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Guest Stefkov

Bought it. Played it. Completed it.

Thoroughly enjoyed every second of the 6 hours 35 spent playing it.


Adding more to that. Didn't want to shoot anyone on that airport level but then halfway through thought fuck it and gunned everything.

Went through on Hardened and it was quite hard. Can't wait to go through on Veteran. I'm going to get so pissed off it's gonna be fun.

What else to add. The space bit was awesome.

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Adding more to that. Didn't want to shoot anyone on that airport level but then halfway through thought fuck it and gunned everything.


I resisted the urge for all of half a second... and then I massacred them ALL... brutally... no one survived... NO ONE! and I loved every second of it... every... damned... second... :blank:


Mwahahaha... yes I R Evil, what of it? :p

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I can't believed how overpowered some of the killstreak bonuses are.


I was in a match (Domination, Ground War), and discovered a create (from an enemy supply drop) and it was a Helicopter Gunner.


I got 60 kills in that match.

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Ok so erm online. fucking the mutts nuts is what it is, altho I payed an epic phail, with my 4 care packages in one drop kill streak, 3 of them landed outside the map, d'oh. Luckily the harrier one was still available to get, woo ha.


Oh and the fucking party chat thing, what a joke, they should just allow it, douche bags!!!!!!!!

Edited by James
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Dudedazz, I wasn't trying to be a dick to your personally. I know it sucks for you as you should legitimately be able to buy it and I'm sorry, at least you got it in the end though. I just think that overall, it's a good thing that they were being more strict. The 25 thing is the case at a lot of places nowadays. It is telling that a lot of people there didn't think they'd need ID. Confirms what I said about public/retail perception about games. I just think it's a good thing overall that they're cracking down on it.


Oh no, I know you wasn't. Ah shucks, I feel bad now :( lol. But yeah, I get what you mean.


Yes it sucks that you got stung by this but the challenge 25 policy has become more and more prevalent recently but it has been knocking about for any age restricted product for ages. It is precisely people like you who are the reason its been enforced. Let me explain, you said you've always looked older so its hard to tell. They use the 25 as a safety buffer...What a lot of people who moan about this kind thing don't realise is that individuals can now be held accountable for such things with a £2000 fine and even a jail sentence. Would you really wanna risk it if that was you? NO Considering the high profile nature of MW2 they were always going to be strict...


I had a friend who both lost his job and got personally fined nearly a grand for selling an 18 to a minor as it was a mystery shopper who was well a kid. It's really just not worth the risk.


I'm not saying people don't sell to minors ever but they likely aren't aware of the laws or simply are that laid back they think they will never be caught.


I totally get what you mean but if you looked at me, you'd think I was in my twenties and you wouldn't tell the difference. It's a good thing they're cracking down on the whole age range stuff and I support it but I'm not as angry about that. I'm angry about the fact that NO-ONE warned us we'd need ID to prove we were 25 to get the game. I didn't even know about this until last night, all I knew was you have to be 18 to buy the game. There were no posters, absolutely zilch. There was a poster about it but it said you'd need ID to buy alcohol from there (it said nothing about 18-rated games/movies). That was why I was pissed off, lol. A woman could have come down the queue and looked at who was under 25 and asked if they had ID. They did to see if there were enough games in stock and stuff. That was why I was pissed off, hahaha. That and the fact that she sold a game to a guy who looked so much younger than me and didn't ask him for ID yet I get asked. I still think it's a bit ridiculous you have to be 25.


Plus, kids could always get the games/movies that are rated 18 anyway.




Played the third level THREE TIMES! It's amazing. And the airport part...I felt guilty...BUT THEY WERE GOING DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWN! lol.


Just wondering, has anyone played this on Veteran? I bet the 'No, Russian' level would be immense.

Edited by Animal
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Only played the first 4 levels - really struggled with level 4. It's exciting, but I'm not THAT impressed to say it's game fo the year or anything. And I personally didn't like the airport level, it just felt so childish. A game that is supposed to be so realistic and brutal, resorted to Brain Dead-esque violence; I wasn't offended, I just found it ridiculous and little desperate on the developers part. But the rest of the level was fun.


Haven't tried anything else as promised someone I'd go to the cinema - gutted, as I wanted to continue and I ended up watching a truly, truly, truly atrocious film (men who stare at goats).


