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They are.


Quite honestly I always believed that the reason GameCube was always seen as the underdog was due to its install base, I always thought that was THE justification we had relied on Nintendo and its in house games. But since the Wii's success I'm starting to doubt, there must be some superior reason for the market leader not being supported as it should, maybe the industry really is just money hats.


Why would you choose to spend huge amounts on money on consoles that at start don't even have the same sales potential? Why do they keep pumping shitty shovelware despite having been proved that most don't actually sell that well?

i was thinking this too..


Nintendo are still awkward when it comes to things.. I wonder do all titles have to get tested in NOA and Japan even if it never gets released in japan anymore.. it used to happen and it was stupid and time consuming.


Little things.. We all know nintendo were cunts at one time under yamachi what makes us think they have changed?

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I didn't look for much, but I find the primary "Bring Monster Hunter 3 to the West" petition, which is just over 1,000 sigs (albeit, there hasn't yet been a clean, organised campaign for that cause).


Intruigingly, I also came across a "Bring Monster Hunter 3 to PS3" petition. It stood at 41 sigs.

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Out of interest, where is (Wii) MH3 petition?


I just typed in Monster Hunter 3 on the site and it was the first one to crop up.


but nothing compared to this one, which looks to be doing it without any site support whatsoever.


Hurray for franchising?


Wow. I didn't expect such a petition to be so big yet remain unheard of. The thing is though, if Capcom have half a brain cell between them, they'll already know the potential for the RE franchise on Wii. I've said it before, but I bet they're really kicking themselves that they skipped Wii with RE5. They'll make up for it; just how exactly remains to be seen...

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The RE5 for Wii was a BIG petition, sadly no one listened :(


There seems to be quite a back lash over the RE5 demo, if thats reflected at retail, it may further push Capcom to re-imagine it for a Wii title. They've got a damned impressive engine in the room marked 'Monster Hunter 3'. Get rid of the token ethnic co-op character, and as far as i'm concerned, its a winner.

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There seems to be quite a back lash over the RE5 demo, if thats reflected at retail, it may further push Capcom to re-imagine it for a Wii title.


Re-imagining? They just have to make lower poly character models and it should easily work on the Wii.

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yes but wii-specific controls that take advantage would be nice too.. All wel and good saying lower graphics but the control system is a lot different after all.


Funny enough, after reading through some of the impressions in the Resi5 (heh, Re5i) thread in other consoles, it seems like people really had to fiddle with the controller setups in order to get the best ouf the game. That, and the co-op/Shivagirl un-love.


So, what would be wrong with just going for the obvious and using the same style controls as the Wii edition of Resi4? The controls were tight, effective and worked like a dream. Make a few adjustments here and there, but it wouldn' have to be a huuuuge step, imo.


Saying that though, I think I would prefer an entire new Resi game, one that goes back to its roots, with zombies, alternate stories/character lines, eerie locations. The series is slowly becoming something else altogether. Maybe we're losing that loooving feeling.

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Saying that though, I think I would prefer an entire new Resi game, one that goes back to its roots, with zombies, alternate stories/character lines, eerie locations. The series is slowly becoming something else altogether. Maybe we're losing that loooving feeling.


I'm with you on that one. I don't even want a RE 2 remake (It would be nice) But I would rather have a new RE game playing on ma Wii with the same control aspect of RE4.

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According to Matt over at IGN.com, n-Space recently assembled a new team to revise the Winter demo shown just a few weeks back.


Winter 2.0, as it has been dubbed, has been given a little spit and polish with some improved effects added and new textures to remedy the 'washed out' look of building exteriors in the original build. The title has also seen WiiMotionPlus included.


Better still, during his discussions, n-Space revealed that there has been some publisher interest.


Winter seems to have been repriortised over at n-Space. Hopefully, this renewed activity will lead to Winter being released I, for one, felt the title showed promise.

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Praise the lords!


For me, the Silent-Hilly feel of the game. Plus "you can grab and open anything you see." Interactivity has always been a field that many games should do better in, so it was nice to encounter such a feature.


On top of that, that creep coming 'round the corner was just downright creepy.

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i know ye want original games on the wii.. but well winter? what makes you all think it will be good? geist was.. ok at best.


For me the premise looks great. I'm loving the ideas in there, and think it shows great promise for sure. So yeah, i want Winter on Wii. Does that mean i'll buy it if its a crock of shite? No, not at all- but i'd rather see what the team can do with it, than never see it at all.

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