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New Super Mario Bros. Wii


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What ever happened to the red toad..?


It's simple, really. It's because of the colours: Mario is red, Luigi green, and the two toads blue and yellow. In the game, some actions are character-related. The colors help differentiate which character can do what, eg. the Mario-'spotlight' somewhere on the screenshots.


So in short, it's because each player would have a specific colour. And what better colours than the good o'l SNES ones (bar the NSTC-version, ofcourse.That would make two interesting shades of purple)

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I had the first Wario Land on the Gameboy and loved it! He really is a fun character. It's awesome that Nintendo have used him a lot more these days, especially in Wario Ware and The Shake Dimension.


A Super Wario Bros. with Wario and Waluigi...I'd buy it!


It'd be great! I can see it being much more comedic, for instance this co-op carrying feature that we've got in New Super Mario Bros. Wii - imagine Waluigi carrying Wario on his shoulders... :heh:


i agree..


it's not the fact that it's a super mario bros game... I mean for such a small showing it shows glaring disappointments..


1) the graphics are poor.

2)no on-line

3) bad characters(2 toads!?.. perhaps eventually you might get a character select screen but...i;m not holding out)



apprantly the game freezes briefly when one character dies too... that's stupid..


has miyamoto actually lost it?.. I mean the last game WAS wii music


or am I jumping too fast into this?


1) They could be better, but they're sharp and colourful, and fit a purpose. Of course I'd prefer graphics like Wario Land: The Shake Dimension, but I don't think it'll really matter once I get going with it.

2) Shigsy's "it pushes the Wii to its limits" excuse is poor, but I do think that it'll be more worthwhile in local multiplayer.

3) Yeah... I'd imagine you'll be able to pick other characters come the game's release. They can't really have many more surprises than that to show off to keep hype rising up until its launch, can they?


About the game freezing, that'll definitely be fixed by the time it's released.


Yes, you are jumping too fast. ;)

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I can see that being annoying with 4 players, but just 2 people it should be fine. Its obviously intentional seeing as every other mario game has done this.


The graphics are fine, I don't see why people don't seem to like them, its a different graphical style to those hand drawn ones so you can't really compare it. The graphics are improved over the DS version quite a bit.


Also, I would love to have Wario and Waluigi in this, there's no reason they couldn't be in. I think the reason they're keeping with the Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue is that it was a central theme in Super Mario world, which this game seems to take after in the levels.

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Guest Captain Falcon

I have only one problem with this game... I know it's going to play like New Super Mario Bros. aka the worst handling Mario ever by Nintendo.


Slippy, slippy, slippy whether there's ice or not.

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It's not out 'til Christmas, but I can picture the TV ad for this already: a mum and a dad on a sofa, getting beaten at the game by their two grinning kids. The odd bit of gameplay footage here and there. I wish Nintendo would be a bit more inventive with their adverts. :hmm:

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It's not out 'til Christmas, but I can picture the TV ad for this already: a mum and a dad on a sofa, getting beaten at the game by their two grinning kids. The odd bit of gameplay footage here and there. I wish Nintendo would be a bit more inventive with their adverts. :hmm:


You mean like back in the cube days?


Because I don't think those ads were as successful for Nintendo as these predictable ones.

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I have only one problem with this game... I know it's going to play like New Super Mario Bros. aka the worst handling Mario ever by Nintendo.


Slippy, slippy, slippy whether there's ice or not.


I have heard that before.. But i thought it handles just fine... any of play the original of super mario bros lately.. these days he handles like crap..

I think anyway..


super mario bros dx for gameboy improved this greatly and as a result thats the mario game i'm most used to..

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They should replace one of the toads with Donkey Kong. He's an established part of the Mario universe, and has established platforming skillz. I don't think he would be too out of place - far better than Wario would be. I would suggest Peach, what with that being the cast of the western SMB2, but I'm guessing she's gonna be kidnapped!

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They should replace one of the toads with Donkey Kong. He's an established part of the Mario universe, and has established platforming skillz. I don't think he would be too out of place - far better than Wario would be. I would suggest Peach, what with that being the cast of the western SMB2, but I'm guessing she's gonna be kidnapped!


well donkey kong runs on all fours... nah it would look strange.. plus having to implant moves he cant really handle like mario...


thisis why it has to be the 2 toads...nobody else would fit

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Guest Captain Falcon
I have heard that before.. But i thought it handles just fine... any of play the original of super mario bros lately.. these days he handles like crap..

