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To list all the things I've never done that you supposedly need to have done to have a life will take an eternity, so I'll just mention a few of them:


  • I've never gone skiing or snowboarding or surfboarding or anything like that.
  • I've never seen The Godfather films (plus a shitload of other films that you "have" to see).
  • I've never been drunk.
  • I've never done drugs.
  • I've never owned a dog.
  • I've never had done anything remotely sexual with a girl.

I think seeing Shakespeare on stage should be some kind of legal requirement. In good hands, the experience can be little short of transcendent. It's one of the tragedies of our education system that so many people are put off his work because all they ever experience is a stilted class reading of plays from the text books. That's just not how it was ever intended to be, and I genuinely don't think you can appreciate The Bard untill you see it live, performed by the best.


of course; Bad Shakespeare on stage is a bit like being stabbed in the brain. Avoid that, yeah?


A lovely post all should take heed of.




I've never been to any UK Theme park.

Why do you insist on me liking you less and less as time goes on! :p


That's a nice thing to say.


Anyway to people shocked about the book thing i have read books, such as the highway code etc. but a novel like Harry Potter or something? Nah, i just find reading really boring, i can't get past a few pages.


It was in jest, don't worry. I dislike Villan, I have no idea what you're actually like as a person, but some of the things you;ve said have been ridiculous (annoying to me) and that is one of them. :)


Dude, that's not me. :wtf:


I assumed you've read a book, so it's all good.


Sex and drugs...

Sex and drugs...


Sex and drugs...

Sex and drugs...


Actually i take that book quote back, i read a few in high school like Of Mice and Men.


That doesn't count.


That's not enough to count as you having read it.


You haven't read a book if you've only read a few lines from it. Technically I suppose you've read words within a book. I take reading a book to be finishing it, either fully, or so you have an understanding of it.

You haven't read a book if you've only read a few lines from it. Technically I suppose you've read words within a book. I take reading a book to be finishing it, either fully, or so you have an understanding of it.


Er, yeah read my post i said i read a few books in high school including Of Mice and Men.


I'll change this for confusion.


"I've never read a book for pleasure".


Oh, I read your post as "I read a few lines of Mice & Men in high school". My mistake.


Still. Books are brilliant. I'm a slow/lazy reader, and all my favourite books I've done through school. So they've been given to me/I've been forced to do them, but have been really affected by them.

That reminds me I have not read a book for an age. @___@




I've never been drunk.

I've never had sex

I've never ridden on a Rollercoaster.

I've never sat on a melon.




Do em all at once for extra points!


I have also never done drugs. I suppose seeing my now-disowned Uncle's plights did it. Never really appealed. Nor have I smoked. That shit stinks yo.

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