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Women Are Getting More Beautiful


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pft, you do nothing but go on about nuts and zoo in the knee chat room. :indeed:



also; its raining, like the actual word


I don't do that at all the time.


there are too many girls trying to look like La Roux these days


Its that good or bad?

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Does Cindy Crawford son confuse you?



I have no idea what you're asking me here... *more confused now*



Anyway, I don't think this research means much, as evolution is something that takes hundreds and thousands of years to actually change things, so some researchers following some people through a few generations won't really give a good research result anyway.

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there are too many girls trying to look like La Roux these days


Whats wrong with that? She's got nice skin, nice hair, although the style its put in is not my favourite.


I'm sick of this girls should have long hair shit too whilst I'm in a ranting mood, hmmf!

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Are the teenage boys who take airbrushed fakery for normality all that different to the girls that feel pressured by the equally ludicrous expectations set by their own magazines? They're both willing victims at the end of the day.


Also, it's not a very good idea to extrapolate the ostensible tastes of a magazine's readership to an entire gender; were I to do that the very existence of vapid gossip magazines would brand all of womankind a lost cause.

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Well there's that, but have you seen the pressue on women lately? Oh don't get me wrong men get alot of crap pushed their way now, they must moisturise, they must be shaved etc etc. Its all bull, but people still buy into it and look RIDICULOUS.


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I just hope this doesn't end up in an Idiocracy scenario ... *shudders*


"Beauty", as subjective as it may be, is normally scientifically measured with "beauty templates" for proportions of facial features that appear attractive to most people - these are the stereotypical beauty traits that so many celebrities and teenagers with low self-esteem try to adhere to. Still, they forget the fact that beauty is in the eye of the beholder: Not everyone is equally attracted to these stereotypical beauty traits. To take the boob example, I for one actually hate overly large boobs. Boobs should be porportionate to the rest of the body, not Tifa-sized.


I've heard that alpha persons are genetically attracted to alpha persons - and beta persons to beta persons. This would mean that those not fitting the stereotypical alpha traits would be attracted to other people who don't fit the traits, either. I'm not sure about this, however.

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I've heard that alpha persons are genetically attracted to alpha persons - and beta persons to beta persons. This would mean that those not fitting the stereotypical alpha traits would be attracted to other people who don't fit the traits, either. I'm not sure about this, however.


That's true. Scientific research has shown that people on the same 'attractiveness' level attract each other, ie, two sterotypically ugly people are far more likely to be attractive to each other that an and ugly person to a good looking person.

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That's true. Scientific research has shown that people on the same 'attractiveness' level attract each other, ie, two sterotypically ugly people are far more likely to be attractive to each other that an and ugly person to a good looking person.

Makes sense somewhat. Still, it creates some problems: For instance, how can there be "beauty idols", then? By that logic, I wouldn't be attracted to Angelina Jolie - a false statement, in case you were wondering.

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Makes sense somewhat. Still, it creates some problems: For instance, how can there be "beauty idols", then? By that logic, I wouldn't be attracted to Angelina Jolie - a false statement, in case you were wondering.


I think because there's a difference between these "beauty idols" you find attractive and the actual girls you'll end up in relationships with. You can find these celebrities really attractive, but in the end when looking for a relationship you'll be more likely to look at other types.

At least that's how I guess it works heh. =P

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I think because there's a difference between these "beauty idols" you find attractive and the actual girls you'll end up in relationships with. You can find these celebrities really attractive, but in the end when looking for a relationship you'll be more likely to look at other types.

At least that's how I guess it works heh. =P

Ah, yes, that makes sense. Like, I would be more attracted - in terms of wanting to start a relationship - to someone more geeky and bookish.

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Most girls look like shit walking and talking. Skin has the same tone throughout the face like some kind of fucking doll, hair is stupid and shit colours, lips and eyes stick out like a two year-old colouring contest and the clothes... oh shit, don't get me started on the stupid shit girls wear.

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Makes sense somewhat. Still, it creates some problems: For instance, how can there be "beauty idols", then? By that logic, I wouldn't be attracted to Angelina Jolie - a false statement, in case you were wondering.


I think (and don't quote me on this), that people on the lowest attractiveness level will always fancy people on their attractiveness level and above. For the record, I don't find Angelina Jolie attractive. Kelly Rowland might be a more fitting example.

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Ah, yes, that makes sense. Like, I would be more attracted - in terms of wanting to start a relationship - to someone more geeky and bookish.


Heh same, geeky types all the way! =P


And as for fake tans and excessive make-up, I really don't get why some girls think that is needed or even nice to look at. Natural skin tone is so much nicer... even though mine is a ghostly white but meh I don't care. =P

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oh. no i was being personal


i think its safe to say though that fake tan looks terrible. and thats not so much my personal opinion..


Oh agreed, fake tan IS awful, I love being pale. But the hair thing well I love my short hair and I know it doesn't look awful on comparison to fake tan.


Wesley not a fan of make-up eh?

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Heard about this on the news so didn't bother reading the article thing. Haven't got much to say on the subject without repeating what everyone else has said, 'beauty is subjective'. Everyone's got a different definition of what beauty is. I'd go more along the natural look but then there are few women around that do it because of this pressure to look like the women in magazines and stuff which I think is wrong. A woman doesn't need thick layers of make-up/fake breasts to look beautiful. The constant idoling of women who are airbrushed to hell in magazines is rather sickening, don't you think? I can't be the only one.

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