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X-Men Mafia - Survival Of The Fittest


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Night 6


Iceman, Wolverine and Colossus stood back to back in a clearing as the three figures emerged from the forest.


"Here it goes!" said Iceman, charging forward on a slide of ice appearing from his hands. With great dexterity, Iceman flung shards of ice at the Horseman in front of him. With a sonic scream, the shards shattered in mid-air, falling uselessly to the ground. The sound waves continued, passing over Iceman, throwing him backwards and shattering his icy body.


Iceman has been knocked out. He was played by Dyson. He was a member of the X-Men.


With shouts, Colossus and Wolverine charged forward, towards their former allies. Encased in rotting armour, Pestilence waved her arm, causing a hurricane to sweep Wolverine away.


Wolverine has been blown away. He was played by Vicar. He was a member of the X-Men.



Colossus charged at Famine. With ease she ducked under his punch, tripping him over. She back flipped, landing on his shoulders. A knife appearing in her hand, she stabbed it into Colossus' brain.


Colossus is brain dead. He was played by gaggle64. He was a member of the X-Men.



The Horsemen of Apocalypse have defeated the X-Men, and have won!


They were:


War, played by MoogleViper, who was originally the mutant known as Banshee

Famine, played by Eenuh, who was originally the mutant known as Psylocke

Pestilence, played by Cube, who was originally the mutant known as Storm



Congratulations and commiserations!

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Although we got extremely lucky due to Vicar.


Yes, and I was screaming out for Vicar to actually tell the thread that he was Wolverine! Iceman/Dyson was doing nothing every night (????) and could have easily roleblocked him and saved the town.


Shame you didn't use Wolverine to kill Jean/mr-paul, because then you'd have played a perfect game!

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That was quite a bugger, this here game, but in retrospect it was quite funny how we were completely owned while discussing whether Mystique was good or bad. :p


Anyway, I'm working hard on a mafia game that I would like to host soon. Preferably here in June-July while I have lots of time on my hands.

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My Thoughts on the game:



1. There was no discussion at all. There might as well not have been a thread... Probably why the town was defeated so soundly.


2. Loads of townies didn't use their powers. Cyclops/not_so_tiny was the cop, and Jean Grey/mr-paul the tracker - the only two info gatherers - both of which rarely used their abilities. Iceman/Dyson never targeted anyone either and - especially in the later stages of the game - could have easily swung the game if he had targeted any of the mafia, or even targeted Wolverine. Colossus/gaggle64 kept on targeting Eenuh as well, which was unfortunate!


3. I was annoyed that you killed Paj Meen Ah so early on. I think he played a very good game - especially bluffing about having info on Dannyboy (I was clapping at that point). Then I loved how Dannyboy managed to live for ages after having claimed as a normally evil character.


4. I love the fact that Mundi managed to live a day and night phase after having been ressurected. I didn't understand why you weren't lynching him... instead you went for a no lynch?



I probably have more thoughts, but can't remember atm.





The Roles


Apocalypse's Horsemen


War / Banshee – MoogleViper

Famine / Psylocke – Eenuh

Pestilence / Storm – Cube

Death / Northstar – Jonnas


You were an X-Men operative team sent to investigate a mutant uprising. However, you were attacked by Apocalypse and before you could send a rescue message to the rest of the X-Men you were captured and turned into his new Horsemen.


Now, you are under Apocalypse's control, and you have been ordered to destroy the X-Men once and for all.


Utilising Famine's psychic powers, Apocalypse has created a powerful psionic field in the vicinity, causing the X-Men to forget their friends and to become disorientated.


You can communicate amongst yourselves outside the game thread. You can discuss your plan on this board: http://abfmafiagame.proboards.com/index.cgi . Every night, you must send one of your members to kill an X-Man – the Horseman sent will not be able to carry out their normal night ability.


War / Banshee


You were formerly Sean Cassidy, the mutant known as Banshee. Now you are War, and your mutant power has been enhanced to such an extent that your sonic scream will shatter metal.


Every night, you may attack another player. The injuries they'll substane will prevent them from carrying out their night action.


If you are sent to carry out the night kill, your scream will destroy the body, and the dead body will be identified as ??? in the game thread.


Famine / Psylocke


You were formerly Betsy Braddock, the psychic known as Psylocke. Now you are Pestilence, and your psychic prowess has been vastly increased, to the point that your victims can feel when your plagues approach.


Every night, you may target another player. You will mind control them, and force them to target a player of your choice.


If you are sent to make the night kill, you will use your psychic knife, and will kill your target regardless of their resistance to night kills.



Pestilence / Storm


You were formerly Ororo Munroe, the mutant known as Storm. Now, as Pestilence, you strike fear into the hearts of those you plague with your eternally black skies.


