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Finding multi abit tough. The team that camps the most wins. some matches you hardly see anyone because everyone is hiding so they pounce on those moving about.


Enjoying it alot ofcourse.Need to get better which i will. :grin:


Agreed mate. Not liking it that much but its only cos I'm unfamiliar with the maps me thinks. That along side knowing which guns and perk combo's are good, it shall be fun!

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Multi is great, Im liking all the perks but more so all the gun attachments, bling perk, genius. I love the way a care package can make or break a match, so random. but so good.


And those worried about all the lv 75ers blowing off a nuke...you are aware when you call in a care package at 4 kills, and say you get a pave low it doesn't count towards your kill streak, so getting to 25 kill streak probably should deserve to use a nuke.


But yes, learning the maps is taking some getting used to, i like it you can tell some players just kinda wander around into a dead end *stab*

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And it was finished :yay: Just completed it on Veteran. Much easier than Veteran on the first one and World at War, partly because of the lack of constantly respawning enemies but also because it was just generally easier.


So Makarov is still alive and of course, apart from a fleeting mention in the opening, Zakhaev is still around and so they'll likely bear the brunt of the 3rd game when it comes, presumably in 2 years time. Price, Soap and Nikolai are gonna have a hell of a job overturning them then seeing as they are wanted criminals. Still don't fully understand Sheperd's motives for defecting. I'm guessing he was made an offer he couldn't refuse. Nor do I understand why Price was in the gulag.


The ending with Sheperd didn't feel as fresh as the ending to the first one where you tried, but obviously failed, to kill Zakhaev. The game certainly had highlights, the skidoo bit was cool as was the fight for the US in front of the White House. But there wasn't a level that really stood out as much as the two sniper levels in the previous game, which I would go to say are two of the best levels in an FPS ever.



^ That's been tagged for a reason so if you haven't played yet or completed don't look. Went straight back after finishing to get the achievement for completing the Pit in under 30 secs as I didn't do it first time through. Took about 20 or so tries and was so frustrating but finally getting 29.7 secs means I have my achievement and don't have to do it anymore. So now I can enjoy the multiplayer and try out Spec Ops.

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'That's bullshit.' Aha, nice vid. I'm going to be constantly trying that. Thing is do you not get deathcams unless it is replayed as the winning kill?


And there's no match playback support is there?


You only get kill cams, like it shows how you died but not how you killed someone. It only shows it to everyone as the kill that won the match.


And ive not seen any match playback.


But yeah that was so lucky with that kill!

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Shepard was never with Makarov.


Because he lost so many men before, he wanted a way to redeem himself. So he planted a spy in Makarov's group, knowing that Makarov would use it to his advantage to cause trouble (pinning the Airport Massacre on America).


He also needed to kill Roach/Ghost because they would likely find out.


So Shepard was the real villain, and Makarov was just a tool he used.


But Shepard clearly doesn't care about his men because he spends most of the final level blowing them up to save himself, not to mention all the troops that would've been killed in the invasion he precipitated. And he's still a General clearly in charge of big things so any redemption he gets on the world stage is incredibly vague - he's obviously not trying to recover a career or anything.


Also, if Makarov is just a gun for hire, why does he care at all about Zakaihev? It's repeatedly pointed out he's some kind super-merc and yet we still go to rescue Price to use as bait, presumably because of his role in Zakaihev's death. Is he an apolitical merc or a nationalist?


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Ok getting better. My overall KDR has gotten worse but i think i have found setups that work. Got my first matches where i came top and had KDR of 2:1 with wins. Like using the Scar and UMP with the running perks.


Amusingly in one Domination match. My team won but only one person had a positive KDR and just barely. The other team had huge KDR starting from 40:9 etc... but lost badly, really badly. They pretty much just camped the entire match. I prefer objectives but it seems like many people play other modes and just treat it like a camping version of team deathmatch.


I also find that lag is much more sensitive in this game. If i dont have four full bars i am clearly at a disadvantage.


So far i'd say its one of my contenders for GOTY. Single player is great. Multi is even better. Surprised some NE users arent playing this on PSN!

Edited by Choze
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Ok getting better. My overall KDR has gotten worse but i think i have found setups that work. Got my first matches where i came top and had KDR of 2:1 with wins. Like using the Scar and UMP with the running perks.


Amusingly in one Domination match. My team won but only one person had a positive KDR and just barely. The other team had huge KDR starting from 40:9 etc... but lost badly, really badly. They pretty much just camped the entire match. I prefer objectives but it seems like many people play other modes and just treat it like a camping version of team deathmatch.


I also find that lag is much more sensitive in this game. If i dont have four full bars i am clearly at a disadvantage.


So far i'd say its one of my contenders for GOTY. Single player is great. Multi is even better. Surprised some NE users arent playing this on PSN!


We're not all made of money and can't afford every game day one!

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Is it just me, or Americans basically red shirts in this game? Especially during the Task Force 141 missions, while the Brits (Soap, Roach, Ghost & Co) are busy getting it all done any US characters in the vicinity seem to be forever getting shot, blown up or generally abandoned to a grizzly death of one kind or another.

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Absolutely lovin this online, me and a few mates have been caining it quite a bit, i got up to 54 wins in a row, and then we just lost :'( gutted!


Wasnt in to the end of the game tbh, it was a bit shit!! At least it leaves it open for another one.


Did you hear how much the Activision CEO made, he sold 2 million stock, which WAS worth $1ish and is now worth $10ish, 20 million in a week :|:|:|:|:| Fucker

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The story makes no sense, feels like a great film, but with a silly plot


How the hell do the Russians invade from the air, nearly impossible. How on earth did that not start nuclear war. What on earth was that nuke in the middle of the game about, and how on earth did it take out a space station


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Absolutely lovin this online, me and a few mates have been caining it quite a bit, i got up to 54 wins in a row, and then we just lost :'( gutted!


Wasnt in to the end of the game tbh, it was a bit shit!! At least it leaves it open for another one.


Did you hear how much the Activision CEO made, he sold 2 million stock, which WAS worth $1ish and is now worth $10ish, 20 million in a week :|:|:|:|:| Fucker


Yeah here it is:






The "biggest launch in the history across all forms of entertainment", Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, made Activision's CEO much richer this week.


Bobby Kotick sold two million Activision stock options he's held since 2000. At that time, they were worth about $1.03. Today, Activision stock is worth just under $12 a share. Minus the $2 million strike price, Bobby Kotick made over $20 million in just three days.


GameSpot goes on to point out that the CEO still owns over 3 million shares, which, as of right now, are worth over $35 million. Plus, let's not forget the $14.95 million compensation package Kotick earned on top of his regular figure in 2008.


Needless to say, Bobby Kotick is a very rich man. Well, richer man now. Loads richer.

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