I think anyway..


super mario bros dx for gameboy improved this greatly and as a result thats the mario game i'm most used to..


Well I've not played the original NES version in far too many years, but for me, Mario's sense of weight and inertia was perfect in SMB2 (well, I'm really referring to the allstars/advance version here - again, it's been too long for me to compare it to the NES version but there are probably some slight differences). SMB3 and SMW were fine as well and not noticeable once you've finished a level or two.


But unless I spend a good time playing it, I never quite feel totally at home controlling Mario in NSMB.


well donkey kong runs on all fours... nah it would look strange.. plus having to implant moves he cant really handle like mario...


thisis why it has to be the 2 toads...nobody else would fit


Baby Mario and Baby Luigi perhaps?


I sure don't want them in there, but they'd work just as well as Toads wouldn't they?

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Well I've not played the original NES version in far too many years, but for me, Mario's sense of weight and inertia was perfect in SMB2 (well, I'm really referring to the allstars/advance version here - again, it's been too long for me to compare it to the NES version but there are probably some slight differences). SMB3 and SMW were fine as well and not noticeable once you've finished a level or two.


But unless I spend a good time playing it, I never quite feel totally at home controlling Mario in NSMB.




Baby Mario and Baby Luigi perhaps?


I sure don't want them in there, but they'd work just as well as Toads wouldn't they?


hmm can you imagien baby mario and luigi jumping like crazy like the older bros..


I understand why they don't use wario or waluigi..


toads controlled the same as mario more or less in mario 2.. but wario as seen in super mario 64(really the only mario game he's playable in is it?) he's slow and controlls a little bit different..


Of course you could all ignore this. but pretend he controlls the same as mario..

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Ahhh, I'm look forward to this! I imagine co-op will be quite fun indeed, just like Four Swords was: co-operating to get to the end, but at the same time competing.


*Wants it noooow!*


As for this whole discussion on characters... well, you can expect my contribution on Monday. =P

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Just been reading the comments on Joystiq...people are really going mental...they're not seeing the game, just the lack of online and are condemning Nintendo for it


There really is no pleasing people...give them nothing, they moan...give them what they want...they moan

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Just been reading the comments on Joystiq...people are really going mental...they're not seeing the game, just the lack of online and are condemning Nintendo for it


There really is no pleasing people...give them nothing, they moan...give them what they want...they moan


There's no online? I thought i heard it did? Hmm must have misread it somewhere.

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Just been reading the comments on Joystiq...people are really going mental...they're not seeing the game, just the lack of online and are condemning Nintendo for it


There really is no pleasing people...give them nothing, they moan...give them what they want...they moan


Yes, well this is Nintendo's fault for releasing ANOTHER game that focuses on multiplayer but is gimped due to their idiocy. It's like Crystal Chronicles and Four Swords, they were gimped due to GBA connectivity. In this day and age when you have 8 player COD on Wii, 12 player Mario Kart, 12 player Conduit and 32 player MOH what the f*ck is the issue with 4 player Mario online? It's a multiplayer centric game - with the online missing!

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Just been reading the comments on Joystiq...people are really going mental...they're not seeing the game, just the lack of online and are condemning Nintendo for it


There really is no pleasing people...give them nothing, they moan...give them what they want...they moan


Yes, well this is Nintendo's fault for releasing ANOTHER game that focuses on multiplayer but is gimped due to their idiocy. It's like Crystal Chronicles and Four Swords, they were gimped due to GBA connectivity. In this day and age when you have 8 player COD on Wii, 12 player Mario Kart, 12 player Conduit and 32 player MOH what the f*ck is the issue with 4 player Mario online? It's a multiplayer centric game - with the online missing!

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Ok, great. But what about when there isn't anybody else in the same room?


What about when I want to play with my friend from Australia?


What about when I have nobody to play with, and just want to play with random other people?


Nintendo can have their philosophy all they want, but that doesn't have to be exclusively their multiplayer strategy.

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