Bren Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 Fuck the javelin glitch, ran into so many people doing it, and they never win, they just run around on domo getin 1 kill if that a time, the odd time theyll get a lucky 3 kills, but then they die, i really dont see the point in it. And double models, ha how are people so shit with them? We've come across people with them getin like 15-10, and i thought they were annoyin, i unlocked em last night, my kd was always about 4/5, theyre so sick, put a shield on ya back and its laffin.
Dan_Dare Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 People sprint around with a Javelin launcher and the glitch makes the rocket fire and explode instantly when they die. It just means they either knife you or they get shot (more likely) and take you with them. It's fucking infuriating. I really hope MS pass the patch through quick because it's endemic. Interestingly: doesn't work with the RPG. What happens there is that the rocket fires but hangs in mind air spitting out smoke. It looks really cool. So cool in fact that I just got shot looking at one.
Happenstance Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 Lol nice. Im still waiting for MW2 to come off my rental list and I cant risk buying it for myself anymore as its getting too close to Christmas.
James Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 Do people still randomly fire off a rocket into the sky if they have a launcher equipped? One time one of these rockets landed on my head. Only the javelin lets you do that, it locks onto People and Vehicles, it always goes into the sky, thats how it works. unlike the other launchers that go straight at its target
Cube Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 Only the javelin lets you do that, it locks onto People and Vehicles, it always goes into the sky, thats how it works. unlike the other launchers that go straight at its target Ah, the guy must have died just after he hit the trigger.
Dan_Dare Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 people are definitely firing javelins from the off though. I've been hit like that myself....
Platty Posted December 7, 2009 Posted December 7, 2009 You can lock onto locations with the Javelin too. So at the start lock on to a far distant location and fire away. Usually kill someone. I do it myself on maps such as wasteland and quary.
Babooo Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Fallin back in love with this game again....was going through a very bad patch for the past week. Unlocked the red dot sight for my m16 and all is well in the world.
Babooo Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 guys i've been playing this for at least 3-4 hours practically straight. Its just that once I get going and start getting some good scores, I don't stop till my streak dies down and start dying more than killing. I've basically increased my kill death ratio from 1.06 to 1.11! yayyyy....but i want it higher. And ever since I've unlocked the m16, my accuracy percentage has aslo shot up!
flameboy Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 guys i've been playing this for at least 3-4 hours practically straight. Its just that once I get going and start getting some good scores, I don't stop till my streak dies down and start dying more than killing. I've basically increased my kill death ratio from 1.06 to 1.11! yayyyy....but i want it higher. And ever since I've unlocked the m16, my accuracy percentage has aslo shot up! my ratio is 0.60 although that is up from 0.48.. I often find it isn't until after prolonged play that I start to hit any kind of good standard.
Esequiel Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Anyone else played the map "Rust" yet? Iv only seen it once but it was great fun!
Cube Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Anyone else played the map "Rust" yet? Iv only seen it once but it was great fun! I've only seen it in private matches. As I only play as a group with party chat on I'm limited to one playlist (Ground War), which it's too small to appear in.
Sec Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 You can lock onto locations with the Javelin too. So at the start lock on to a far distant location and fire away. Usually kill someone. I do it myself on maps such as wasteland and quary. I still find nothing beats random Grenades! semtex ones more since they only start to countdown after you throw meaning you can throw it higher and more accurately than a frag Anyone else played the map "Rust" yet? Iv only seen it once but it was great fun! Oh yes! great for just no nonsense blind fire and general mayhem! played a Team DeathMatch in it once, talk about carnage!!!
Babooo Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Yeh I was wondering about Rust...I always saw it whilst the game was looking for matches but I'm yet to play that level. P.S m16 IS the dogs bollocks.
James Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Yeh I was wondering about Rust...I always saw it whilst the game was looking for matches but I'm yet to play that level. P.S m16 IS the dogs bollocks. lol, I refuse to use it becuase its too powerful, yes im a snob, I unlocked the model 1887 and refused to use them. haha. What a gimp I am after an awful day on sunday, i manged to crawl back to my normal stuff. usin the M4A1 with silence, cold blooded and ninja. Excellent. My kill streak load out is still the one you get to begin with. UAV, care package, Preadator.
Sec Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 ..My kill streak load out is still the one you get to begin with. UAV, care package, Preadator. i dont think anyone gets rid of the care package perk, too many possibilities of uber powerful killstreaks. i have package preadator and pavelow, preadator is perfect for domination or games like that since there's usually a few camped around a flag
Dan_Dare Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 I dumped care package. It doesn't get you owt for working towards your next streak reward so I don't see the point. Predator, Pave Low and Ac-130 for me atm (though it's a new set up and I haven't triggered it yet)
flameboy Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 I dumped care package. It doesn't get you owt for working towards your next streak reward so I don't see the point. Predator, Pave Low and Ac-130 for me atm (though it's a new set up and I haven't triggered it yet) Yeah cos the kills you get from a care packages don't add to your killstreak right? I have it on because its a useful way to pick up some easier kills I might not otherwise get.
Dan_Dare Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 It's not bad for actual kills, and the variety is fun. I prefer the unlocks though, which are more profitable if you get them.
James Posted December 8, 2009 Posted December 8, 2009 Noticed I been getting alot of ammo/re supplies in the Care Packages, Sad times.
Sec Posted December 9, 2009 Posted December 9, 2009 Noticed I been getting alot of ammo/re supplies in the Care Packages, Sad times. ya that happens the higher the level you are, it gets more difficult to get stuff like ac-130's and such It's not bad for actual kills, and the variety is fun. I prefer the unlocks though, which are more profitable if you get them. they definitely are, but i've been playing so poor as of recent that 4 killstreaks are becoming non-existent. hopefully my luck will improve this evening
Sec Posted December 9, 2009 Posted December 9, 2009 I hate underpass. Such a shit map. Here here! just no real structure to it i find, plus the darkness of the level and the availability of many many camping spots make it annoying in my opinion
gaggle64 Posted December 9, 2009 Posted December 9, 2009 I've decided to only play this game after 4pm from now on - playing against other people who have interests and social lives that aren't WM2 is much less aggravating.
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