick).


So, the question is, did you ever suffer from acne? Did you cure it? And how long did it last?


It's really starting to get me down, sometimes at night I just lay there and it's all I can think about.

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I didn't have it hardcore, but I did get some spots on my face. I still get some today. Also on my upper arms and sometimes on my back.


Popping them is of great satisfaction.


Haha same, I don't get lots but every now and then they appear, usually one at a time, sometimes two, either on my face or the upper arm area... I find it odd though because I do wash regularly but still they just appear. :/


But yeah popping them is always satisfying and anyone who doesn't agree is either lying / in denial :heh: I'm not saying that it makes spots 'good' just that purging them in such an 'explosive' manner just feels right.

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I never had acne when I was younger, but this last year I've been getting loads spots on my scalp and around my jaw line. I did go to the doctors, not realising what it was, and was told it was acne. I turned down the medication, I just picked up some skin stuff for my face, if that works then I'm happy.


It's odd though, I thought you got it in your early teens, etc. Not when you're nearly 21.

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I get some, but it's not very bad. I da have a few in my face that seem to be in a hibernation state. Once in a while they turn into real zits, but even after I pop them they still remain, lying dormant.


Possibly my grossest post EVER.

That is awesome, you know the pleasure is waiting to return.

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people should not have acne in this day and age. so if you even have a littel see the doc. Acne scarring is not nice. Ages ago, i was given some stuff which glows green under flouresent light (so not one to go clubbing in).


I use to enjoy acne on my back and squeezing it. Now i squeeze my mosquito bites but it is rarely the same unless they are infected already

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Never had Acne, I have dry skin on my face though. :(


Yeah before my acne started I had lots of dry skin around my face. I had to use moisturiser most days after a shower (always seemed to be bad after a shower).

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That is awesome, you know the pleasure is waiting to return.

Meh, it's not nice when it hurts to pop them. And I'm getting tired of this lump on my cheek that won't go away (one particularly resistant zit).


people should not have acne in this day and age. so if you even have a littel see the doc. Acne scarring is not nice. Ages ago, i was given some stuff which glows green under flouresent light (so not one to go clubbing in).


I use to enjoy acne on my back and squeezing it. Now i squeeze my mosquito bites but it is rarely the same unless they are infected already

Why shouldn't we have acne in this day and age? It's a pretty normal skin condition to get in one's teenage years.

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Why shouldn't we have acne in this day and age? It's a pretty normal skin condition to get in one's teenage years.


acne is the skin disorder.. the odd spots sure to be ok . But given that there is treatment available, I dont think teenagers should have to look at it as a normal part of growing up. Just like wonky teeth can be corrected with braces, people should go for treatment to the doctor.


People seem to either to self surgury and make it worse, spend money on clearsil or suffer looking spotty. Easy, free treament that works. Go to the NHS.

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But Blender, Acne is a genetic condition and while treatment will work, it won't turn off the genetic markers and so it's likely to come back. As a result, it's not exactly something that isn't going to appear in generations after us unless a drug is developed that can alter the gene.


It's surprising how few people know that it is a genetic thing. Many think it comes down to eating habits or lifestyle but these rarely play a part in it at all.

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acne is the skin disorder.. the odd spots sure to be ok . But given that there is treatment available, I dont think teenagers should have to look at it as a normal part of growing up. Just like wonky teeth can be corrected with braces, people should go for treatment to the doctor.


People seem to either to self surgury and make it worse, spend money on clearsil or suffer looking spotty. Easy, free treament that works. Go to the NHS.

Sure, it can be treated, and of course some people are so badly affected by it that they would benefit from treatment. But I can't honestly be bothered because of a few zits. I'm not vain - you can't be vain when you're not exactly good-looking in the first place. :heh:

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doesnt matter what the cause is, its the effect that is not nice. I dont know anyone that wants acne or the possibility of acne scars ....even if it is indeed the "natural" condition that GOD himself chose for us.


Nice article here:



The only argument against, is COST. There are few (any?) side effects from treatments.


basically, i am advocating going to the doctor and aggressively asking for treatment until you get it. You may be fobbed off... in some cases quite rightly but if you are borderline, just explain the distress it causes you.


