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This is what I'm just not sure about' date=' as it's for city riding I don't think I'll be going too fast, but it would be nice to have the option there if I need/want it. The 50cc is a 2-stroke whereas the 125 is a 4-stroke, does that make much difference to the performance?[/quote']


In that case there won't be much difference between them. Neither in performance nor fuel consumption. The 125 will be a little bit better (although the acceleration will be slightly slower, but there shouldn't be much difference either way) and a little bit more fuel hungry, but not much. I'd say go for the 125 (assuming there are no other factors such as cost of the bike).


I assume you're getting it second hand? (I'm pretty sure you can't buy a 2 stroke new anymore)


What made you decide on that bike?

Edited by MoogleViper
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So I got an email from my insurers (Swinton) and I was about to delete it when I saw a line, it said "Challenge us to beat your price" and I was like oh shi---- why not eh?


NOW I found the cheapest insurance I found is £336. And Swinton hax offered me £382. So I was like


Oh hay. I'd errr.....like to challenge you to beat the price. And the dude (took my details etc) and then goes "Okay, yeah we've already taken the £59 discount off, and all our commission...we really can't do it any cheaper than that. Do you want to renew?" and I was like "Errr, nah I'm afraid not, found it cheaper." and he was like "Okay, how much you got quoted" and I (had the window open on Confused.com) and I said "£336" which is true.


And he was like "Damn, thats good, and that includes Legal Cover?!?!" and I went...."Ermm...yes...yeah Legal cover included" now at the time I thought I was telling the truth. But on closer insection after the call it said "Legal Cover. £25 extra" anyway he went away to speak to managers or something, and then came back and said he could do it for "£343 but with Windscreen cover included" and I accepted. Windscreen cover apparently worth £20.


So I got it down £40. Technically +£20 discount for Legal and £20 for windscreen. So I raped my insureres for £80 technically.



Sooooooooo good. :D I feel amazing.

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they'll always do you a bit better if you use threatening tactics. No company needs to lose their custom these days!


Score on the dealio though!


For real. I'd say "I've never had the balls to do it before" but technically I still don't. As far as I was aware I wasn't lieing to them. (And for the most part I wasn't)




Still I shouldn't be too happy, I'm technically still worse off lol, but it saves the hassle of going with someone else.


Now I need to renew my shitty AA bull shit. God cars are expensive.

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My God car runs on wine, which it gets from the local lake. It's a pisser though since Ideally, I'd be able to just drive in so the water comes up to the filler cap and pours itself in, but the bastard thing drives on water.


My last God car used to part water. So whenever I tried to pour it in it would just fall either side of the filler cap. My jeans used to get so wet when that happened.

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Some pics of my car following the accident on monday:












And the worst of it all, possibly causing it to be a write off:




A snapped chassis. Starting to hit me just how much I love that car, if it is a write off I'm really really going to miss it. Right now I'm driving round in this:




An utterly horrendous car, I'm going to send it back to the hire co asap as I just hate being inside the thing.


Luckily I completed my CBT yesterday afternoon, the scooter shopping begins at lunchtime.

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Such a shame about the chassis.


Luckily I completed my CBT yesterday afternoon' date=' the scooter shopping begins at lunchtime.[/quote']


Are you going to test drive a few? Remember put your feet on the foot pegs, sit far back on the seat and pull up on the handle bars as you accelerate.

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Uh oh, looks like my case is not going to be as clear cut as it might have been. Had a letter from a personal injury firm tonight the general tone being that I've caused her to suffer whiplash. Her position is as follows:


"Our client was correctly proceeding along ****** towards ******* in her motor vehicle registration ******* in the middle lane and indicating to right to join 3rd Lane. You were traveling at very high speed you could not control your motor vehicle and negligently collided into our motor vehicle at the rear."


Quite clearly trying their luck at getting some money, I'm no expert but a few observations:


1. This thing is badly written, surely it should be more professional than this?

2. Indicating does not give you right of way to move off.

3. Her front wheel hit my front wheel as I went past, with 2 damaged cars as evidence of this I don't see how they can possibly argue that I hit them in the rear.


Should I be worried by this? Obviously I'll pass it on to my insurer first thing in the morning but I've never had this happen before and it's quite unnerving. Most annoying thing is that this will clearly mean that she's no longer accepting liability for the accident. Any advice or experience on what to expect from this?

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I need to be driving in my own car again (after a good while of not doing so on my instructor's recommendation - he now says I should again) but my dad hasn't got the insurance done yet.


