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Ah, makes sense. Hadn't heard of any glitching problems with Resort! Is that the same as the issue mr_bogus mentions with having to rewatch the Motion+ tutorial?
Yeah, that's the one. :)
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Bannerbomb makes Wii hacking accessible for all :( Not only can you put the HBC onto any Wii now (apart from LUX serial machines as far as I'm aware) but this obviously opens the floodgates for further system exploitation.


Because of the numbers of Wii owners (including more casual gamers than ever before) it would be interesting to see what percentage of owners have installed the HBC. Perhaps it won't be as bad as thought?


Mind you, I see more and more kids with R4 cards in their DS's these days so who knows.


To be honest, I wish Nintendo would get off their high horse and embrace the homebrew community, if they cooperated with the homebrew scene instead of sticking up brick walls all the time, exploits would be quickly patched and the pirates would be left in the dark.


I recall reading a blog where someone found a huge exploit in the wii system memory and contacted Nintendo regarding it, what did Nintendo do? Nothing, a few month later and a pirate discovered that same exploit and now the pirates are having themselves a party.


I have the homebrew channel installed myself and really enjoy region free gaming, homebrew games and the media capabilities it brings.


<3 ScummVM

(Yes that's an emulator, yes I have the original games to go along with it)


Maybe I sound a little edgy but sometimes people make it sound like using homebrew is no worse than being a pirate, which it certainly isn't, in the end of the day companies still get my money from me buying their games, my wii has extra functionality, it doesn't impend that.


*end rant*


The Homebrew Channel shows what the Wii can do.

It also shows how lazy Nintendo are as they could easily make a media player channel, as MP3's and video work really well using the Homebrew Channel.

The Homebrew Channel shows what the Wii can do.

It also shows how lazy Nintendo are as they could easily make a media player channel, as MP3's and video work really well using the Homebrew Channel.


They probably just don't want to pay the licensing costs to support certain formats.


is there any way to stop the wii updating when you insert a new nintendogame?


Besides not playing the game, I don't think there is. Perhaps there's an HBC way around it. Did you try launching it through the region free thing?

Posted (edited)
is there any way to stop the wii updating when you insert a new nintendogame?


Preloader allows you to auto-skip updates, as well as providing some failsafes to allow you to get into the homebrew channel and reinstall stuff if you manage to corrupt your system menu.


Waninkoko's already released a new version of his system updater which allows you to update to 4.1 without losing any homebrew functionality.

Edited by BlueStar
...cooperated with the homebrew scene instead of sticking up brick walls...

...have the homebrew channel installed myself and really enjoy region free gaming, homebrew games and the media capabilities it brings...

...people make it sound like using homebrew is no worse than being a pirate...


:bowdown: Most true words spoken on this thread - agree with everything you said :bowdown:

Firmware broke my Wii, and then my soul :cry:


shit dude what happened?


Bannerbomb makes Wii hacking accessible for all :( Not only can you put the HBC onto any Wii now (apart from LUX serial machines as far as I'm aware) but this obviously opens the floodgates for further system exploitation.


Didn't the Twilight Hack already do that?

Not on system menu 4.0.


I know that, what I meant was Twilight had already "opened up" the wii before Bannerbomb, most people who are well into their homebrew would have likely not updated to 4.0... most may have even still been working on 3.2


Just updated and everything working fine, also notieced if you insert an SD card while on the Wii Menu here's a "ping" sound... when was that added?

Just updated and everything working fine, also notieced if you insert an SD card while on the Wii Menu here's a "ping" sound... when was that added?


Before the 4.1 update at least. I noticed it recently as well.

Just updated and everything working fine, also notieced if you insert an SD card while on the Wii Menu here's a "ping" sound... when was that added?


*goes off to check*







Snazzy, I gather the Nintendo Channel update won't be the next firmware update and will be released separately. Or will it?


Great, now I'm starting to wonder what the 5.0 update will include.

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