Sure, it can be treated, and of course some people are so badly affected by it that they would benefit from treatment. But I can't honestly be bothered because of a few zits. I'm not vain - you can't be vain when you're not exactly good-looking in the first place. :heh:


fair enough. but every little helps ;)


(I am more worried about life long scarring mentally or physically than some tempory thing that most poeple can deal with)

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doesnt matter what the cause is, its the effect that is not nice. I dont know anyone that wants acne or the possibility of acne scars ....even if it is indeed the "natural" condition that GOD himself chose for us.


Nice article here:



The only argument against, is COST. There are few (any?) side effects from treatments.


basically, i am advocating going to the doctor and aggressively asking for treatment until you get it. You may be fobbed off... in some cases quite rightly but if you are borderline, just explain the distress it causes you.




fair enough. but every little helps ;)

Yeah, I guess. :heh: The only thing bothering me would be the scars you're talking about.

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Apparently this is the 'proper' way to pop them...



Then theres this method which seems kinda extreme...



Then there is this video involving zit popping that is just gross... :/



Yes I You-Tube searched Zit-Popping... >.>

Edited by S.C.G
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A lot of people think skimmed milk causes spots. My instinct is there's some truth to that, but I still drink it for muscle and strength. If I get a spot, I find the best thing to do is rub soap into it, and it soon clears up.

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So, I had really bad acne last year, until the dermatologist prescribed me some isotretonoin. It did the trick, didn't have a spot in months. I cam off it last year, but now the acne is starting to come back. I fear I'm fighting a loosing battle and that I may have to take isotretonoin again (at least I know it does the trick).


So, the question is, did you ever suffer from acne? Did you cure it? And how long did it last?


It's really starting to get me down, sometimes at night I just lay there and it's all I can think about.


I find that drinking a lot of water and exercising helps. Like really sweaty exercise.


Apparently not having dairy helps, but I like dairy so fuck that.


Also it's ok to pop them when they're a proper whitehead, but don't pick and them or squeeze them to death. And my sure you have clean hands when you piop them and clean your face afterwards. Poping them during or after a shower helps, as it opens your pores.

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acne is the skin disorder.. the odd spots sure to be ok . But given that there is treatment available, I dont think teenagers should have to look at it as a normal part of growing up. Just like wonky teeth can be corrected with braces, people should go for treatment to the doctor.


People seem to either to self surgury and make it worse, spend money on clearsil or suffer looking spotty. Easy, free treament that works. Go to the NHS.


I'm sick of this sort of arrogance from people who've clearly never suffered from any disorder in their life, let alone acne! I did have treatment, it worked after 6 months, I stopped. It's now coming back, so I do have the option of getting medication, but it's a lengthy process, and I'm frankly embarrassed.

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I'm sick of this sort of arrogance from people who've clearly never suffered from any disorder in their life, let alone acne! I did have treatment, it worked after 6 months, I stopped. It's now coming back, so I do have the option of getting medication, but it's a lengthy process, and I'm frankly embarrassed.


well if we all talked about how normal treatment is, people wouldnt get embarrassed. Getting treatment can't be much more embarrsing than walking around with a pizza face.






shall we talk about gential warts now.

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acne is the skin disorder.. the odd spots sure to be ok . But given that there is treatment available, I dont think teenagers should have to look at it as a normal part of growing up. Just like wonky teeth can be corrected with braces, people should go for treatment to the doctor.


People seem to either to self surgury and make it worse, spend money on clearsil or suffer looking spotty. Easy, free treament that works. Go to the NHS.


Its not always as simple as that. I've been battling with a skin condition for 20 years.


Going to the doctor or dermy won't mean an instant cure - it depends on your case - how severe it is - how you react to certain meds/treatment - how long it takes to find the right one.


But I'm all for people going to see the dermatologist. They know more than your gp would, and EVERYONE should at least ask to be refered!


I'm one of my local clinics more critical patients, I've been on more topicals, drugs and other therapies than you can imagine. I'm only in remission now after 20 years. My skin condition developed further into arthritis, and i'm now a really sick person because of it.


I know the terrifying fear of a skin problem coming back. I've had it oh so many times with treatments that improve it then stop working. Heck the meds i'm on now are so expensive (£180 per syringe!!) they are likely to be cut at some point, and it'll come back again. My skin condition is so severe that it could kill me. I've been let down so many times with miracle treatments that could cure me, and end up not. :sad:

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