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Guest Captain Falcon
There's a list on here of exactly how they've UPgraded the graphics, the only thing missing is the ice forming on Samus' weapon when powering up the Ice Beam, or the floaty bits of energy above her cannon when in Wave Beam form. Since her cannon is no longer only in one of two basic positions, now being completely controllable freely with the Wii Remote I can understand why they're not there anymore, to make use of the cannon as fast and agile as possible. I didn't even notice those before someone pointed it out.


But to bitch about two such small things when other areas of graphics have been upgraded, along with all the other fixes and tweaks and new controls... well, it's sad in my opinion to be griping!


Plus, I've seen the so-called "proof" videos and stills that other areas have been downdraded and it's bull. Anyone can "prove" anything on the internet, doesn't even have to be true. ::shrug:


Those aren't the only things missing - the particles when charging the Plasma Beam are gone and, the one seemed to be causing a lot of gripe, is that water is no longer dynamic - as shown in the video, there is no change to it when the morph ball jumps or rolls through it.


The other point is that the cut-scenes were cropped and and stretched so they aren't actually in widescreen.


I can see why someone would miss them, but to start saying the game has been visually downgraded is rather shortsighted. But this being the internet, some people have nothing better to do. They'd rather moan about the little things that are missing than play the game and enjoy it for what it is - and missing graphical effects or not, it's still a masterpiece of technical and artistic game design and execution.

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i noticed a few effects dropped, but in all honesty, i dont care - coming from a man who is a stickler for "the correct aspect ratio". this is exactly how i want to play the Metroid Prime series again. a sublime tour-de-force of gaming excellence at its very best; one that transcends ice effects, light particles and cropped cut scenes.

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"Here, here!" Captain Falcon, David and SCG :D


Again, I never noticed the water until it was pointed out, and I'm having difficulty in remembering if I even noticed it when playing it on the Cube, but I'm guessing I did. The widescreen thing, the only other option is to have two big black bars appear either side of the screen when it goes to a cut scene and that would probably have them complaining too.


Personally, MP1 is my fave game of all time on any system through any stage of my life and for me this is the definitive version! :) :) :)

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I completely Prime 1 earlier today (well yesterday now...)


I got 98% pick ups and 98% scans in just under 8 hrs.


The thing is, I can't work out how I didn't get 100% for items. I have 250 missiles, 7 power bombs, 14 energy tanks and all the beam combos. With all other items being mandatory (if played correctly) it means I should have 100% surely, but I don't.


Something vaguely similar happened to me. I printed off an Item FAQ, crossing off each expansion as I got it, yet I only have 245 missiles! It's bizarre. Obviously I've made a mistake somewhere, but I would have to go and check all 50 locations to know which one I missed! It's a different situation to yours, but still...


There's a list on here of exactly how they've UPgraded the graphics, the only thing missing is the ice forming on Samus' weapon when powering up the Ice Beam, or the floaty bits of energy above her cannon when in Wave Beam form. Since her cannon is no longer only in one of two basic positions, now being completely controllable freely with the Wii Remote I can understand why they're not there anymore, to make use of the cannon as fast and agile as possible.


Can you actually see her cannon from different angles now? If so, that is a fair reason not to have the effects in. The cropped cutscenes are also understandable. The ripple effects would be worrying if the Wii simply coudln't do them, but it's probably just because they've added bloom lighting to that game.


At the end of the day, we've had the "real" versions on GameCube, so any compromises Nintendo had to make with these ports is 100% fair.


Personally, I'll stick to the 'Cube versions, as I prefer traditional controls in general. I didn't really like the visor-switching in Corruption, and that game wisely stacked the beams (I wouldn't want to switch beams with the accelerometers, personally). The only thing I'd want from the Trilogy is the widescreen gameplay.

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Can you actually see her cannon from different angles now? If so, that is a fair reason not to have the effects in. The cropped cutscenes are also understandable. The ripple effects would be worrying if the Wii simply coudln't do them, but it's probably just because they've added bloom lighting to that game.


At the end of the day, we've had the "real" versions on GameCube, so any compromises Nintendo had to make with these ports is 100% fair.


Personally, I'll stick to the 'Cube versions, as I prefer traditional controls in general. I didn't really like the visor-switching in Corruption, and that game wisely stacked the beams (I wouldn't want to switch beams with the accelerometers, personally). The only thing I'd want from the Trilogy is the widescreen gameplay.


As you move her arm about you can see the cannon move and shift and the lighting and shadows look lovely when doing so :) The lighting throughout the game is superb, especially underwater with the scan visor on, that was a "Wow" moment with me and that's after I've already played it a lot on the Cube! I just feel generally a lot has been tweaked as it just feels a lot more vibrant and engrossing, which is a feat in itself after the superb original version.


