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Winter is a pretty good title. I've had a quick look at the screenshots and it looks ok for something that was in its early stages. Nintendo should pick this up (thought they had a good relationship with n-Space...), show it a bit of love and it could be this years Disaster!













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Got cancelled for a reason. None of these types of games that Nintendo were showing off in the early days made it to market, just like HAMMER. They will stay in the can but hey, at least they could use that engine somewhere else. Lighting and texture budget was pretty good but game design looks ropey though.


And you seriously think that a petition is going to get this game out of the can? When will people here realise that Nintendo only care about your money, not your opinion?


Glad to see that the n-Space people responsible for animation haven't got much better....l

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Jamba, This is a few weeks work by a handful of people- i can't agree with your comments about it looking 'ropey'. Thats like saying the first 5 minutes of Alien is boring. Stupid argument, really.


This shows loads of potential, i'm really impressed.


Hopefully, this expose will persuade a publisher to supporting it- in the same way IGN's initial unveilling of The Conduit helped find a home for that game.

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Jamba, This is a few weeks work by a handful of people- i can't agree with your comments about it looking 'ropey'. Thats like saying the first 5 minutes of Alien is boring. Stupid argument, really.


This shows loads of potential, i'm really impressed.


Hopefully, this expose will persuade a publisher to supporting it- in the same way IGN's initial unveilling of The Conduit helped find a home for that game.


Lol wtf man?


Few weeks work my ass, they had a fully working engine there and that takes a lot more than a few weeks. And I said that the animation and the gameplay design looked like crap and it does so get off my back cos I said other parts of looked good.


I don't wanna play a game where I'm gonna have to use the Wii remote open every single fucking draw and cupboard.

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I was just going by what I'd seen in this thread but I've just realised that theres quite the buzz around various sites for Winter. The petition is getting encouraged quite a bit, its not just some seedy forum effort and it looks like a lot of people are impressed enough with the game to give it some exposure and publicity, in the hope that a publishers interest is sparked.

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Lol wtf man?


Few weeks work my ass, they had a fully working engine there and that takes a lot more than a few weeks. And I said that the animation and the gameplay design looked like crap and it does so get off my back cos I said other parts of looked good.


I don't wanna play a game where I'm gonna have to use the Wii remote open every single fucking draw and cupboard.


Then don't :) Way things are looking, you probably won't even see another person doing that.


But ffs, you got to get that sand out of your vagina. Just look at the improvement vids for The Conduit.


Oh no, wait, everything percieved is an illusion! The concept of cognition is the latest in government brainwash projects, set forth to dissipate any sense of self in society.



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Hey I'm not bashing you guys for liking it. Just cos I don't think that it's anything special doesn't mean that you guys have to get all defensive about it. And Noku sarcasm isn't exactly a good way of proving your point.


I really don't think that comparing this with the Conduit is fair though. The Conduit handles well and feels tight and from what I know, that was the case from the get go. It just gets prettier each iteration. It's also potential middleware for the Wii which is good as FPSs are underexploited on the Wii. It's also a multiplayer game which has several perks from a publishers point of view (especially on the Wii).


Winter by comparison is a single player game with Wiimote functionality bolted on top of the classic Survival Horror. Sorry if I'm not getting excited about that just because there's a game that might be on the Wii that doesn't share the texture quality with a PS2.

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With n-Space developing it, it's at least going to look the same as or better than Geist if/when it's complete. I think the reason most people are excited for it is because it could contribute to a change in the production of these types of games larger developers - the Conduit, House of the Dead, MadWorld, Cursed Mountain and Winter could make a massive impact and we may see more of them.

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You deserved every bit of that sarcasm ;) Could just be that my pending Spanish exam is killing my inner nice guy, though.


Just think about it. This hasn't been touched since it was built a bit under two years ago, using tech well over two years old. The Conduit on the other hand was just announced last year, and didn't look that hot from the get go either (again, véase improvement trailer).

I don't think anybody disagrees that the visuals are all over the place. But given aformentioned reasons, I don't see why we shouldn't get excited.


Or perhaps you are not le survival horror fan? ;)

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Fuck me!! This looks AWESOME!! are some of you serious?! I'd even be tempted to buy it at the stage it's in now!!


This is one of the most exciting pontential projects I've seen on Wii!

For me it has a sort of Code Veronica feeling to it [one of my favourite games], and if this project could be continued with someone working on this for another year to up the visual, interaction, gameplay etc... this game could be INCREDIBLE!!


You guys watched the development footage right?...




If the Wii-mote actions are reworked and there is a bit more variety with them, think Zack & Wiki, or potentially Another Code....


