flameboy Posted October 26, 2010 Posted October 26, 2010 That was probably not one of your better posts Flameboy. Kind of like this quiz show --- I want moar skill books! I don't even know if your trying be a dick or funny?!
Emasher Posted October 26, 2010 Posted October 26, 2010 To get to them: Equip Benny's suite, and use a couple turbos, or just use 3 or 4 turbos. You should be able to run to their gate without getting hit once. Once you get there, they'll allow you in on account of you being the first person to get past their artillery strikes. After that, basically you have to do a bunch of odd jobs for them until you get an "idolized" reputation from them (This isn't very hard), once you do this, you'll be trusted with their major secret which is that they want you to raise an old bomber out of a lake for them. Optionally, at this point you can get an item that when equipped allows you to breath under water indefinitely from one of them. Once you go to the lake and raise the plane, the Boomers will side with you. This is especially useful if you want to side with the NCR, or take over the Strip yourself. Also, there's really no disadvantage to getting them on your side as they don't have any enemies, plus there are a bunch of really easy quests you can do to get experience with them.
flameboy Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 well had my first two glitches today 1. Was walking away from nipton exploring and game just froze up dead nothing happened. 2. Was fighting some jackal gang members and reloaded game just got stuck in constant reload animation I could still walk around but do nothing else no pip boy call up, no press start for menu. Thankfully both happened not too long after i had last saved,
ViPeR Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Anyone else playing Caravan with people? I've racked up 6500 caps probably more than I ever had in Fallout 3. Something I have noticed is that everytime I try to go exploring off the beaten track I get mauled by something I can't beat yet. There's a serious lack of decent Armor around as well.
dwarf Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Tell me about it! I swear Glowing Ones have been made into absolute rape-machines now! So glad not to find any in the NIPCONN ghoul quest. There's been a few new rock-hard foes, notably certain dogs and flying insects. Boat-flies I think they're called. Jokez!
flameboy Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Anyone else playing Caravan with people? I've racked up 6500 caps probably more than I ever had in Fallout 3. Something I have noticed is that everytime I try to go exploring off the beaten track I get mauled by something I can't beat yet. There's a serious lack of decent Armor around as well. yeah I'm struggling for armour now although doubt I am as far as you! Still though serious lack of anything massively protective.
ViPeR Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Tell me about it! I swear Glowing Ones have been made into absolute rape-machines now! So glad not to find any in the NIPCONN ghoul quest. There's been a few new rock-hard foes, notably certain dogs and flying insects. Boat-flies I think they're called. Jokez! Certain enemies i've come upon so far that are at my current level unbeatable; Fucking Giant Radscorpians. I'm level 7 at the moment but these just don't die without taking me with them. Groups of Legion troops/assasins. I can just about beat the troops but the assasins can fuck right off. Strange Lizard/Dog hybrids. Not just one attacks me, oh no, about 8 of them! Managed to get away luckily but shit I was near death. Some weird HUGE bluebottle fly type things (not bloatflys). I just got owned, nothing could touch them. Supermutants (this is a given though as i'm early levels, was the same for F3). Lastly Fire Geckos, would, not, die! Thing is one of these things by itself, not a problem. The fact they come in groups is insane! Quite different from F3 where you'd only get attacked in a group if it was like dogs, molerats maybe. I really hope I don't stumble across 5 Deathclaws...
dwarf Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 (edited) Yeah I know, those blue fly things are insane. I managed to get into a situation where I could take them all out without being hit, so was rolling in the XP. And those dog things are vicious. As you say, they pretty much come in 8s. I managed to clear out the entrance to a cave that they were guarding, but there was another 8 pack inside. Ridiculous. Giant radscorpions aren't too bad unless they ambush you. If you keep retreating backwards they will miss you everytime. Just hope you dont encounter a wall. I suggest using a shotgun, aim for the legs, and get the shotgun surgeon perk. It rapes. Edited October 27, 2010 by dwarf
Emasher Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 (edited) Armour is quite expensive in this game. I've only just got some combat armour. What should be noted though is that certain weapons have also scaled up in price. 10mm submachine guns can sell for over 1000 caps in decent condition. I'm starting to be able to defeat some of the incredibly powerful enemies now, but its still quite difficult. Those Mutant Bees, especially when they come in groups can kill me in just a couple hits. Giant Radscorpions are difficult, but I can still defeat them in the right situation. There's this group of people called the fiends, basically, raiders with fancy hats, that can be quite hard if they're using decent weapons. I've tried to stay neutral as long as possible with the Legion, so I haven't really faced any of them in a while. I managed to buy a Marksman Carbine, (Basically a semi automatic only H&K 416 with a medium range scope) from the brotherhood. Really nice gun, but it chews through 5.56. One thing thats bugging me a bit is the fact that they've taken out so many weapons from Fallout 3, I can understand why some of them aren't included, but things like the Striker (Combat Shotgun, I think they called it), will be missed. Edited October 27, 2010 by Emasher
Mundi Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 The blue flies are hard fucking hard. I am running around in a T-51b power armor and helmet and they take me out in a few hits.
flameboy Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 yeah I ran into some of the blue flys F***ing massacre doesn't do what happened to me justice.
