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Added it in my sig.



Headtracking. Also that opening menu shot is awesome. Only had it once so far. There is another with the inside of an engine which is even cooler.


really how useful is that headtracking? Seems more of an annoyance he has to bop up and down so much to see the rear view mirror.

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really how useful is that headtracking? Seems more of an annoyance he has to bop up and down so much to see the rear view mirror.


It's not that great. I don't know if it's just the lighting in my room, but I find that it can be overly-twitchy sometimes, so it jerks about the cockpit even though I'm not moving, or take forever to realise I've bobbed my head up, so I'm having to repeat the bobbing-up motion several times to get it to work, and even then I've probably lost concentration on the track so I'm hurtling towards a wall at 200mph.


So, yeah, it's not that great.


But the rest of the game is outstanding. The more I'm playing it, the more I'm enjoying it. I was ragging a Zonda about in arcade mode with the wheel yesterday, and it just felt so damn fun!

Edited by ShavenWolf
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I had my wheel bolted onto a chair and it was a bit too low. After getting a bit fed up of constantly banging my knees on it and generally having to contort round it to reach the pedals, I moved it. It's now bolted onto the same unit as the TV. The TV sits on a cupboard and I've cleaned out the cupboard under it so the pedals can sit in there. It's awesome. In terms of screen size and proximity, it's like an arcade cabinet. Utter win.

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I just have mine bolted to a folding table, bit unstable, i just put a glass bowl thing my mum has laying around to weigh it down abit, and it works perfectly fine.




We should do a championship type thing. Could work like this.


Every week we pick a course and car, (easy to obtain course and car, max 100k for car) and only can use stock cars, with sport softs. We do times for a week, then whoever wins that week, gets a point, or we could do F1 points system. So points for the top 3-5 or whatever, and do it over a certain amount of weeks.


We could obviously have racing lounges, but people won't be able to get on at the same time as everyone else, so this gives everyone the chance of racing each other.


What do you think about it? I'd be happy to keep track of everything.


So yeah, post what you think about it, and what could be improved.

Edited by MadDog
Added lap time idea
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Haven't found anything about it within the last two pages, so don't kill me, if it has come up already.


There is a promotional game for GT5 on facebook:



Nothing special in itself, but by creating four "grudges" against other players you can unlock a PSN download code for a Jaguar (Chromeline edition) (Yay!) and a suit for PS Home (Meh.). The game however, is severely broken! It just crashes when you try to create a grudge the "normal way".


Still, there is a way to get the codes and it is described in detail (with screenshots) here.



  1. PLAY the "Shot in the dark" game (score doesn't matter)
  2. In the ending screen, select one of the five people in the lower right corner
  3. select three arbitrary other people from the list in the window that opens and just type some stuff
  4. Gray tooltip appears, game freezes -> Refresh the page
  5. Go to the "GT5 Profile" tab in the game. The codes can be found in the lower right corner


As silly as I find facebook games, it's a nice promotion. ;)

Edited by Burny
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Thanks for posting that. It worked for me. I had to click refresh afew times to get it working.


That Jaguar is well worth getting. The story behind the car is really interesting. Its also a beast. The game really makes you appreciate many classics. I did not post it because i have been busy with the game. Its huuuuuuge and addicitive. :grin: Probably my favourite single player game this gen.


Got loads of cars now and even some race cars through lucky random unlocks. Working my way through. Level 22 right now. Got some changing weather races now in racing cars. Went back and improved my old trophies too. The game rewards you left, right and center.

Edited by Choze
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Thanks for posting that. It worked for me. I had to click refresh afew times to get it working.


That Jaguar is well worth getting. The story behind the car is really interesting. Its also a beast. The game really makes you appreciate many classics. I did not post it because i have been busy with the game. Its huuuuuuge and addicitive. :grin: Probably my favourite single player game this gen.


Got loads of cars now and even some race cars through lucky random unlocks. Working my way through. Level 22 right now. Got some changing weather races now in racing cars. Went back and improved my old trophies too. The game rewards you left, right and center.


I'm also loving this game, i was always going to :heh: There's so much to do, it's unreal. I actually really like collecting all the cars, and having lots of choice for all the events. I haven't sold one car yet, and i plan on never selling any of my cars.

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Well despite my reservations about how good I am at sim racers my girlfriend asked what games I wanted for xmas and I put this on the list...


Its very easy. Well up to level 20 anyway.


Got gold on the highest Nurburgring Challenge Category. So satisfying. Now only if I can manage to do the same on suppossed easier ones... :weep:


Some pics of my new cars today:


All pics from Tokyo tracks.












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Yeah the game is like crack but also huuuge.


New patch up. So far we know it adds mechanical damage options to online races. This is separate from the upcoming December/Christmas update.


Unlocked Extreme racing category. The way the menu is designed makes it seem like there is even more to come... Hoping i get to 30 soon for the Vettel Challenge that unlocks.


I love how the first ending says 'This is the beginning of a new journey'. We have lots of updates coming. :grin:

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Level 25 for both A spec and B spec both about to hit 26. :grin: Got the Endurance category now. Made some tracks so check them out. One of them has alot of inclines and is nice to drive.


Some races require you to select 4 drivers and have dynamic weather, constant pit stops for tyre changes and fuel. For example rain may require changes to rain tyres. :grin: Cockpit view really shines in these conditions and amazing pit stop animation. Also the tracks vary alot thanks to time of day. They are sometimes warmer than usual/normal.


Just one more gold and I will have 100% for the tests. Gold on all the rally stages. Polyphony hit them out of the ballpark. Much better than any actual rally game lol (unlimited tracks ftw). Need to do Nurburgring after that. Those are tricky but I have partly memorised the track. Next stop should be level 30 for the F1 champ Vettel Challenge to unlock the Redbull X1.


Need to buy a Formula 1 GT though but I am always tempted by other cars. My earning is pretty good though.

















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My God this game with the wheel is absolutely freaking fantastic. I think the best thing I've played on the PS3 yet, maybe even my favourite game ever, I totally love it. 'Completed' the game at the weekend and got a Veyron, which is awesome. Loved the karting challenges but now I'm upset that they're done. I think we're up to about level 18 now. I can see this being the first GT that I fully complete, infact it's already my most completed in the series. The wheel is so so worth it.

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