Every night, you may target another player. You will call forth winds, and that player and anyone that targets that player, will be misdirected.


Once during the game, you may choose to end a day phase early, and no lynch will occur.



Death / Northstar


You were formerly Jean-Paul Beaubier, the mutant speedster known as Northstar. Now, as Death, you travel so fast that your victims don't even realize death is upon them.


Every night, you may target another player. Anyone that targets that player will be roleblocked, and the following day they won't be able to post in the game thread.


If you are lynched, you will kill whoever casts the hammer vote.




You are evil. You win when the X-Men are defeated.

Edited by chairdriver
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I was surprised, too, that I wasn't killed off. And dang you for giving me such a crap role! :p When Paj claimed he had info on me, I didn't think playing innocent would do me any good. I knew I had to take the discussion at some point.


I think the reason we didn't lynch Mundi was because we were afraid of what that might do. Him resurrecting seemed ... dangerous somehow. We've seen roles that had to be lynched at a certain point to win the game.


Anyway, too bad people didn't participate.

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Shadow King – Mundi


You are Shadow King.


You hunger for your revenge upon Charles Xavier and his X-Men. The X-Men have been attacked by Apocalypse and his horsemen, and you have taken this opportunity to destroy them while they are disorganised.


Every night, you may target another player. You will take control of this player's mind, and then use them to kill another player.


You win when all the X-Men are defeated.



Dark Beast - Paj Meen Ah


You are Dark Beast, an adversary of the X-Men with a penchant for sadistic experiments.


Apocalypse has planned an attack on the X-Men, and has converted several X-Men into his Horsemen. Mr. Sinister has commanded you to destroy both the Horsemen and the X-Men.


Every night, you may resurrect a dead player. They will be returned to the game with full health.


Every day, you may prevent a lynch. That person will not be able to be lynched, and the day will end. This power may be used upon yourself.


You win when you are the last player surviving.


Mystique – Dannyboy-the-Dane


You are Mystique, a mutant terrorist with the ability to shape-shift.


You were in the process of infiltrating the X-Men when someone attacked their jet, causing it to crash. Now, you must side with the X-Men in order to get out of here alive. You keep getting these weird headaches though... There's something you're forgetting...


Every night, you may choose any character in the Marvel universe. You will shape-shift into that character, and if you appear in the write-up, you will appear as that character.


Be wary, if the X-Men find you out, they will treat you as an enemy.


You must help the X-Men defeat the threat. You win when the X-Men win.



When Cyclops dies, Mystique takes over the role as town cop. Every time Mystique turns into a character featuring in the game, there is a 50% chance that anyone targeting the player she's mimicing will target her, and anyone targeting her will target the player she's mimicing.
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4. I love the fact that Mundi managed to live a day and night phase after having been ressurected. I didn't understand why you weren't lynching him... instead you went for a no lynch?


I am a man of many talents :Þ


But yeah I did not expect to live longer then that only day I got.

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Shadowcat – Gizmo


You are Kitty Pryde, the X-Man with the mutant ability of phasing and intangibility.


Ever since the Blackbird crashed, you've had weird headaches. There's something you have to remember... but it's not coming...


Every night, you may target another player. They will be protected from night kills. On nights which you don't target another player to protect them, you will be immune to night kills.


You are a member of the X-Men. You win when all threats have been defeated.




Wolverine – Vicar


You are Wolverine – a mutant who needs no introduction.


Ever since the Blackbird crashed, you've had weird headaches. There's something you have to remember... but it's not coming...


Every night, you may target another player. That player will be killed. If you are killed, you will return to the game after you have had time to regenerate your wounds.


You are a member of the X-Men. You win when all threats have been defeated.


Wolverine would return to the game after his killer was dead.


Nightcrawler – maase


You are Kurt Wagner, the teleporting mutant known as Nightcrawler.


Ever since the Blackbird crashed, you've had weird headaches. There's something you have to remember... but it's not coming...


Every night, you may target another player. That player will be prevented from carrying out their night ability, and will be protected from death.


Also, once in the game during the day phase you may choose another player in the game. You will sacrifice yourself to teleport that character from the game, killing yourself and them. If you leave the game in this way, and the X-Men win at the end, you will be considered a winner.


You are a member of the X-Men. You win when all threats have been defeated.


Iceman – Dyson


You Bobby Drake, the coolguy mutant known as Iceman.


Ever since the Blackbird crashed, you've had weird headaches. There's something you have to remember... but it's not coming...


Every night, you may target another player. They will be frozen in ice, and will be prevented from carrying out their night action and will not be able to speak during the next day.


Because of your somewhat obnoxious personality, you can only cast a vote if that vote would result in a lynch (ie. You can only vote last).


