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Madonna's Malawian child adoption delayed


Madonna's adoption of a young Malawian girl has reportedly been delayed.


The pop star attended a hearing on the matter in the southern African nation today (March 30), but the judge delayed his ruling until Friday (April 3), reports the Associated Press.


According to court documents, Madonna is attempting to adopt Chifundo James, a Malawian girl who is about 4 years old and whose mother died at the age of 18.


Some non-governmental organisations have criticised Madonna, accusing her of yielding her power and status speed up the normally lengthy adoption process.


"We feel Madonna is behaving like a bully," said Undule Mwakusungura, chairman of the Human Rights Consultative Committee. "She has the money and the status to use her profile to manipulate, to fast-track the process.


Meanwhile, others from Malawi have said they strongly support Madonna's efforts to give the child advantages she could not receive in their country.


If the adoption is finalised, Madonna would be the single mother of four children.




Seriously, why can't she adopt from her own country? I'm sure there are a few kids there who need a good home.


And, old story, David Miliband adopts from the US because the adoption process is too long winded in this country? I'm sorry, but if you don't like it, as an MP should you try and bloody change it?!

( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/7067282.stm )

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Guest Captain Falcon

Seriously, why can't she adopt from her own country? I'm sure there are a few kids there who need a good home.


I can only assume the kids in America get a say in which nut job they end up with.

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I don't really like all her adoptions and stuff, especially into a "broken home". She's ALWAYS on tour or generally doing yoga or something, so what happens to the kids? It's fine for the two older ones, but what about....David (?) and this one?


Will this one even have to go visit Guy Ritchie? I'd assume not, as he's nothing to do with her. That'll be nice, all the other kida get to visit "dad", while she sits at home.

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I'm biased, I like almost all her albums in one way or another, but I really can't see a problem with this. Sure, this kid is going to spend an AWFUL lot of time with a nanny. She won't have an adopted dad. She'll probably grow up straight into rehab but still, isn't it better than sitting in a Malawian orphanage? At least now she'll have brothers and sisters and regular meals, right?

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I'm biased, I like almost all her albums in one way or another, but I really can't see a problem with this. Sure, this kid is going to spend an AWFUL lot of time with a nanny. She won't have an adopted dad. She'll probably grow up straight into rehab but still, isn't it better than sitting in a Malawian orphanage? At least now she'll have brothers and sisters and regular meals, right?


You're right in many ways. At least the quality of life for this child will be better than it was before. But, I think it's the way that it's been publicised, and the fact that she is seen to be using her "powers" to unfairly speed up the process.


Part of me thinks that maybe it will be such an extreme change of life for those children. Going from an orphanage into the home of one of the most popular, busiest, controversial celebrities on the planet. It can't be easy for them either. Either way, it's a non-conventional upbringing.

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Part of me thinks that maybe it will be such an extreme change of life for those children. Going from an orphanage into the home of one of the most popular, busiest, controversial celebrities on the planet. It can't be easy for them either. Either way, it's a non-conventional upbringing.

I'm sure the monies they'll get selling their stories in future will make up for it.

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Latest move was a choice of two


"Produce a new album - Adopt a Child"


Both get publicity, guess the adoption gives more.


Its both good and bad for the "new" child. Good because now it could get an upbringing that couldn't be had in Africa, bad because it is getting all media attention at such a young age.

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Latest move was a choice of two


"Produce a new album - Adopt a Child"


Both get publicity, guess the adoption gives more.


Its both good and bad for the "new" child. Good because now it could get an upbringing that couldn't be had in Africa, bad because it is getting all media attention at such a young age.


She's touring this summer, because her tour last year was phenomonally successful ($$$) and also her new Greatest Hits is coming out, or something similar.


So in a way, this could be publicity, but it's not like she doesn't get enough already. She's always in the papers.


I'm an optimist, so I do think it's for altruistic reasons. I don't think she's evil. But I'm sure she's aware of the publicity (though probably didn't expect a negative backlash for her good deeds).

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Is she sterile?


She's 50 years old.


It's unwise/advised against to have children after mind-40's, or just down-right unlikely. It's harmful for both mother and child, or can be, at that age.


I assume she just can't (easily).

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I just ask because she's been adopting kids for awhile. If she isn't sterile I'm going to accuse her of being lazy ["good things" being a byproduct]


Surely Angelina Jolie is a better person to accuse? She's only given birth to 2 of 6 (or is it 8?) of her brood. And they were twins, so it wasn't like she had to relive the hassle a second time round.

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Surely Angelina Jolie is a better person to accuse? She's only given birth to 2 of 6 (or is it 8?) of her brood. And they were twins, so it wasn't like she had to relive the hassle a second time round.

Only 2? But yes, I see your angle. But I really hate Madonna though, ¬_¬

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I really hate Madonna though, ¬_¬


I know! :p


I don't hate her at all, I like a lot of her music, and respect what she's acheived. (Nothing in the last couple of years is of much interest to me though), but she definitely someone who presents herself to the public for scrutiny (often on purpose).

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I've completely ignored the posts so someone may have suggested this.


But instead of adopting a child every 2 years or what ever. Why doesn't she invest in improving the orphanages in these areas, so all the kids have better lives.


It sounds better to me, doesn't look like she's nicking a kid out of Africa, and helps more people out.

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I've completely ignored the posts so someone may have suggested this.


But instead of adopting a child every 2 years or what ever. Why doesn't she invest in improving the orphanages in these areas, so all the kids have better lives.


It sounds better to me, doesn't look like she's nicking a kid out of Africa, and helps more people out.


"In October 2006, Madonna traveled to Malawi to help build an orphanage, which she also funded as part of the Raising Malawi initiative."


She also did some big documentary on behalf of a charity in Malawi I think. It's called I Am Because We Are, IIRC. Not sure exactly what it is.

EDIT: Here it is.

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"In October 2006, Madonna traveled to Malawi to help build an orphanage, which she also funded as part of the Raising Malawi initiative."


She also did some big documentary on behalf of a charity in Malawi I think. It's called I Am Because We Are, IIRC. Not sure exactly what it is.

EDIT: Here it is.


Well there goes my righteous plan. haha.

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Madonna's petition to adopt a second Malawian child was rejected by a local judge Friday, an official said.


"The decision came down to residency requirement and the fact that the judge believes she was being well taken care of in the orphanage," said Zione Ntaba, a spokeswoman for the Malawi Justice Department.


"For the Malawians, the fact that the child is at an orphanage, is being taken care of and is going through the school education system, that does qualify as the best interests of a child," Ntaba added.


The 50-year-old pop star had filed a petition to adopt a girl, Chifundo James, 4, whose first name translates to mercy in Chichewa, the country's national language. She has three other children, including a son she adopted from the southern African nation in 2006.


The rejection follows weeks of criticism by human rights activists, who said Madonna was using her fame to circumvent a residency requirement for foreigners adopting in the country.


A coalition of local nonprofits from across the country accused Madonna on Thursday of taking advantage of a weakness in the country's child protection system. Days earlier, the charity Save the Children UK had urged the American singer to rethink the adoption and let the child be raised by her relatives.

Local media have reported that the child's teenage mother died days after she gave birth to her.

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