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Wii Play? No, we don't. Oops scratch that, yes we do!


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Stop talking nonsense, look at the FACTS


Hmm so I was lying was I?



The console's spike in sales has been credited to titles from Sega and Capcom, with the PS3 hitting 146,948 units, compared with 99,335 units of the Wii and 43,172 units of Microsoft's Xbox 360, reports Reuters.



Look, Sony are making money from games, not the console. They are not going to stop making games because they aren't in profit at the moment.

It does not matter.

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Hmm so I was lying was I?



Look, Sony are making money from games, not the console. They are not going to stop making games because they aren't in profit at the moment.

It does not matter.


What are you on about? It outsold the Wii for one week, for the first time in 16 months. WOOO big deal.


Please state where you got the last bit of information from? Since you're so up on your facts.

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Nope, but I don't really see the attraction. Online isn't going to match anything on the other two consoles and neither is the AI or the graphics. ::shrug:


Hopefully the gameplay.


3) havent really seen nintendo make what id consider a actual game in a while, they certainly dont seem to be doing anything big budget at the moment.


To be honest none of us know what they're doing now. I'm also tired that all the hardcore want from Nintendo is

1 > new Zelda > new mario > new metroid >go to 1

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Too true! :heh:




Nope, but I don't really see the attraction. Online isn't going to match anything on the other two consoles and neither is the AI or the graphics. ::shrug:

if if most had that attitude then no wii games would be played..


But Ido see your point.. BEsides controls(arguably even) there really isn't anything the wii does better than the other consoles when it comes to fps..conduit doesn't exactly innovate in anyway..


But i guess it sets a standard and that can't be bad.

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Hopefully the gameplay.




To be honest none of us know what they're doing now. I'm also tired that all the hardcore want from Nintendo is

1 > new Zelda > new mario > new metroid >go to 1


id not mind some new IPs, but the recent focus on animal crossing and wii music just didnt feel like games, it felt like toys. id love nintendo to do somthing fresh and inavitive like they did with pikmin, but i also want it to be challenging and require me to do more then swing my arms about and gurn.

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what is the point to this anyway? who cares if anyone plays the wii or not.. as long as the software sell and the system sells that's all anyone is going to care about...


No, not anymore. As Nintendo is now shifting more consoles and more software, it's now time to find a new way of measuring a console's success, one which Nintendo DOESN'T win.


[bTW, you echo my feelings exactly]

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id not mind some new IPs, but the recent focus on animal crossing and wii music just didnt feel like games, it felt like toys. id love nintendo to do somthing fresh and inavitive like they did with pikmin, but i also want it to be challenging and require me to do more then swing my arms about and gurn.


I might agree with Wii Music, they tried to hard to bring forward that vision Myiamoto had and it never came out amazing, but AC never was a bad game it was just not a big step forward.

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what is the point to this anyway? who cares if anyone plays the wii or not.. as long as the software sell and the system sells that's all anyone is going to care about...


If people buy Wii's and then realise it isn't fun and stop buying software, then that is negative in the long term.

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Still not really bothered what anyone else does with their Wii.

I suppose good sales possibly equals more games, but as long as you (individually) enjoy using your Wii do you care if the next man prefers to use his as a minature white coffee table???


Epic, epic amount of self pwnage has taken place.


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Wrong. SONY posted massive losses for the PS3 and their games division, over $1.25 billion so get your facts right.




Well why would you be interested in how much someone plays on a console they have purchased?


It's called a forum, where you discuss your own views and experiences. People are summarising the enjoyment (or lack of) they get from their consoles for various reasons, not whether they are happy that a company is failing or another one is succeeding.


Once again; unprovoked company allegiance = questionable intelligence. They would all happily sacrifice your mother if they thought it would win them the console war.



Regarding that overall usage graph, I was quite sure that the Wii usage numbers would still be high. I thought the purpose of this topic was to create a forum census rather than compare public results, since it's pretty obvious people are still playing (and buying) the Wii.

Edited by Sheikah
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