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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.


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Yeah, but you may as well exploit what you can. People do that in life, even if it's not fair. Life isn't fair.



I had a friend who did this. Basically, he had a huuuuge project to do in the final year of his course at uni. He had an extension because of his Dyslexia, which was for two weeks.


About three weeks before his deadline, he hadn't done a single thing on his project. He had other work to do, too, but he did bugger all! When it came to meeting his deadlines, he complained that he had stress, ended up getting a doctor's note and received another extension...


So, for some of his projects, he ended up with around 3 weeks or so worth of extensions. I remember he had an argument with his coursemate about it, as he called his mate "lazy" for not doing some of his work...when he was receiving extensions here and there. :heh:

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i have dyspraxia, and i needed the extra time, dyspraxia is a co-ordination dissorder, the extra time simply helped me make my hand writting more readable, fair enough i say, as in real life im very rarly hand wrriting large ammounts of text against the clock for some one else to read.


I have it to and I have an in ability to plan properly although I think this might be lazieness to lol. The Dr who diagnosed me said this was a symptom. So I find extra time unhelpful. But each to their own.

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I have it to and I have an in ability to plan properly although I think this might be lazieness to lol. The Dr who diagnosed me said this was a symptom. So I find extra time unhelpful. But each to their own.


I think there are many people who do benefit from having some more time to do certain tasks. But, there are no doubt quite a few people who take the piss a bit and just use the time to slack off. So, rather than having more time to work on a task, you really just get more time until you need to cram stuff for the deadline, haha.

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I think there are many people who do benefit from having some more time to do certain tasks. But, there are no doubt quite a few people who take the piss a bit and just use the time to slack off. So, rather than having more time to work on a task, you really just get more time until you need to cram stuff for the deadline, haha.


Every exam I had I would almost curse myself and just sit and stare at the questions as ideas went through my head at hyper speed. After 10 mins I would write whatever came to mind. God knows how I got a 2:1, I asked my GP for advice but I never really followed through so its my fault im a shite planner. Then again there are varying degrees of everything and just cause I wouldn't find extra time helpful doesn't mean other people with dyspraxia wouldn't. Everyone is very much an individual.

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i have dyspraxia, and i needed the extra time, dyspraxia is a co-ordination dissorder, the extra time simply helped me make my hand writting more readable, fair enough i say, as in real life im very rarly hand wrriting large ammounts of text against the clock for some one else to read.


This leads me onto my other problem. Exams.


Honestly, why is there a time limit? There should be a word limit and then everyone should have as much time, within reason, to complete that. A time limit is only penalising people who can't write quickly and I've had exams where I've developed and argument only to realise that there was a much better one, but it's too late.


Get rid of the time limit, bring in the word limit.

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Dude, what? :p


So all your mistakes are just...mistakes? Shocking!




(to be fair you have told me before you have CP. Maybe I should have remembered.)


I have a mild, unusual dyslexic profile (shite at maths, good at English, which is rare for someone to be diagnosed with a dyslexic profile).


Isn't that just dyscalculia?

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Isn't that just dyscalculia?


I have no idea.


I'm not incapable of doing maths, I got a C at GCSE. It's more that I have trouble arranging thoughts in my head or something. Hence why I had a stammer when I was younger and have minor (very) speech trouble now. And why I need extra time in exams.

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Absolutely fuming at the moment. Got a phone-call today for more work, but I had to turn it down as it was too far from a train station for me to get to. If I left now, I wouldn't get to the school til about 10 oclock, whereas it would take me half the time in the car.


When I was at uni, my Dad said that when I finished it would be good for me to come home, as I would save money living at home, and he would help me out with getting a car so I could travel.


Well, I'm home, and still no car, despite work coming in. I've turned down more work now than I've taken on because of the lack of car. I've pretty much come around to the fact now that any work I will now get in will involve a stupid journey. It took me two trains and leaving the house at half past 6 the other day to get to work for half past 8, when the school was only 30 minutes away by car.

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Have you asked him since coming back? Is there any chance he may have simply forgotten?


He has what I call "convenient or selective memory." He remembers what he chooses to remember. The bugger. He's gone away for a few weeks now, so there's nothing that can be done about it for a while anyway.


start leaving copys of autotrader around the house. Get a red pen and start high lighting the cars you like.