In a lot of ways this looks better than the majority of Wii games, and this is just at this earlyish stage!


Who cares if they rarely work, sign that petition!!

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Lol wtf man?


Few weeks work my ass, they had a fully working engine there and that takes a lot more than a few weeks.


"lol". I think you're well off the mark. Few developers are building their own engine nowadays, Winter could've been running off a revised engine from Geist, or any number of n-Space titles, the engine could've been bought in or anything. You just don't know- and neither do i.


However, whats sparked my interest is the open ended gameplay - how do i keep warm? How do i use this broomstick to kill this beast. Thats something i've not seen on Wii.


Regardless of how you feel about A DEMO, should'nt you be supporting development teams who are taking risks and not producing cash-in party games? Or, should i cease my rant and let you wonder off and play Baby Sitting Sports Waggle Party? I suspect your next post in the Ubisoft thread will not be a positive one, so why can't you be positive about new IP designed with the core gamer in mind.


If Winter even gets publisher support, it still has at least 18 months development to it and thats plenty of time to refine what we've seen so far.

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Regardless of how you feel about A DEMO, should'nt you be supporting development teams who are taking risks and not producing cash-in party games? Or, should i cease my rant and let you wonder off and play Baby Sitting Sports Waggle Party? I suspect your next post in the Ubisoft thread will not be a positive one, so why can't you be positive about new IP designed with the core gamer in mind.


Oh with the personal attacks for me having an opinion again... sorry that I'm not on the same hype train as you, I just prefer to only get excited about a GAME not the potential of a game. Assassin's Creed wasn't the best game in the world but I'm excited to see where that IP will go because I actually got my hands on it, for instance.


I'm behind games like Mirror's Edge, Portal, Madworld and Fragile. Games that are trying something a bit different, visually and gameplay wise, rather than just taping together old genre stylisms, liked fixed cameras and the dull point and click puzzles. I just have higher expectations than you guys about what I want to spend my money on. And apparently that offends a couple of you...

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I think the reason most people are excited for it is because it could contribute to a change in the production of these types of games larger developers - the Conduit, House of the Dead, MadWorld, Cursed Mountain and Winter could make a massive impact and we may see more of them.


Well said and I totally agree.


I watched the 3-4min video on IGN and it kinda gives of a Silent Hill vibe.

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I love snow in games.. if they're gonna call a game Winter, I'm all for it :heh:


The screens in this thread are all I have seen, but it definitely looks like it had potential.. it's good to hear that it isn't just N-Europe showing it some love!


Actually, I've just watched the video and I definitely see why you got a Silent Hill vibe, Hero-of-Time.. I kinda felt the same : peace:

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Yeah it looked awesome! Snow can be so atmospheric... Shenmue's another example; when it snows in that game, it's magical!

Definitely :smile: I bought and played through Shenmue this time last year and I loved it to bits.. and the snow made it even better :heh: ..I want to start Shenmue II but I know I will have a lot of work at university coming up this year so I will leave that until I am done with that!


As for Winter, I enjoyed what I saw and if there was any chance this title could be brought back to life, we should fight for it : peace:

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It did in Majoras Mask and a little in OOT, didnt it?
Yeah in MM there was snow on the ground in the Goron Mountains and stuff... in OOT all we had was the Ice Cave and that small lake before it.


But don't think there's ever been snow falling; and it could change the landscape, like climbing or sliding down snow drifts that form to reach previously inaccesible areas. And perhaps add little fun side quest like rolling snowballs to create snowmen with the village's children, and minigames like having a snowball fights against them using your shield, as well... a shield!

Or maybe one of the villages/tribes has been snowed in, and you need to take the post bag from the postman; as he can't really venture out much in the difficult snow, but seeing as you have a horse, you can deliver his post for him all across hyrule.


Plentiful side-quests and seasons [a dynamic changing environment/landscape], that's what I'd like to see in a future Zelda!

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Twilight Princess had snow...!
Well there was that snowy mountain that you climbed for like 30sec! and then yeah the snowbaording was pretty fun!


Ok, so Zelda has had snow, but that's it, it's just had snow. It's never just stated snowing like in Shenmue or anything else, to make it feel truely magical, and you've never really interacted with it or anything, other had thawing it out! which personally I'd probably rather not do in the game and have fun in the snowy landscape!

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There's a fair bit of snow throughout the Zelda series then, just took us a while to remember it. Majora and Twi Pri are probs the stand out ones for me- for me, OoT was more icey than snowy.


I just watched the video for Winter. Looks decent enough all things considered! The vibe I was getting from it was more of a point and click adventure seeing as the heroine was checking everywhere for clues and items and stuff. On the downside, by and large, survival horror games suck. :heh:

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