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I really hope that it isn't a remake of Code Veronica coming for the Wii...I actually finished the game on the GC for the first time today, and I can say that I almost forced myself to play through it, many times during my playthrough


Second, Code Veronica isn't old enough to benefit from a remake...Resident Evil 2 would be better for sure, but I really prefer them to make a whole new game instead

My guess is that Capcom is doing second Umbrella Chronicles that covers 2, Veronica, and Gaiden.


doubtful really.

They said wii owners should be excited.. This will only give more backlash..

And I also don't think they will do a re zero with it.. I mean the other one was a bit of a failure It didn't make it outside japan even due to the backlash it got.


It;s most likely to be a complete ground up remake of.... something.. maybe CV maybe 2.


but gaiden was awful and unknown.. nobody wants to see that.. Besides why would a remake of gaiden make you excited if you were a resident evil CV fan?



good suggestion though :)

but gaiden was awful and unknown.. nobody wants to see that.. Besides why would a remake of gaiden make you excited if you were a resident evil CV fan?



good suggestion though :)


Because there are zombies in it^^


But really, Code Veronica can relate to many things...It can relate to a remake, a sequel, a new RE with Claire


Perhaps it even could be a prequel to CV


I hope for a new RE-game entirely, but really, this can relate to everything

Because there are zombies in it^^


But really, Code Veronica can relate to many things...It can relate to a remake, a sequel, a new RE with Claire


Perhaps it even could be a prequel to CV


I hope for a new RE-game entirely, but really, this can relate to everything


you're totally right it could very well take place in or around reCV.. or maybe on the same island.. I didnt play through all of CV so dont claim to know the complete story behind it.

doubtful really.

They said wii owners should be excited.. This will only give more backlash..

And I also don't think they will do a re zero with it.. I mean the other one was a bit of a failure It didn't make it outside japan even due to the backlash it got.


It;s most likely to be a complete ground up remake of.... something.. maybe CV maybe 2.


You seem to be under the assumption that Capcom thinks like a Wii gamer, not a business. Umbrella Chronicles sold over a million copies, so to Capcom; Wii gamers <3 On-rails Resident Evil.


Oh, and another point - I think you were trying to suggest the Wiimake of Resident Evil Zero 'failed'. It didn't. Both it and the Wiimake of REmake each sold around 100,000 units in Japan. There was never any real plans to release them in the west, too - that was made clear enough as soon as they were announced.

I think you're probably right. Code Veronica isn't that old, not really old enough to benefit from a visual remake.


When Resident Evil (remake) and Zero first came out people were taken back by Capcom just rushing RE2, RE3 and RECV straight onto the gamecube without adding anything to them.


I think the graphics in RECV have aged maybe not as much as RE2 so if this game was re-released again then graphics amongst other things would need to be improved. The game came out on the Sega Dreamcast back in 2000 because Capcom felt the PSone wasn't powerful enough to handle it. When the PS2 came out Capcom ported this over but added a few more FMV bits and mild graphical additions. Shame 'Wesker's Report' wasn't added to the Gamecube version.


Has anyone ever played 'Resident Evil: Survivor 2 Code: Veronica' on the PS2 before? (it never came out in North America however). It's a light gun game set in RECV. I could see this type of game coming out on the Wii but I just hope they improve it.


A raft of hints coming from recent interviews imply the upcoming Resident Evil Wii game will be officially announced March 12th and will involve material from Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica.


SlashGamer: "Some announcements [regarding Resident Evil 2], that you will be very interested in are on the way."


Joystiq: "Wii's Resident Evil fans will be very happy, very soon."


Gamefocus: "If you are a fan of Code Veronica you should pay attention in the next couple of weeks there is some news you should be very pleased with. Pay attention on March 12th."


My guess is that Capcom is doing second Umbrella Chronicles that covers 2, Veronica, and Gaiden.


Gaiden isnt part of the story.


It maybe be UC2 with RE2,Survivor 1,Veronica,RE4,Degeneration & RE5 with added Wesker missions.


I’m thinking of a sequel to code veronica, because they say that if you’re a fan of code veronica stay attention.


That could only suggest for a sequel and not an umbrella chronicles 2 (because you have played code veronica). They would have far to less story to make an umbrella chronicles 2.


I’m really hoping for a remake of an older title or a new resident evil title with the re4 control scheme. They need to because I don’t see any advantages for a Wii version if they where sticking with the sloppy controls from 1, 2 and 3.

I’m thinking of a sequel to code veronica, because they say that if you’re a fan of code veronica stay attention.