You are a member of the X-Men. You win when all threats have been defeated.



Cyclops – not so tiny


You are Scott Summers, the mutant known as Cyclops.


Ever since the Blackbird crashed, you've had weird headaches. There's something you have to remember... but it's not coming...


Every night, you may target another player. You will learn who they are. If you target certain players, you may be able to form a group with them.


You are a member of the X-Men. You win when all threats have been defeated.



Colossus – gaggle64


You are the gold-hearted steel-skinned mutant known as Colossus.


Ever since the Blackbird crashed, you've had weird headaches. There's something you have to remember... but it's not coming...


Every night, you may target another player. You will protect them from death. If they are attacked, you will beat up the attacker, but you'll die in the scrap. Otherwise, you are resistant to night kills.


You are a member of the X-Men. You win when all threats have been defeated.


If he targeted someone who was attacked, he'd die in their place, and he'd injure the attacker - with "X has been injured in a fight" appearing in the write-up.


Otherwise, he was immune to night-kills (unless it was Psylocke attacking him)


Jean Grey – Mr. Paul


You are Jean Grey, the Omega-level mutant and member of the X-Men.


Ever since the Blackbird crashed, you've had weird headaches. There's something you have to remember... but it's not coming...


Every night you may target another player. You will learn of any psychic intrusion, and you will learn who they intended to target that night.


If you are killed, the Phoenix Force will be disturbed. Who knows what that will bring?


You are a member of the X-Men. You win when all threats have been defeated.


As seen, when she was killed she'd kill the attacker, then the X-Men would mourn and skip that day phase.



Emma Frost – Zell


You are Emma Frost, the former White Queen of the Hellfire Club. Reformed from villainy, you are now a member of the X-Men.


Ever since the Blackbird crashed, you've had weird headaches. There's something you have to remember... but it's not coming...


Every night, you may either target two players, or turn into your diamond form. If you target two players, you will mind control the first target to target the second instead of their intended target. If you turn into your diamond form, you will be resistant to night kills.


You are a member of the X-Men. You win when all threats have been defeated.

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I'm not quite sure what my character was for. No way of knowing who anyone was, guaranteed survival if I did nothing, would likely face early death if I tried to protect anyone who was in danger. What was I supposed to do?

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No way of knowing who anyone was

That shouldn't stop you. Most of the time it just comes down to gut feelings.


I've played in games where there are no info-gatherers at all - and it comes down to hardcore discussion, gut feelings, analysis of posting habits and using tricks to uncover who the mafia are.


Going after quiet people invariably lands you with a mafia member - however, if you do lynch a town member, you look at who was most vocal in lynching said player, then go from there.


Later on in the game you look for people that say alot, but actually say nothing. The kind of people that say:


"Ooooh that was a bad night. I love Wolverine!


I have no info, but I'll follow everyone else and vote: x"




Paj did quite a well-known trick if you have the power to stop lynches. He accused someone of being mafia, despite having no info. He then could have seen who voted quickly and who didn't - and all the time he knew that he could have saved the guy he accused if he felt he wasn't actually mafia.


guaranteed survival if I did nothing, would likely face early death if I tried to protect anyone who was in danger. What was I supposed to do?


You, for example, could have claimed to be the town cop, and made the mafia target you - safe in the knowledge that you wouldn't be killed, and letting the actual cop investigate safely.


And your power is a battle of conscience. You protect another role - which will probably be more key to the town's success than yours - AND uncover a mafia member.


At the end of the day you lost - but maybe your team would have won if you had utilised your power?


Usually you should always protect the most vocal person in the thread if you have no more obvious person to protect. However, in this game there was basically no discussion, so that point is irrelevant.

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I'm sorrry I didn't send in my power every night, was busy in real life and all that, but when I did use it, the info wasn't very useful imo, and I didnt weant to expose myself as being able to gather info. Then I died :(

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*sigh* I'm angry that I died, just like that :(

Still, good game, team.


My thoughts on the game:


-The overall quickness of the game was cool, but there could've (and should've) been more talking. A shame, really;


-Great write-ups and creative roles kept us on our toes. That's what we love about your games, chair :);


-However, some balance problems arose. From the moment I saw the team, I thought "dude, we're far too strong!". It was easy to abuse that kind of power :p


A good game. But with the forum we have, slow-pace is best, probably.

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-However, some balance problems arose. From the moment I saw the team, I thought "dude, we're far too strong!". It was easy to abuse that kind of power :p


It wasn't that unbalanced, considering Wolverine, Jean Grey and Colossus were all extremely powerful roles.


Emma Frost and Shadowcat were strong too, because they both had mechanisms to protect themselves.

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