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I sorted out my shopto account so my order should be coming do they usually dispatch for thursday or friday?


Usually for Thursday. Mine was sent out this morning.

Posted (edited)
Usually for Thursday. Mine was sent out this morning.


awesome! although got Dead Rising 2 to play still. Last day of work on friday then half term is gonna be awesome gaming fuelled madness!




It's been dispatched :)

Edited by flameboy
Any news if gender effects gameplay like in other games? Considering playing as a woman in such a game for the first time.


I started a play through with a female character in Fallout 3 a few months ago. Its not that much different. The way people talk to you is a bit different' but for the most part not that much. For instance, Mr Burke (The guy who wants you to blow up Megaton) will try and hit on a female character, but won't with a male character, whereas most characters will just change what words they use to describe you, such as saying "Miss" instead of "Son". I have no idea how different New Vegas is compared to 3 in this sense though.


It's nowhere near as different as Mass Effect, just a few little touches.


Edit: I'm assuming that they haven't really changed the differences between genders since Fallout 3.


Got my copy today after playing 40 minutes on my lunch break - that alone made me buy it.


It's almost identical to Fallout 3 with the exception of location and story. And I'm totally cool with that as I loved Fallout 3!


Well, I gave the Graphic Novel a read....it's pretty basic. Anyone remember getting the short Turok comic in the game manual on the N64? It reminds me of that, except it's a bit more involved in the story of the game. I'll spoil even though I think this is common knowledge.


Basically it's the event of you getting shot....like starting 12 hours before hand. It just shows the Vegas guy who shoots you hook up with some raider type people and they go out to get you...Some things happen, but they don't really matter or enhance the story or game at all.



It's a neat bonus with good production but I don't think I'll ever read it again.


The game is great though. I just found the Travelocity Gnome in a campfire though...

Posted (edited)

For the others who have already got the game, what direction did you start out travelling from the first town?


I ended up starting out going south into NCR and Powder Ganger territory and from there I traveled to the east a bit, and now I'm heading north. So I've pretty much just stayed in the South West quadrant of the map. I tried going back to the first town and heading in the direction of the Vegas Strip, but every single time I tried, Giant Radscorpions, and other higher level monsters began spawning near me and I was unable to get far passed the graveyard after quite a few tries, so I'm curious as to weather this is just bad luck, or if they're actually trying to keep players out of there until latter on.



On another note, what weapons are everyone favouring?



I've mostly just stuck with the 9 and 10mm pistols, but when I've found the ammo I've used the Varmint Rifle, the Cowboy Repeater (Excellent for stealth kills), The Single Shot Shotgun, and the Caravan Shotgun. Once I got the Service Rifle I was pretty much out of 5.56 so I haven't really had much of a chance to really use it, but in that time, It felt like a decent weapon. I haven't really tried any melee weapons, but for Unarmed, the Bladed Gauntlet is easily my favourite.


Edited by Emasher

I haven't left the first town yet...I'm halfway taking my time and halfway just unable to play enough.

I did accidentally spawn a Giant Radscorpion. I'm guessing they are purposely keeping people away from The Strip. Fallout 3 sort of tried something similar but really you could go anywhere pretty easily. Fallout 1 and 2 both had areas of noticeably tougher enemies to deter you from entering. Even so with a practiced running away technique you could still enter. Enter the Speed Run...



So far I have a single shotgun 9mm and Varmint rifle. I'm favoring the rifle for having more ammo high(ish) damage and good accuracy. I can also get 3 vats shots and reload (if needed) compared to 1 and reload with the shotgun....



Aiming is a little finicky with joysticks for me, but true iron sights helps a lot. Much better than Fallout 3....From the little I've played so far I'd say it's going to be the better of two games, aside from bugs...which I've only had a few visual glitches so far (holding the gun high enough to see the stock/gun disappearing). Those things really shouldn't happen though....


I got this through the post this morning. The Collector's Edition is so nicely presented! It actually appears to be limited to a certain ammount of copies too, my CE is 1813 of 3400, or something like that (I'm at work and can't remember off the top of my head.)


However, I haven't played it yet. I bought the PC version, and Steam won't let me activate it till tomorrow. Buggeration. :/


well shopto are officially fucktards....they posted my order to my old address which for some dumb reason has reappeared on my account even though I moved months ago and have ordered stuff since...I rang up they had my current address on the system and promised it would go there...had to trek to old house...got it though and will start once finished first playthrough of Dead Rising 2 over the weekend.



Well at least you weren't really really looking forward to....oh.

Whilst it was disappointing to see it wasn't on the floor below the delivery box (in a bizarre twist, Matt has forgotten what the real name for this is)

oh wait, letter box?




Sorry - 'whilst it was... I didn't mind too much, wasn't fully expecting it, and my excitement isn't really too high at the moment.


People have said 'more of the same' which is exactly what I wanted basically, but even so you can't help but feel the hype behind the last one was so much greater way back when, because I was clueless of how amazingly big Fallout was in every way.


The only thing that's annoying about this is that some cunts in the year below received their copies, the underserving, under-appreciating cretins.


Not really, it just takes a fair bit of time (totally worth it may I add) and actually a bit of simple hax. There's basically a trophy for winning 50 speech challenges, which is ridiculous because you have to do it in one file I think, and there's not really that many opportunities. However in one place it's easily glitchable to get all 50 from one person.


It's the funnest platinum medal I've done, simply because it's the best game I've ever played. Give or take Prime.

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