That could only suggest for a sequel and not an umbrella chronicles 2 (because you have played code veronica). They would have far to less story to make an umbrella chronicles 2.


I’m really hoping for a remake of an older title or a new resident evil title with the re4 control scheme. They need to because I don’t see any advantages for a Wii version if they where sticking with the sloppy controls from 1, 2 and 3.


exactly why i don't think it will be another light-gun game..


I;m willing to bet it's not for fun :)

A raft of hints coming from recent interviews imply the upcoming Resident Evil Wii game will be officially announced March 12th and will involve material from Resident Evil 2 and Code Veronica.
You've got to worry at the fact that neither RE2 or RE:CV were in Umbrella Chronicles though!

and they'll probably expand it so you have a boss fight against Steve and then he's saved or something!


Both games contain Claire, so there could be something in that.


Not sure if there's anywhere to go with a RE:CV sequel storywise. The game was perfectly set up for one, what with Chris and Claire flying off to destroy Umbrella, but we all know how that turned out!... it didn't!!... and enter RE:UC... *shakes angry fist*


When RE:CV ended I thought there would be an absolutely epic game to follow up on the story, where all the RE team [Chris, Jill, Leon, Claire, Barry, Carlos etc...] would get together and bring Umbrella to the ground. But it just wasn't to be! and instead the story was barely told!


NOTE: CAPCOM haven't mentioned CV, they've said there is going to be announcement about RE on Wii.


New Resident Evil Wii-bound?

Wii Resident Evil fans will be 'very happy, very soon'.

by Martin Robinson, IGN UK

UK, March 9, 2009 - A new Resident Evil could be coming to the Wii hot on the heels of the soon to be released fifth instalment in the all-conquering it's-not-really-survival-horror-any-more-but-we'll-call-it-that-anyway series, with Capcom believed to be making an announcement on March 12.


Speaking at a recent press event in Toronto, Capcom's Associate Product Marketing Manager Matt Dahlgren told Joystiq that "...Nintendo Wii fans will be very happy very soon." Joystiq's since gone one further and is rumouring that the game will be a Wii-make of Resident Evil: Code Veronica, the Dreamcast instalment that remains a firm fan favourite and earned a hearty 9.2 back in 2000.


Capcom's Unity blog suggests news could be just round the corner, with a recent post teasing a new game announcement on March 12 that's to coincide with the launch of Resident Evil 5, the latest and inarguably shiniest entry in the series that got itself a firm pat on the back and a 9.0 when reviewed last week.


Capcom Europe has declined to comment on the speculation.


I'll laugh if it's a port of Resi 5 (allbeit downgraded) in a good way though, as I'd probably buy it again if it had IR controls :p but my money is on another light-gun game >> probably based on the latest CGI film lol unlikely? probably but then this is Capcom...


There seems massive commercial pressure for Capcom to put RE5 on Wii- it'd be stupid to ignore it. And since its an RE5 event, it'd make sense to announce a Wii version too. But as is said, this is Capcom (who after an initial double whammy of Z&W and RE4, seem to be chasing the HD formats).

There seems massive commercial pressure for Capcom to put RE5 on Wii- it'd be stupid to ignore it. And since its an RE5 event, it'd make sense to announce a Wii version too. But as is said, this is Capcom (who after an initial double whammy of Z&W and RE4, seem to be chasing the HD formats).


I have no doubts that Capcom consider getting RE5 onto the Wii, but they wouldn't announce that on a RE5 event now

They probably want to maximize the sales for the 360 and PS3 before announcing a Wii version


I really hope that it not is yet another Umbrella Chronicles...I want a "real" RE

There seems massive commercial pressure for Capcom to put RE5 on Wii- it'd be stupid to ignore it. And since its an RE5 event, it'd make sense to announce a Wii version too. But as is said, this is Capcom (who after an initial double whammy of Z&W and RE4, seem to be chasing the HD formats).
Capcoms Cinematic Producer [and motion capture actor for Chris Redfield], is a guest on Gametrailers RE5 Bonus Round, and has said that RE5 just isn't possible on Wii.

I think it's time to face it's not gonna happen...




*Click on Chapter 2 in the video screen and then the subtitle 'cinema tech'.*


It's not physically possible without building a completely ground up Wii version; and after how Dead Rising turned out with regards to that, I'd rather they didn't bother!

Hence why we are getting this new game, whatever it may be!


I think it'll be a RE4 style remake of RE2 or RECV. Which new graphics and over the shoulder. Personally, I'd love it to be RE2! Either way, it'll end up in my collection, I love Resident Evil.

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