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The Dark Side of Dubai


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Wow that was rather harrowing. I naively never even pondered that there could be such problems there, and I'm betting that goes for the majority of the world as well. I'm pretty sickened by finding all that out, but better for having read it because now it means I can avoid it at all costs. What pains me the most though, is that there really seems nothing that one can do for these people.

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Well I guess I know what my holiday is going to be next summer.


But surely by going there, you are putting money into their economy? Unless you are planning on not using a hotel, restaurant or any other service whilst you're there?


Or are you going with a load of empty suitcases and coming back with them suspiciously full? Because there are better way to smuggle freed slaves I imagine.

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I decided to stop reading about a third of the way through. I didn't know there were such problems there. But really, while this might be particularly bad there, it happens all over the world, even in Canada, the USA, the UK, ect. People are offered good jobs brought here, their passports are taken away and they basically become sex slaves for people. They also come from countries were you can't trust the police and so they don't know that they can here. And for the most part, they don't speak much english and don't understand our culture very well. Even if the people do get caught, their captors just say they're prostitutes. And in Canada at least, I don't really know about other countries, prostitution is legal as long as you're not in public.

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Hmm all through reading that I was thinking about some woman I met on holiday years ago (we were young, became friends with her kid and you know what its like on holiday, familys attach themselves...anyway) and she lived (and presumably still does) there and made it sound like a paradise.


It is an appaling eye opener. One thing that stuck with me is someone (near the start) compared it to London (and other big cities I believe) and while its not to the same extent it made me question just how much actually goes on behind closed doors.


Truely awful stuff. May require another reading.

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I remember when I stopped over in Dubai. The whole place looked brand new, probably because it was. Glad I didn't spend any money there now.


Yep. It'll be a research trip.


What do you do LazyBoy? If you don't mind me asking.

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What do you do LazyBoy? If you don't mind me asking.


Just a student with dreams of anarchy and political change. Oh the joys of being young.


Good good. Although I'm geniunely curious now about how your not spending any money there. How are you managing it?


Well I figure that Dubai won't let any storage devices out with anything that would 'embarrass' the nation, and I want some more media on this. I want people to see videos of this kind of stuff, testimonials and the like. If i'm going through an airport they'll check for that kind of stuff, so i'll have to find another way in. Boat maybe. I won't be there for long, two three days maybe, i'll camp and live off supplies. It'll be no more difficult than a DoE trip, only no rain.

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Just a student with dreams of anarchy and political change. Oh the joys of being young.




Well I figure that Dubai won't let any storage devices out with anything that would 'embarrass' the nation, and I want some more media on this. I want people to see videos of this kind of stuff, testimonials and the like. If i'm going through an airport they'll check for that kind of stuff, so i'll have to find another way in. Boat maybe. I won't be there for long, two three days maybe, i'll camp and live off supplies. It'll be no more difficult than a DoE trip, only no rain.


I doubt they do cavity search to tourists, surely a mini SD card wont be too hard on you? But I don't believe they'll allow you near the bad stuff.

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But about the Canadian couple, why haven't they contacted de Canadian embassy? I'm pretty sure they would at least get a trial they could understand.


Do you really think the police there would let them do that?


I got offered an engineering placement year in Dubai - I rejected it without a moment's hesitation, and this article has done nothing but ensure me I made the right decision. It's a terrible country, almost as medieval as Saudi Arabia.

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I doubt they do cavity search to tourists, surely a mini SD card wont be too hard on you? But I don't believe they'll allow you near the bad stuff.


Well what i've heard is that for any of the Arab countries (and on a side note, Israel), they seem to know where you've been. On exit they'll search your hard drive, and read out a list of places you've been (without you telling them) and ask you what you were doing there. A lot of people have told me this but only one about Dubai, can anyone confirm this (obviously this doesn't apply to lay-overs).

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Well what i've heard is that for any of the Arab countries (and on a side note, Israel), they seem to know where you've been. On exit they'll search your hard drive, and read out a list of places you've been (without you telling them) and ask you what you were doing there. A lot of people have told me this but only one about Dubai, can anyone confirm this (obviously this doesn't apply to lay-overs).


Can't you just upload it to the internet? Then you wouldn't need a hard copy to hide.

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