I just hate how affecting my performance in each lesson can be. Last time I was really bad, like just forgetting what I was doing (not lack of focus as far as I could tell, I just was going insane and doing things wrong), whereas both times before last I was pretty good.


And so I'd rather do anything else than my lesson tomorrow. I just feel like I can't imagine myself driving properly once passed anymore, despite feeling like I could, a few months ago.

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Uh oh' date=' looks like my case is not going to be as clear cut as it might have been. Had a letter from a personal injury firm tonight the general tone being that I've caused her to suffer whiplash. Her position is as follows:


"Our client was correctly proceeding along ****** towards ******* in her motor vehicle registration ******* in the middle lane and indicating to right to join 3rd Lane. You were traveling at very high speed you could not control your motor vehicle and negligently collided into our motor vehicle at the rear."


Quite clearly trying their luck at getting some money, I'm no expert but a few observations:


1. This thing is badly written, surely it should be more professional than this?

2. Indicating does not give you right of way to move off.

3. Her front wheel hit my front wheel as I went past, with 2 damaged cars as evidence of this I don't see how they can possibly argue that I hit them in the rear.


Should I be worried by this? Obviously I'll pass it on to my insurer first thing in the morning but I've never had this happen before and it's quite unnerving. Most annoying thing is that this will clearly mean that she's no longer accepting liability for the accident. Any advice or experience on what to expect from this?[/quote']


People rarely accept responsibility. Even when they say they will the insurers tell them not to.


Were you speeding at all? Did you take any photos to prove where she hit you?


It's probably better to speak to your insurers, they'll know what to do.

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At the time when she hit me no, we were moving towards traffic lights so everyone was slowing down. Unfortunately earlier on I probably had been when overtaking traffic, one of whom stopped as a witness which could throw a spanner in the works. Neither party can prove the speed at the end of the day though so it comes down to the physical evidence - she moved when it wasn't safe and hit me.


That's what my head says at least, in reality I can't help being mega worried about it.

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The front end of your car looks untouched. No way someone would believe you hit the back of someone else. Since there is a pretty major flaw in their version of events, the rest of what they say will be "questionable" too I'd imagine.


Tell them to blow it out their ass. Right of way is still right of way. She pulled into the lane you were in. End of.


It sounds like they've seen you in a sports car and already assumed you were at fault somehow, despite the other driver being a blind twat. People like that boil my piss. Fair enough, people make mistakes, but take some fucking responsibility.

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Will', Were you overtaking at the time? If so, they'll probably not get away with anything, most likely they didn't see you in the blind spot. There's no way to prove your speed or "lack of control" at the time, all you can say happened for sure is they pulled over into you.


I assume you have legal cover in your insurance?

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I was in the 3rd lane moving towards traffic lights, no other traffic in my lane so still at regular speed, she was in a queue in the 2nd lane and pulled into my lane after I assume she saw she could make up some time. Only trouble is she went straight into the side of my car. Our front wheels collided so I don't really see how any of this will stand up under questioning. Just wish I didn't have to deal with the hassle.


I have legal liability cover but I'm not entirely sure what that gives me. So far the insurers seem happy to deal with all of this which is good. The fact she's blatantly lied in this claim should put everything in a questionable light from her side. Hopefully this doesn't draw it out too much.

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I had some tit pull out on me too, thankfully there was no collision.. I was turning back on myself on a roundabout, I was well onto the roundabout and if she had looked PROPERLY she would have seen me. I was on the inside lane at the time going round, she nearly tore into me coming onto the roundabout, I indicated to leave the roundabout, she had to physically stop on the roundabout.


I did it exactly the way my instructor taught me, indicating and everything =( She didn't toot at me either so I figure she must have realised she was being dumb..


Urgh it makes me so freakin mad. I see so many people just tear onto roundabouts/junctions and expect people, already there and with right of way, to just stop completely. ¬_______¬

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Just had an update on the car and it's right on the edge of being a write-off. They are trying to do a deal with Lotus to get the parts as a package and push the value of the work below the 70% limit for this case.


On the plus side, if it can be fixed and they ok the work I will practically have a new car with the seats and engine from the current one. I could also potentially change the colour but I think I have the best one in that respect.


Things are looking up, I'm going to stay positive and hopefully come this time next week things will be in a much better position.

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You call that a write off? This is a write off...






They're the only two pictures I can find of when I crashed my car 4 years ago (bloody hell time flies...). I still get a bit nervous going round the same corner :heh:


Obviously I imagine I would have been a bit more annoyed... or dead if I was in your car at the time will'!

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