Dyson Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 I got lucky with the Legion - was talking to some NCR when a group of them plus Assassins hit. I'm now wandering around with one of those funny wolf hat things and a Hunting Rifle after helping the NCR wipe 'em out. Good fight Anyone seen the Alpha Male Deathclaw? OMFG. It was twice the size of my character and killed me in one. Scary stuff. Love this game!
flameboy Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 I got lucky with the Legion - was talking to some NCR when a group of them plus Assassins hit. I'm now wandering around with one of those funny wolf hat things and a Hunting Rifle after helping the NCR wipe 'em out. Good fight Anyone seen the Alpha Male Deathclaw? OMFG. It was twice the size of my character and killed me in one. Scary stuff. Love this game! Regular Deathclaws are bad enough as it is.
ViPeR Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 Anyone seen the Alpha Male Deathclaw? OMFG. It was twice the size of my character and killed me in one. Scary stuff. Love this game! Fock. That. I found the Caravan Shotgun, the very one I was meant to have got with my pre-order. I must say Companions seem to have seen quite an overhaul in this game. Just found 2, they are VERY helpful. Was tempted to up the difficulty but....no not after hearing stories like the ones above
Emerald Emblem Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 I bought this on 360 this afternoon, now have to hold myself back from playing this till I get through the Story in Atelier Rorona.
Emasher Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 How vulnerable are companions in New Vegas? Are they likely to run into a situation they can't handle and die? or do they take more of a supportive role? I never really used them in 3, but I'm thinking about doing so this time.
Cube Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 How vulnerable are companions in New Vegas? Are they likely to run into a situation they can't handle and die? or do they take more of a supportive role? I never really used them in 3, but I'm thinking about doing so this time. In hardcore mode you'll have to look after them. In "casual" mode they just become unconscious (unless it's you that's killing them). Felicia Day punching people's heads off = awesome. Plus each one has a quest.
Emasher Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 On an unrelated note, version 1.01 is out now for the PS3.
dwarf Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 You have to feed and water companions? Fuck. Off. Unless I'm misinterpreting. I only have Ed-E atm, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't eat.
Cube Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 You have to feed and water companions? Fuck. Off. Unless I'm misinterpreting. I only have Ed-E atm, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't eat. I don't think you need to feed them. It's just that they don't become unconscious in hardcore mode - they simply die (Hardcore mode doesn't sound like my kind of thing so I haven't tried it myself).
flameboy Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 I don't think you need to feed them. It's just that they don't become unconscious in hardcore mode - they simply die (Hardcore mode doesn't sound like my kind of thing so I haven't tried it myself). It sounds like hardcore in every sense of the word! Like you not my kind of thing at all. I'm in it much more for the plot and how I can mould, change the world and the people I'm around rather than playing the game for the sheer terror that having to survive in such a way would obviously bring.
dwarf Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 It's not terror, it's just slightly annoying, but adds a few cool things to the game. It not being a cakewalk is a fairly rewarding change, not least because I know I'm getting the only gold trophy out of it, and a phat reward. Have no idea what it could be. Also, despite playing for 16 or 17 hours I still haven't reached Vegas yet, or gambled. I don't have much interest in gambling much either, but we'll see. I want to find more quests to be honest. Currently the game, whilst obviously open world, feels a bit linear in the way it kind of shoehorns you on a path.
flameboy Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 It's not terror, it's just slightly annoying, but adds a few cool things to the game. It not being a cakewalk is a fairly rewarding change, not least because I know I'm getting the only gold trophy out of it, and a phat reward. Have no idea what it could be. Also, despite playing for 16 or 17 hours I still haven't reached Vegas yet, or gambled. I don't have much interest in gambling much either, but we'll see. I want to find more quests to be honest. Currently the game, whilst obviously open world, feels a bit linear in the way it kind of shoehorns you on a path. Yeah I agree. I've only 10 hours in so far but agree that it does seem to shoehorn you to certain areas (with stuff to do in those areas in chunks), it wants you to go to. I guess only way to truly break free is just think fuck it and walk as far away as you can from where its sending you. I've not made it to Vegas yet but think I saw its bright lights one night time.
Nolan Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 I don't think the game railroads you too hard. If you want to stay within reasonable areas for your level....well it does. The quests haven't seemed to be too far out of your way for the main story line. With some determination though, it should be possible to just go wandering, that's what I did actually. I crossed over to Sloan (I think) instead of heading to Novac. Hardcore mode is really the only way to play as far as I'm concerned. It adds a little challenge, but what it really adds is atmosphere. Not playing Hardcore mode, and your character is like a tank with Stims fixing broken limbs and never needing food or sleep.
flameboy Posted October 27, 2010 Posted October 27, 2010 I don't think the game railroads you too hard. If you want to stay within reasonable areas for your level....well it does. The quests haven't seemed to be too far out of your way for the main story line. With some determination though, it should be possible to just go wandering, that's what I did actually. I crossed over to Sloan (I think) instead of heading to Novac. Hardcore mode is really the only way to play as far as I'm concerned. It adds a little challenge, but what it really adds is atmosphere. Not playing Hardcore mode, and your character is like a tank with Stims fixing broken limbs and never needing food or sleep. I can't imagine playing through the whole experience for like 40 hours doing it in Hardcore.Maybe after I've completed it I will start afresh and blitz through the main story missions whilst playing on Hardcore.
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