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Assassin's Creed 2


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I won't go too in-depth yet, but this is a much better game than its predecessor. It starts off really slowly so I expect some people will be left underwhelmed by the first few hours, but once the game has introduced its various features it becomes far more enjoyable.


Oh, if you have the option I'd get it on 360. Both versions suffer the odd dip in framerate and some screen tearing, but it's not so prevalent on the Xbox. The performance issues are the one thing marring my experience with the game so anything you can do to lessen them is advised. If you are going to play the game on PS3, turn the in-game brightness level down a notch.

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Probably going to get the first AC and inFamous today so that I can play those games + get the platinum trophy for Uncharted 2 simultaneously.


Edit: Just ordered AC 1 and 2 at Amazon. AC 2 costs only 43€ which is more than 20€ cheaper than normal oO And the first one (Platinum Edition) 20€ which is 10€ cheaper. Gotta get those now :D

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So far I am loving this. It does start off slow and I was starting to think that it was missing something...That something turned out to be basically all the weapons. :heh: I just got my Assassin's Blade.


Even though the start is slower, it is much better.


I really loved the first one being set in the crusades. This era interests me less so in terms of the atmosphere.

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There's no point in playing either of the AC fast. They aren't made to be blasted through. You're just going to get bored.


I didn't mean I want to finish it in the shortest time possible, I just want to finish it throughout the next few days ;) I might be able to play a lot during next week.

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Even that is too much imo. I suggest spacing it over a few weeks but then I know that isn't always practical.


Edit: This game is such a slow burner. The more I play, the more I love it. Still picking up skills and weapon types about 5 hours into it.


Apart from the game looking a bit dated, I'm more than happy.

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