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Yes it is. That's the society we live in. It's fine to hold those views. You can hold whatever views you like.


Well then it's always going to exist, until it isn't acceptable, as it is according to you. And having groups like the BNP spout shit about it constantly is something that really should be banned.


Plus, I can vaguely understand what you say about having those views, if they are kept to yourself (Even then, they shouldn't be had in the first place). But, trying to push those views on others should not be allowed, at all.

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There is no law against thoughts and opinions.


That's not the point I was responding to, he stated you can't tell people what is right and what is wrong.


That's the basis of law, and the law in this country says it's wrong to be racist

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Well then it's always going to exist, until it isn't acceptable, as it is according to you. And having groups like the BNP spout shit about it constantly is something that really should be banned.


Plus, I can vaguely understand what you say about having those views, if they are kept to yourself (Even then, they shouldn't be had in the first place). But, trying to push those views on others should not be allowed, at all.


But who decides what is shit and what isn't. I think that the majority of the population spout bullshit, I think the tabloids spout shit, I think Big Brother is shit. But I can't ban these things.

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Dont get me wrong since there views on the Gurkhas and Johnson Beharry VC were openly aired i have no time for them at all. But If this is what the people want then who is to argue with them? You cant dictate to people what is right and what is wrong.


I would argue with the people if they elected the BNP because I think their politics are lousy and views racist.


Gotta stand up for what you believe in I am sure they would try and convince me to be proud of my whiteness etc.

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That's not the point I was responding to, he stated you can't tell people what is right and what is wrong.


That's the basis of law, and the law in this country says it's wrong to be racist


The fact is though the BNP arnt campaigning beingly openly racist. They may hold racist views but thats besides the point. If they got voted in they would proabbly make racism legal any way.

They are as much a legitimate party as anyone else, people should deal with that. And rather than complain about how bad the BNP are, focus on why all the other partys are so bad and put that right. If the other partys wernt shit people woudnt vote for the BNP.

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I'm sure that racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance and many other form of discrimination are banned somewhere in the British constitution (I know there isn't an actual constitution).


Unless your a white british, straight, male, christian then its ok people can do what the fuck they like to you then.

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Unless your a white british, straight, male, christian then its ok people can do what the fuck they like to you then.


Except there are people, including the BNP, who see anti-white racism anywhere and everywhere they go, and Christians who are just as determined to see imagined prejudice against them around every corner just as much as any other faith.

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Except there are people, including the BNP, who see anti-white racism anywhere and everywhere they go, and Christians who are just as determined to see imagined prejudice against them around every corner just as much as any other faith.


Only the prejudice is actually there. The fire brigade are bad for it. Always saying we need more women firefighter. Why do they need more women fire fighters suerly they should want more GOOD firefighters. The police also we need more asian police officers. No what they need are more GOOD police officers. Race, sex, religion etc shoudnt come in to it. But they do and white, british, straight men come off badly and this just promotes the BNP.

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Only the prejudice is actually there.


Rubbish, it's not always there. There are people who cry "It's because I'm whiiiiite" "Waaaah, anti white racism!" "Anti man sexism!" "Anti christian bigotry!" when they don't get their own way just like there are sections of any demographic with a victim complex. Main difference is when those groups do it you're not allowed to call it "political correctness."

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Only the prejudice is actually there. The fire brigade are bad for it. Always saying we need more women firefighter. Why do they need more women fire fighters suerly they should want more GOOD firefighters. The police also we need more asian police officers. No what they need are more GOOD police officers. Race, sex, religion etc shoudnt come in to it. But they do and white, british, straight men come off badly and this just promotes the BNP.


But to be fair, you're far far far far more likely to get a job as a policeman if you're white than you are if you are islamic/asian.


Interesting aside:


I read somewhere that the Fire Brigade in a certain city (forget which - could have been Manchester? or London?) advertised/recruited more in gay bars than they did anywhere else.

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But to be fair, you're far far far far more likely to get a job as a policeman if you're white than you are if you are islamic/asian.


I would argue with that. If you asian and had qualifications either equal or slightly bellow a white /christian applicant the asian is far more likely to get the job.

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Well to be fair, it depends what area you are in.


If you're an Asian applying to be a policeman in Scotland (where there is a comparatively tiny asian population) you're less likely to get it than if you are an Asian policeman in an area where fights between Asian and White gangs is a problem.


Asian youths are more likely to respect/listen to an Asian policeman who's telling them what they are doing is stupid than a White policeman.

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Whilst we're on the subject of "Asians" being more likely to get jobs as police officers, there is something a little bit similar that I have come to understand. Being a male (and Asian, but that's unrelated here) trainee Primary School teacher, I've often been told that "schools are crying out for male Primary School teachers, so you should be ok finding a job."


