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Mass Effect 2


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They've removed charm and intimidate completely?

That's now tied into your Renegade and Paragon level, which makes a lot more sense as you don't have to sacrifice combat ability for extra conversation options when you level up.


To answer you earlier question they have added moments where you can interrupt conversations by pulling one of the triggers, but it's a time-to-time feature; being able to interrupt people all the time would be a programming nightmare. They're an extra way of being a Renegade or Paragon, really: the one that's been shown off a lot is pushing a guard that won't shut up out of a window.

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Listening to the Giantbombcast, apparently both loot and EXP from killing enemies are gone. Also armours and equipment are all percentage buffs and similar rather then numerical additions to stats. Glad to hear I won't have to spend so much time sifting through piles of junk I'm never gonna use and not having to keep swapping a MkIV for a V just to make sure I can make it through the next section.

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The first game's "depth" was often to its detriment, though. For instance, you had separate stats for weapon proficiencies which meant that you had to chuck a load of points in them before they were even worth using. Likewise you picked up loads of vendor trash which just clogged up your inventory until you got around to selling it or turning it into omnigel, which itself was fairly useless.


"RPG" means different things to different people, hence the schism between Western and Japanese varieties. The term itself is fairly empty, it just carries a lot of baggage. You could argue that Mass Effect 2 is more of an RPG than its predecessor as it grants you greater scope to define the person you're playing: there's more dialogue options, you can customise your armour the way you want it, you can fill an aquarium with fish of your choosing, upgrade your ship the way you want, etcetera. It may have fewer statistics to manage, but it offers more chances to define the role you're playing.

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After putting a few hours into it, I must say that I am liking very much what they did with it.

A bit disappointed that I can't decide on many of the things that happen in the previous game (starting from fresh) at least on important decisions, so far I have not been able to pick from what happened previously.


Leveling has been simplified to the point where your only leveling your combat abilities, which is great in my opinion because I don't have to worry about filling five different skill bars just so I can fill my inventory some more.


The biggest flaw: loading times, they are atrocious.

Been playing it on the PC (might be a problem with my computer) and they are usually up to 30 seconds for me.

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Same here dude, ah well :( at least I'll have it all weekend.






Just to make u feel even better, it's awsome!! Least u should get it later one!


In other news it wouldn't let me know port my character from ME1 over n i dunno why! Not 2 bothered really coz the only save i have now i just picked different decisions to see what would happen, my first save had all the decisions i wanted to make (but was on another hard drive long since gone).

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Mine arrived yesterday, which was strange considering I got the text from Shopto telling me it was dispatched 5 hours later, while playing the game.


My biggest initial impression was: Wtf @ ammunition? That was a big thing from ME1, that there was no reloading, only watching the heat of the weapon. Meh.


Anyway, I will be avoiding this thread until I complete it now.

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This game is 100 times better than the first and actually lives up (so far) to exactly what I was hoping for. I must say I run out of ammo a lot though, and I want a damn sub machine gun my pistol sucks. Also there's a lot more strategy shooting general enemies, certain guns being better against shields than armor and vice versa.

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I got this yesterday! Loaded up my old character ...who was called Nathan who I last played in 2005! 5 years ago! Has it really been that long since I last played mass effect. I was confused because surely I would have called my character Karl but nope..Nathan. Anyway I'm stuck with that name now. The game itself is way more polished than the first. I love the return of old characters but I miss the loot and big inventory aspect of it. It feels like its gone slightly towards the shooter genre than the role playing but like someone said the boundaries are very fine anyway. Great game though!

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I got this yesterday! Loaded up my old character ...who was called Nathan who I last played in 2005! 5 years ago! Has it really been that long since I last played mass effect.


It came out in 2007 you probably didn't have it connected to the internet back then? :heh:

Anyway my Amazon order arrived I haven't received Inferno armour code yet even though it says I'll receive it on day of release hmm.

Edited by The-Ironflame
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It came out in 2007 you probably didn't have it connected to the internet back then?


I did think 2005 was too long ago but thats what it said! I must have the date on my xbox set wrong or something or I fell in a wormhole along the way....Yeh the refuelling is a bit rubbish

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