Haha, I'd love to do that, but then I'd feel cheeky doing that. It's great that I'm back home and finding my feet again, because if I had my own place I would be struggling. So, because of that, I'd feel a bit like an...ungrateful bastard if I keep bringing it up. I talked about it with my Mum this morning, but she's struggling enough as it is.


I did email my agency lady, who was really nice about it. She's been quite understanding and I think she's trying to find work that is within reach. I'm working again on Wednesday at a school which I applied for a job at and never heard back from again. So, that'll be interesting.

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Are you temping at the moment, Flinky?


My auntie has started doing that. She was saying she's having to turn down a lot of work because of similar reasons.


I'm supply teaching in Primary schools. But, I'm also looking to do some cover work in Secondary, too.


It's annoying, but having a car is such a huge advantage for travel. (costs a bomb, though). I didn't have a car for four years at uni, and ended up getting placements which required one and a half hour + train journeys. A bit annoying when friends with cars are placed ten minutes away. I was looking forward to not having to use trains for work again, but aw well. :(

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Mhm it is kind of a shame. My new job will take me about 1:20-1:30 to get to (20 minute walk to station, 40 minute train then 20-30 minute walk to uni depending which station the train finishes at, and living and working in two different regions means getting a bus to/from stations would end up costing me about £45 a week for transport in total) and would probably take about 30 mins in a car...but then sap up all my wages.


Hopefully you'll get yourself sorted on a more permanent job soon Flinkle and can start saving up for a car :)

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Mhm it is kind of a shame. My new job will take me about 1:20-1:30 to get to (20 minute walk to station, 40 minute train then 20-30 minute walk to uni depending which station the train finishes at, and living and working in two different regions means getting a bus to/from stations would end up costing me about £45 a week for transport in total) and would probably take about 30 mins in a car...but then sap up all my wages.


Hopefully you'll get yourself sorted on a more permanent job soon Flinkle and can start saving up for a car :)


Yeah man, the walking to the station and then place can sometimes be a bit more of a pain than the train itself. Hopefully it'll all be worth it.


Also, just got a phone call from my agency: I'm now working Thursday as well in the same school I was in last week. She said that they rang her and asked for me again, which I think sounds quite good. I'm hoping that maybe it can become a regular fixture for me, and the headteacher told me last week that there is a job coming up and I should go for it.


The cat always lands on his feet. :)

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Yeah man, the walking to the station and then place can sometimes be a bit more of a pain than the train itself. Hopefully it'll all be worth it.


Also, just got a phone call from my agency: I'm now working Thursday as well in the same school I was in last week. She said that they rang her and asked for me again, which I think sounds quite good. I'm hoping that maybe it can become a regular fixture for me, and the headteacher told me last week that there is a job coming up and I should go for it.


The cat always lands on his feet. :)


It does sound good that they're specifically asking for you again, it probably means you did a good job there. =)

Do write that application, you might have a bigger chance in this school!

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It does sound good that they're specifically asking for you again, it probably means you did a good job there. =)

Do write that application, you might have a bigger chance in this school!


The school were freakishly nice to me. I mean, everytime I saw the headteacher, she beamed this huge smile at me. It was like some bad toothpaste advert. I quite like niceness, though, so I liked it. :heh:


I will do the application, but I don't think they're taking applications yet. The job is for January. Hehe, a birthday present.

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The school were freakishly nice to me. I mean, everytime I saw the headteacher, she beamed this huge smile at me. It was like some bad toothpaste advert. I quite like niceness, though, so I liked it. :heh:


I will do the application, but I don't think they're taking applications yet. The job is for January. Hehe, a birthday present.


Sounds a bit suspect. Has he had gender treatment




It could be a trap.

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The fact that they suggested you apply for it is a BIG plus. Yay for flinkeh! Go for it man.


Thank yooou. I'm gonna go for it when the advertisement goes online. I've been told where to look for it, so it's just a case of being patient and keeping myself in good contact with the school.


Sounds a bit suspect. Has he had gender treatment




It could be a trap.


Hahahaha. The Demon Headmistress.


I've always thought the Demon Headmaster looked a lot like Jack Straw. When I was younger, I was convinced they were the same guy.

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