Whether or not this is true, I don't know. It makes some sense, though. Due to the increase in single parent families, many children lack a strong Father figure, or role model. So, schools hope to employ more males to make up for this.


This idea of positive discrimination is definitely something that I'd like to look at a bit more. Generally, I think these ideas come from somewhere...I'd just like to know where.

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Whilst we're on the subject of "Asians" being more likely to get jobs as police officers, there is something a little bit similar that I have come to understand. Being a male (and Asian, but that's unrelated here) trainee Primary School teacher, I've often been told that "schools are crying out for male Primary School teachers, so you should be ok finding a job."


Whether or not this is true, I don't know. It makes some sense, though. Due to the increase in single parent families, many children lack a strong Father figure, or role model. So, schools hope to employ more males to make up for this.


This idea of positive discrimination is definitely something that I'd like to look at a bit more. Generally, I think these ideas come from somewhere...I'd just like to know where.


It is true. It's due to the equal oppurtunities act. Large organisations (especially government) have to have employees that are representative of the population. So if around 20% of the people are Asian, then around 20% of the employees will have to be Asian. It works for all ethnic, gender and I believe religious groups. Trouble is it doesn't always work. Around here the police are mainly recruiting Asian people due to less Asians being in the police force than the population. But forced equality isn't equality at all.


It's partly why men will find it easier to get a job in a large female clothes shop.

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This is the 1st time in a while the BNP publicly announced where and when they were having a press conference and the idiots at the UAF did EXACTLY what the BNP wanted. Denied them free speach and commited acts of violence on them, turning the BNP into the victim.


Congratu-fucking-lations UAF...


That reminds me of when the 'Love Ulster' group announced that they were marching down the main street in Dublin city centre in 2006. Needless to say there was riots before the march even began. Instead of just ignoring it, a group of idiots starting wrecking the place and the unionist group just went home. I was embarrassed to be Irish that day, what sort of 'Republican' group stages a protest about a Unionist march by vandalising their own city? Idiots.

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That reminds me of when the 'Love Ulster' group announced that they were marching down the main street in Dublin city centre in 2006. Needless to say there was riots before the march even began. Instead of just ignoring it, a group of idiots starting wrecking the place and the unionist group just went home. I was embarrassed to be Irish that day, what sort of 'Republican' group stages a protest about a Unionist march by vandalising their own city? Idiots.


Sounds like a typical irish stereotype lol. Was the same when newcastle got beat by sunderland. (or was it the FA cup final?) they trashed newcastle WTF lol.

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Just seen that Nick Griffin got pelted with eggs outside Westminster today. Fuckin A.


Yes, it is great isn't it? I mean watching two democratically elected policiticians being attacked by a bunch of thugs - how wonderful.


Just goes to show what utter vermin the far left are. They polled appallingly in the recent elections and their response - attack those who didn't.

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Sounds like a typical irish stereotype lol. Was the same when newcastle got beat by sunderland. (or was it the FA cup final?) they trashed newcastle WTF lol.


A phonebox on the Bigg Market got smashed and photographed the Saturday night after we failed to win the league. Phone boxes get smashed in the Bigg market every Saturday night, just like in any other major town. When we beat the mackems 4-1 at the Stadium of Light they smashed up their own bus stops on the way from the ground, but it didn't make the papers, although Sunderland barely make the local papers at the best of times ;)


Just goes to show what utter vermin the far left are.


Oh noes, someone threw an egg at a politician. Why can't they play nice like the far right on their peaceful "March for England", where they attacked police and, smashed up asian-owned shops and kicked fuck out of anyone who looked slightly dusky?




Was it also an affront to democracy when Prescott had that egg thrown at him, or when Fathers 4 Justice threw flour at Tony Blair?


Anyroad, you'd think the BNP's mix of far-right social policies and far-left economic policies would make them unappealing to all but a select number of schizophrenics but I very much doubt 99% of the people who voted for them know the first thing about their actual manifesto.

Edited by BlueStar
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There is actually a LOT of positive discrimination here (in the police force)


Someone that is male/protestant could do far better than someone of a different religion/gender and they be accepted over the better candidate. Its particularly bad over here because of the troubles in the past.

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Oh noes, someone threw an egg at a politician. Why can't they play nice like the far right on their peaceful "March for England", where they attacked police and, smashed up asian-owned shops and kicked fuck out of anyone who looked slightly dusky?



White Powaah! Let's wear black masks!


Noone seemed that bothered about the Bush/shoe incident either.

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