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MUSIC WARZ! Rnd. 2 Match 12


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Snobs = twats. Had to be said, dewds.


In the context of the common room business - there's something wrong with that because they won't let me listen to the music I (and other people) want to listen to where I have to put up with the music they listen to.


If it had to be said, why did you put it in unreadable white?


At the end of the day, you can call me a twat all you want. I'm ridiculously over it.

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In the context of the common room business - there's something wrong with that because they won't let me listen to the music I (and other people) want to listen to where I have to put up with the music they listen to.


If it had to be said, why did you put it in unreadable white?


At the end of the day, you can call me a twat all you want. I'm ridiculously over it.


I put it in white due to 10 character limit. I only wanted to put the arrow, fancied something more than tenten.


But, y'know...All types of Snobs: I hate them more than them Jews. :nono:


Bjork's crap.*

*Yep. I wanted to say that. If you reply to this, you smell of horse excrement.

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Yeah, but the fact you just say "Bjork's crap" is a stupid comment. Criticise what you actually dislike, otherwise you lose all credibility in your dislike of her.


I mean, I can see her voice being an acquired taste, and maybe she's too experimental for many people, but that doesn't make her a bad songwriter. :heh: Surely people have to at least value her innovention? Not even like it. Just value it's existance.

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Yeah, but the fact you just say "Bjork's crap" is a stupid comment. Criticise what you actually dislike, otherwise you lose all credibility in your dislike of her.


I know all that already. I'm not a despicable fanboy (Read my feature?)


I've said why Bjork's crap before, it was a simple "I just hate her music." my fantastic taste in music has led me to say that.


Now let's continue with the voting...

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It's something about people dismissing the Foos that makes me go hypocritically mental. Maybe it's because Dave Grohl is awesome. Maybe it's because I want to be Dave Grohl. Maybe it's because my older brother looks like Dave Grohl. I really dunno... :blank:


I understand what you mean, theres a lot to like about the Foo's but it's something that only us fans of the band understand, and yes Dave Grohl is indeed awesome. :)


don't have enough imagination to explore music outside the generic "rock" genre.


I have no time for people who listen to cliched music - especially when they then criticise music which is of obvious better quality, just because they've never taken advantage of the opportunity to explore it.


But yeah, I'm not really slating Foo Fighters, since they do what they do well, but I hate when people exclusively listen to them (/bands like them).


(Much like I hate when "gangsta" people only listen to RnB/Hip-Hop)



[/random rant]


I really like the Foo's but I don't just listen to them, I listen to lots of other things, as you said it's because what they do, they do it well, which there is nothing wrong with.


I've actually listened to some of the stuff you speak of as well, I even have a Kate Bush cd in my collection lolz >> and yes she is good but she's not my favourite artist but still credit where it's due.


Also about the RnB/Hip-Hop I completely agree there :p mostly because I don't like the genre and find a lot of it laughable like some of the lyrics used in especially recent stuff, some of it's ok but it's mostly passable for me.

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Mhmm, that be the one.


Less fun, since Greatest Hits never actually have the best songs on them, but The Whole Story is a fairly fair over-view. It has all the essential singles - but none of the lovelies [like The Big Sky, Under The Ice, Suspended In Gaffa, The Infant Kiss, Hello Earth etc etc etc]. Of course it doesn't include her latest 3 albums since it was released in 1986, nor does it include This Woman's Work, arguably her best song.



I dare you to listen to "Breathing", and tell me that the last two minutes aren't lovely.

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Snobs = twats. Had to be said, dewds.


Not to take sides (Well, actually...) but people that choose to listen to one genre, and one genre only are surely in their own little way being "snobs" too. They're saying that there's only genre good enough for them to listen to, and eveything else is worthless in a sense.

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Not exactly. The other genres probably just don't interest them, or they're afraid to try new things, or they did give them a go but didnae like them.


There's nothing wrong with preferring to keep to the one genre. It may mean you don't have a broad taste of music. But what does that matter? Everybody's different.

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Everlong. My god, if it doesn't win I'll have lost all hope for humanity. :heh: But I can see it losing this match. Oh well.


Not exactly one you can do the "faith" thing with.


Neither Everlong or Sarah are obviously amazing.


I prefer Sarah, as it's interesting, and I liek BfL, but no, this isn't an Avril vs. Led Zepplin case over here.


Oh, I'll close it now.


Everlong wins.


Sadly. But then Coolness nominated one of the mediocre Bat For Lashes songs, so...

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Oh, don't start blaming Coolness because the "interesting" song lost out to one with the marvellous, yet hard, drumbeat and a guitar riff that is one of the most enjoyable and satisfying riffs to play in the history of guitar riffs... :indeed:


Ganepark, Odwin, I thank thee. :smile:

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Oh, don't start blaming Coolness because the "interesting" song lost out to one with the marvellous, yet hard, drumbeat and a guitar riff that is one of the most enjoyable and satisfying riffs to play in the history of guitar riffs... :indeed:


Ganepark, Odwin, I thank thee. :smile:


Wholly quoted for truth.

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