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  cvl said:
Hmm, why do I get the feeling that you like this game?


I like the pinball game genre, but didn't think Kirby's Pinball Land would be worth trying. Will definitely look into this one now thanks to Dcubed. The game obviously must have some qualities I reckon.


It's not like a regular pinball game where you stick with a single table with the goal of just getting the high score. Think of it as having each table being a "level" that you beat (there are 3 "stages" in all), with boss battles at the end. Each "stage" consists of 3 small pinball tables vertically stacked on top of each other and the goal is to get to the top and get to the boss stage (upon which, you beat said boss)


Of course it does track your high scores and ultimately you are aiming to shoot for the highest score, but the way the game is set up is very different from your typical pinball game. It's more like a pinball platformer than a traditional pinball game (which I guess is why Nintendolife weren't so keen on it), but the high scores are something you actually aim for (think Donkey Kong arcade as opposed to Super Mario Bros)


It's a unique take on the pinball genre for sure! And of course, the music is catchy as hell (well it is a Kirby game after all!)

  sagat said:
I am disappointed with the eShop. No 16 bit gems so far (which was one of the main reasons i bought the 3DS for)


Agreed. Personally, I thought the eShop started brilliantly, absolutely full of promise. Last year I took my 3DS on holiday and loved having all the digital content (I associate digital titles with travelling, as they all stay on your 3DS, whereas there's only one cartridge slot). This year, I still took it on holiday, but only played the game I'd left in the cartridge slot. Here's what I think would pick it up again:


3D Classics - Personally, I think these are done really well by Arika, but the choice of titles could be more appealing. I understand the idea was to choose games that would benefit from the depth effect, but it's hard to deny a lot of them are obscure. One I enjoyed the most was Kid Icarus, which really didn't need the 3D, but was very welcome because it offered a more up-to-date and welcoming way to play what was (at times) a very difficult game. In this regard, might other NES titles like Metroid and Zelda be more popular candidates for the "3D Classics" treatment? Or how about SNES games like Super Mario World, Link to the Past or Super Metroid? As I say, it's not the 3D that's important; it's more the appeal of playing a spruced-up game.


Virtual Console - If there's one thing the handheld Virtual Console should excel at, it's playing handheld games. Nintendo have done quite well with the Game Boy games they are in full control of, but I am rather surprised the NES has been put on the Virtual Console before the Game Boy Advance. Just from the Ambassador games, we know the 3DS can easily handle the GBA. Metroid: Zero Mission alone would be pretty exciting, and the 3DS XL may well be the best way to play GBA games. On top of that, we've got the NES, so how about the SNES? If those games I mentioned aren't going to be turned into 3D Classics, they'd still be welcome in their "pure" form. And on top of that, there are still Game Boy games people want (does Nintendo have full control of Oracle of Ages/Seasons?)


eShop - By this I mean games that have been made exclusively for the eShop (or a small number of modern digital platforms). You can't expect a Mighty Switch Force every day, but I'm hoping for another one or two games from WayForward. Also, Nintendo's own output has been pretty original, but I think something Zelda- or Metroid-based would excite the audience who is not so keen on puzzles.


...Anyway, there are my thoughts on it. It's not meant to be a moan, just some suggestions about things I think would put some excitement back in the eShop.


Well.. I just saw this fun, new application got added to the American DSi shop. It's called; Petit Computer! And it's a BASIC programing module so you can create your own games and applications using DSi features! When I first saw this I was thinking it was too good to be true! But then I went and checked out their website and this looks like the coolest thing I have ever seen!! :D


I sure hope it comes to the European market soon!!


Always wondered about the price point on the GB classics, just feel it could be a bit cheaper and sell a lot more, given they are literally totally retro(no gbc colour features etc). However, Kirby's Pinball Land? One of the games we got with our GB! Don't think I actually EVER managed to properly complete it though, so might pick it up! Also been contemplating Kirby's Block Ball to go with it(talking about lacking features I wish they'd somehow managed to port it in its Super Gameboy state), however the Steam sale and a rather hefty week has raped my wallet, guess we'll have to see how much I get paid tomorrow...


Remember that crazy RPG that was released on the eShop in Japan? Going by the name of Denpa Ningen no RPG (or Radio Wave People RPG) and made by Genius Sonority (Pokemon Colloseum, Pokemon XD, Dragon Quest & The Tower of Mirrors)?


Well it turns out that it's getting a western release according to Siliconera! http://www.siliconera.com/2012/07/23/pokemon-colosseum-developers-denpa-ningen-rpg-travelling-out-of-japan/



Like its Japanese counterpart, it'll also be getting a demo prior to its release :)


Toki Tori is coming to the EU eShop next week.




He may be a small, yellow chicken, but Toki Tori is no coward! He's the hero of this egg-cellent puzzle platformer, and must rescue all his kidnapped brothers and sisters, who are still in their fragile eggs.


In this Game Boy Color classic, you must keep Toki Tori safe by avoiding monsters and traps, while working out how to collect all the eggs in each level before the timer runs out. Luckily, there are lots of items to aid Toki Tori in his mission!


So what are you waiting for? Time to get cracking!

Price: £3.60 / €4.00

Posted (edited)

Finished Wario Land 2 100% today, great game. Bit easier than I remember but still occasionally frustrating.


Is the version of Toki Tori that was released on WiiWare/Steam a remake of the GBC game?

Edited by Ike

This week's haul:




Toki Tori (£3.60)


3DS Download Software


Johnny Kung Fu




Ace Mathician (£1.80)


3, 2, 1... WordsUp! (£1.80)


Theatrhythm DLC


Movement in Green (FF10 - FMS)


Sunken Shrine (FF01 - FMS)


Battle Theme (FF10 - BMS)


Fight On! (FF07 - BMS).


Wii VC


The Last Blade (900 Wii Points/£7.65)


Not a bad week. Toki Tori is good, as is The Last Blade and the selection of Theatrhythm DLC :)

  Ike said:
Would have bought Toki Tori but I already bought the Steam version :hmm:


If it means anything, the levels in Toki Tori GBC are slightly different (or rather I should say that the WiiWare/Steam/PSN remake had some of the levels modified from the GBC originals), so it's not quite the same experience...



'Nano Assault EX' is coming to the 3DS eShop (EU+US) ! Based on the original release but with new game modes & options.. more info soon!


Well I guess that explains why we never saw a retail release of Nano Assault in Europe :D That leaves Virtue's Last Reward and Sakura Samurai as the only US 3DS exclusives unaccounted for!


SpeedX 3D is also coming next week for the same price (£2.70 / €3.00)



"SpeedX 3D for Nintendo 3DS is a stunning tunnel racer that tests a player's skill and transports him or her into a trance filled with great electronic music and hypnotic graphics.


SpeedX 3D offers four game modes introducing the player to more and more challenging places at a speed that increases with every second. The question is: how far can the player go without losing concentration?"


I'm definitely interested in Sword of Hope II.


Well, I was listening to the B&W2 soundtrack, just read "mon" first and filled in the blanks :P


Also I'd say it was more accurate to say it is over 8000 :P

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