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Hmm, interesting. See, my fear with spiders is more irrational. I don't fear what they can do to me, 'cause I know none of the spiders we have are dangerous. Like I've said, I don't know what scares me about them, but I find everything about them absolutely terrifying - but fascinating at the same time. I'm afraid to get close to a spider to kill it, and the thought of a spider crawling on me is enough to send shivers down my spine. Yet I love watching a spider create its web. It's so fascinating.


So yeah, I'm kinda in a dilemma. :heh:


Ahh, it's a creature that you're fascinated with, but you don't fuly understand. I guess that is where the fear comes from, because you don't know everything or enough about it? I think humans are scared of things that are different, but interested at the same time.

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Ahh, it's a creature that you're fascinated with, but you don't fuly understand. I guess that is where the fear comes from, because you don't know everything or enough about it? I think humans are scared of things that are different, but interested at the same time.

Hm, maybe, but I'm not so sure. I think I know a lot about spiders. It doesn't help that many of them have lethal poison, though, but none of the local species do, yet they still creep me out.


I still think it's exactly what a phobia is: A terrible, but irrational fear. Maybe I've had a traumatic experience with a spider once, who knows.

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You sure do love your arachnophobia Danny :p

For me, I think what scares me about spiders is that I find them hugely evil and largely unnatural. By evil, I don't mean evil like they worship satan(who knows what tehy ARE doing in those webs all day though) but that they seem so...cold, vicious, mechanical. A rat or a mouse, I do not feel that. Spiders make webs, they can practically fly, they appear from nowhere, they move so fast, and they birth a shit tonne more too. Scariest thing I ever saw?

. They're stone cold hunters. They're evolving, more smart, more effecient, not more humane. I saw something on the same programme about semi-social/communal spiders.


Rats, mice, all that jazz, I find more...likeable. Other insects don't bother me like spiders, and I love moths and butterflies, most others just annoy me but I can easily ignore.


Though on the subject of killings; I try my hardest not to kill stuff now. Used to kill flies, spiders, various bugs etc as a kid. Now I'll try if I can to get it out of the house in a humane way, or if it's a spider, vacuum it up not knowing whether it's survived or not(people say they can just crawl out again) but I'll leave the vacuum well away from where I am after, just in case. I did kill a wasp on saturday, but he was trying to make love to my face(who wouldnt eh) and I didn't want to take the risk of a sting on the beautiful thing.


I once didn't kill a mouse with a shoe when told to, only to accidentally kill the poor bugger with a bin like 30 seconds later. I've indirectly killed a few things too, more like bug/animalslaughter, than outright murdery.

Edited by Rummy
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You sure do love your arachnophobia Danny :p

For me, I think what scares me about spiders is that I find them hugely evil and largely unnatural. By evil, I don't mean evil like they worship satan(who knows what tehy ARE doing in those webs all day though) but that they seem so...cold, vicious, mechanical. A rat or a mouse, I do not feel that. Spiders make webs, they can practically fly, they appear from nowhere, they move so fast, and they birth a shit tonne more too. Scariest thing I ever saw?

. They're stone cold hunters. They're evolving, more smart, more effecient, not more humane. I saw something on the same programme about semi-social/communal spiders.


Rats, mice, all that jazz, I find more...likeable. Other insects don't bother me like spiders, and I love moths and butterflies, most others just annoy me but I can easily ignore.


Though on the subject of killings; I try my hardest not to kill stuff now. Used to kill flies, spiders, various bugs etc as a kid. Now I'll try if I can to get it out of the house in a humane way, or if it's a spider, vacuum it up not knowing whether it's survived or not(people say they can just crawl out again) but I'll leave the vacuum well away from where I am after, just in case. I did kill a wasp on saturday, but he was trying to make love to my face(who wouldnt eh) and I didn't want to take the risk of a sting on the beautiful thing.


I once didn't kill a mouse with a shoe when told to, only to accidentally kill the poor bugger with a bin like 30 seconds later. I've indirectly killed a few things too, more like bug/animalslaughter, than outright murdery.

Heh, I might be a bit obsessive about it. :heh: Still, bugs in general creep me out to a certain extent, but spiders are the worst. (Yeah, I know, spiders aren't bugs, they're arachnids, but in my mind they're damn close enough to be creepy!)

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I killed 2 rabbits yesterday, and a seagull a few days earlier. Why do they run INTO the road!?

They want to see your awesome car, but its simply going too fast.


Have you noticed when they do notice the car, they run directly away from it?

Why not off to the left, or even to the right.

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They want to see your awesome car, but its simply going too fast.


Have you noticed when they do notice the car, they run directly away from it?

Why not off to the left, or even to the right.


I rabbit will dart from side to side. They do this because that's the best way to avoid a predator in the wild, e.g. a fox.

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