Looking forward to conituing though. My CoD multiplayer greviences seem to be in full force though - those sill perks and power you get the better you are. I simply do no not understand the concept that the better you get at the game, the more powerful it makes you. Bizarre design decision, but I seem to be the only who has a problem with it, so I'm either missing the point or I just need to play it more to power up and not be bothered.


MATtheHAT. Yeah, I aint getting any trophies either. My housemate is playing through on the 360 version and has got loads, I was feeling a little inadequate that I hadn't got any!! When's it going to be fixed? Also really annoying that I'll have to do everything again. I killed 30 people with one bullet too!! Never going to get that one again!!

Edited by dazzybee
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Apparently, there's a patch ready for the Trophy thing according to one of the devs posting on gaf, its just going through the Sony QA thing or something.


Regards the Airport level, its the main turning point of the story and is the reason America gets invaded. So its definitely relevent.


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Only played the first 4 levels - really struggled with level 4. It's exciting, but I'm not THAT impressed. And I personally hated the airport level, it just felt so childish. A game that is supposed to be so realistic and brutal, resorted to Brain Dead-esque violence; I wasn't offended, I just found it ridiculous and little desperate on the developers part. But the rest of the level was fun.


Haven't tried anything else as promised someone I'd go to the cinema - gutted, as I wanted to continue and I ended up watching a truly, truly, truly atrocious film (men who stare at goats).


Looking forward to conituing though. My CoD multiplayer greviences seem to be in full force though - those sill perks and power you get the better you are. I dimply do no not understand the concept that the better you get at the game, the more powerful it makes you. Bizarre design decision, but I seem to be the only who has a problem with it, so I'm either missing the point or I just need to play it more to power up and not be bothered.


MATtheHAT. Yeah, I aint getting any trophies either. My housemate is playing through on the 360 version and has got loads, I was feeling a little inadequate that I hadn't got any!! When's it going to be fixed? Also really annoying that I'll have to do everything again. I killed 30 people with one bullet too!! Never going to get that one again!!


Yeah, I pretty much completely agree with you. I do think the airport level could have been done much better but it reeks of intended controversy. (I thought the absurdity of it was hysterically funny so in actuality I thought it was a lot of fun :heh: )


The perk thing is weird and I don't like it. That's why I'm pushing on now with the online to get perks along with everyone else otherwise it becomes a real chore (part of the reason I never got into the MW online, and KillZone 2 to a lesser extend, missed the boat on that). Like I said, after some time I think perks should just unlock for everyone.


The trophy thing is weird. It wasn't working for me and then as soon as I got one (the Special Op first star one) the rest started working and it's been fine since. Stupid, stupid bug though.


I think the levels set in American suburbia are awful. They are so damn dull.

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When I started killing the civilians in the airport level, I felt guilty and a little sad for them, but at the same time I felt I HAD to kill them.


There were no survivors!


Why does everyone have such an issue with this part of the game? Its a video game! Its not real! You're not really shooting civilians!

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Why does everyone have such an issue with this part of the game? Its a video game! Its not real! You're not really shooting civilians!


Some people are just easily shocked I guess. The only problem I had was the sheer exess of it all.


I will say though, that like most people, I just wouldn't shoot anyone at first, then I thought I'd "try it out". Yeah...couldn't stop me after that. It had moments of being quite affective, when you see people dragging their dying friend (I presume) and they get shot dead. Quite powerful, more so if there wasn't hundreds upon hundreds of them.

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6/10 on the single player game. Good, but the story is pretty crap compared to the first, the quality of the levels isn't as good and a few are very frustrating.


Overall I enjoyed it, but Batman: AA remains my GOTY.


Tomorrow night I'll give Spec Ops a try I think before grabbing a Live sub and having a blast at the multiplayer. So far I'd say it wasn't bad for £22 but I wouldn't have paid full-whack for it (so pretty much as expected really).

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I finished off veteran difficulty this morning and it was a stroll in the park compared to CoD 2,4 and WAW. With the lack of respawning enemies the game becomes very easy if you just take your time and pick off your targets.


Special Ops is where the challenge is now, some of the levels on that mode are brutal on the veteran difficulty. With it being co-op though it makes it far more easier to just have that one more attempt :D

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