As for changing beams and visors, after about half an hour it felt completely natural and I couldn't go back to the old way now.


In addition, this may sound daft, but I actually put my Wii glove on to my remote for playing Metroid Prime. It's the only game I use it with and it's not for the reason Nintendo supplied them (safety etc) but rather it just feels more comfortable when pointing at the screen for a long time while also making it feel chunkier and more like a big arm cannon in your hand :D

Edited by NintendWho
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i just finished prime too and have started echoes... *groan*


no, actually, the more time goes on, the more i like echoes. im starting to like it more than prime 3 i think. while echoes can barely be called a metroid game, corruption just totally lost the isolation feeling, which is really what metroid is all about.

I'm starting to feel pissed off by Echoes again. And I haven't even started on the mass key hunt yet. Just got the light beam. I forgot about the ammo system and was most annoyed. The game on the whole at the moment is just annoying me as although I know Metroid games are meant to be "mysterious" in what you're meant to do next, this takes it too far. Especially when I go on a mega mission to open a door, as I see I haven't been through it yet on the map, only to get there and find something else in my way.

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Guest Captain Falcon

As for changing beams and visors, after about half an hour it felt completely natural and I couldn't go back to the old way now.


Actually, that's one thing that doesn't feel better for me. Whilst it's easy enough to hold the minus button, I always find holding the plus one slightly awkward and I think the swap menu should come up straight away - there is a slight delay I notice when you hold the button.


Now whilst that is clearly there to prevent you from accidentally hitting the thing and swapping unintentionally, given the buttons placement, there is very little chance of that happening.


And I have relatively small hands - I'm sure it would be worse with larger ones.

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Actually I find the new method easier and in some cases it allows you to switch to whichever required beam ahead of time, very useful indeed. :heh:


But, in the old games, couldn't you just push the c-stick into the required direction ahead of time?::shrug:

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But, in the old games, couldn't you just push the c-stick into the required direction ahead of time?::shrug:


That's not exactly what I mean... ok so in a boss battle, lets say there is a certain boss that requires you to use different beams on it, which changes rapidly while it's changing you can have the cursor hovering in the area of the beam you think you're gonna need - you can predict the pattern sometimes - and then it changes, you let go of the button, which changes to the desired beam and you're ready!


It's probably not that easy to justify but I know what I mean... it's also easier to have the icons on-screen rather than having to remember a designated direction on a stick, plus there is one less movement because for the power-beam you just keep it in the middle. :p

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I know what you're getting at, with your hovering shizzle, but I still disagree. As with a simple button press you're still aiming straight ahead. But with a motion of the remote you have to snap back to the centre/wherever you're aiming.


I found both very simple ways of doing things. Do you prefer the Wii controls overall?

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I have only one thing to say...


Shit. Boost Guardian.



[EDIT: That being said I managed to defeat him quite easily. I'm most pleased they toned him down a bit.]


Pff, he wasn't even hard in the original version of Echoes. The Spider Ball Guardian, now that was a real bitch. I'm glad we got the spring ball now, it made him a lot less frustrating.

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I've found the visor/beam swapping incredibly easy. There's no need to have it affect your viewing angle, even on the Advanced setting that I use. The Wii's motion sensors are a lot more subtle than people generally give them credit for, and I find a slight movement up/left/right followed by the press of the correct button switches these very quickly. It only takes the slightest of movements, before the screen even begins to move in Advanced, and a quick press of '+' or '-', and I know the 'A' button can be used to swap the beam back to the original one but I find the '+' button better for this, not sure why lol!


Also feels more natural to be doing this instead of hitting a 'D-pad' or 'C-stick' because you're meant to be holding a gun, and it feels more suited to the game to have the power over these in the one hand, the arm cannon hand. I couldn't go back to a joypad now, feels too unnatural, too forced and my hands are too close together - just doesn't feel right and distances me from my games now.


I'm not sure, I have to make sure the remote/sensor are properly aligned so that when I let the remote rest on my knee it's vaguely dead centre.


Why do you rest it on your knee...? I've been playing the game in 4-hour bursts (on average) and apart from a coffee and cheesecake break :D somewhere in the middle I'm fine pointing at the screen the entire time, with my arm on my knee (I played curled up on the chair) but with my wrist and hand beyond that, free to move about.

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Why do you rest it on your knee...? I've been playing the game in 4-hour bursts (on average) and apart from a coffee and cheesecake break :D somewhere in the middle I'm fine pointing at the screen the entire time, with my arm on my knee (I played curled up on the chair) but with my wrist and hand beyond that, free to move about.

No no, I don't rest the remote on my knee. I worded it wrong, I do like what you do, my wrist goes on my knee. Actually it's more near my crotch since I play with my feet up.

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