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I feel bad for him more because he's getting this push from WWE, and then being faced with all of that! Pratty kinda touched on it but it just doesn't seem to make sense to me that it's a continual/ongoing thing, though Frag did half point out that they're running out of good wrestlers due to injury recently :p I've seen maybe one or two of Cesaro's matches - I find him a really entertaining watch in the ring, but apparently he's never gotten a push like Roman or anything; again I just can't see why given his talent in the ring, especially his athleticism for his size, somewhat refreshing to see for a noob like me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Royal Rumble next week isn't it? My mate's invited me round his to watch it live and kindly said I can extend the invitation to Frag so looking forward to that - I've no idea of what the plans or lineups are though! I basically only ever see/watch Wrestling when it's these PPV events.


Anyone know what big match-ups are planned? Not sure how it'll go considering so many people seem to be getting injured atm!

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Royal Rumble next week isn't it? My mate's invited me round his to watch it live and kindly said I can extend the invitation to Frag so looking forward to that - I've no idea of what the plans or lineups are though! I basically only ever see/watch Wrestling when it's these PPV events.


Anyone know what big match-ups are planned? Not sure how it'll go considering so many people seem to be getting injured atm!


Putting in spoilers just in case.

This years Rumble will se WWE champion Roman Riegns defending the title in the Royal Rumble match itself. The Authority and Vince have been trying to get the belt off him since he won it on Raw a few weeks ago. Looks like Brock Lesnar will show up too after this past Raw. Possible I think we might have Charlotte vs Becky Lynch for the Divas title. Don't be put off, these two have had a really good story building up to this match. Can't think of anything else mentioned right now.


This really could be an interesting Rumble to watch.

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I'm really not sure what WWE are thinking at the moment. It doesn't make much sense to me why they put the belt on Reigns when they did, especially given we're about to go into the run up to Wrestlemania. The only thing I can see happening is him losing the title at the rumble via shenanigans and then everything will be him overcoming the odds to win it back at Mania.


I don't really want it to be Triple H but at this point who else is there? Brock would be the obvious choice but it doesn't help Reigns get over with the fans and we had that last year. Given the injury listed big players I don't see anyone else apart from Triple H being able to do anything with the storyline.


I miss Seth, he was the best thing about WWE this year, it's not been the same since he had that injury.

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Another forum I go on do a PPV predictions game throughout the year - any interest in doing it here?


I used to that on another forum. I'm up for it, it's nice to see whether WWE is as predictable as people make out, and also if I share the same opinion as others.


As for tonight:

Tag Team pre-show: The Dudley Boys

Tag Team Championship: The Usos via DQ (New Day stay champs)

Divas Championship: Charlotte

U.S. Title: Alberto Del Rio

Intercontinental Championship: Dean Ambrose (close call)

Royal Rumble: Roman Reigns


I hope I'm wrong on the Rumble, as WWE have such a fantastic opportunity to do something differ and surprise us. The obvious shock is HHH, which is surely too obvious. The smart money would surely be on a Brock Lesnar vs Roman showdown, so how good would it be if WWE swerved us all with something exciting and different!?

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Will set up a proper game in the playground sub-forum after Royal Rumble, seems a bit late to start with this one as a proper game. Maybe start a year long round from Wrestlemania, or maybe afterwards is better so that the finale is the biggest event of the year? Have highlighted my picks below.


1. Tag Team Titles: The New Day vs. The Usos

2. Divas Title: Charlotte vs. Becky Lynch

3. US Title: Alberto del Rio vs. Kalisto

4. Intercontinental Title - Last Man Standing: Dean Ambrose vs Kevin Owens

5. Royal Rumble for the WWE Title: Bray Wyatt


Not really sure on the Rumble to be honest, every option they have seems pretty boring, and with them teasing Bray over the last couple of events it seems like they might go that route and Reigns will have to go through first The Authority (to earn a title match) and then the Wyatt Family at Wrestlemania before finally WWE having what they want and him being on top after overcoming the odds on the grandest stage of them all.


The trouble is the way they book Bray and Reigns he doesn`t really seem like much of a challenge. So I don`t know what they`ll do. Could they have Reigns turn heel during the rumble, side with the authority and build someone else for the Wrestlemania challenge?


I`m really finding this one tough, unfortunately mainly because every outcome seems a little bit rubbish.

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Totally unrelated to Destiny :heh how was the Royal Rumble? Was actually tempted to watch it as it was free and there were mumblings of Greats such as Goldberg turning up.


Well, for one there was no Goldberg :p


I'm a bit of a mild wrestling fan - I liked what I could see from about 1999-2002/3ish maybe and caught some very occasional TNA over last few years so really I don't know if I'm the best judge of the whole shebang as I only really end up watching the WWE events these days depending on getting Frag and a few others round mine to watch it. Only saw the Rumble last night as a mate invited me to his for it.


Having said that I did generally really enjoy last night's Rumble! That may have been due to the company I was in but it started strong with the last man standing match, and generally the Rumble itself was pretty good(AJ Stylez returned) - I was disappointed with the ultimate outcome of it though with Triple H winning. Was hoping for some sort of Ambrose push - though I can't tell you why I just was. I did say to a few people the real ultimate thing would have been a returning Cesaro appearing and then somehow ultimately taking it - he's still out though.

Skipped the US title as I was outside and resultantly missed the Divas match but saw the aftermath with Sasha.

I'm not a great fan of the Usos finding them a bit generic/bland but the finish of the match with New Day felt pretty good watching.


But yeah on the whole it was a fairly good watch for a lapsedish fan like myself. Just really not keen on the Triple H rumble win, he's older and had his time, don't see why he needs to be getting involved again now when you've got a whole roster of fresher talent on the books.




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Well, for one there was no Goldberg :p


I'm a bit of a mild wrestling fan - I liked what I could see from about 1999-2002/3ish maybe and caught some very occasional TNA over last few years so really I don't know if I'm the best judge of the whole shebang as I only really end up watching the WWE events these days depending on getting Frag and a few others round mine to watch it. Only saw the Rumble last night as a mate invited me to his for it.


Having said that I did generally really enjoy last night's Rumble! That may have been due to the company I was in but it started strong with the last man standing match, and generally the Rumble itself was pretty good(AJ Stylez returned) - I was disappointed with the ultimate outcome of it though with Triple H winning. Was hoping for some sort of Ambrose push - though I can't tell you why I just was. I did say to a few people the real ultimate thing would have been a returning Cesaro appearing and then somehow ultimately taking it - he's still out though.

Skipped the US title as I was outside and resultantly missed the Divas match but saw the aftermath with Sasha.

I'm not a great fan of the Usos finding them a bit generic/bland but the finish of the match with New Day felt pretty good watching.


But yeah on the whole it was a fairly good watch for a lapsedish fan like myself. Just really not keen on the Triple H rumble win, he's older and had his time, don't see why he needs to be getting involved again now when you've got a whole roster of fresher talent on the books.




Thanks for that. Not much of a fan these days as for me, I was drawn by the characters of the attitude era and around the same time as you stated (also used to watch when I was a kid and thought it was real back in the early 90s), but I like to try to keep up to date with what's going on and see if any of my faves have returned.

Seeing as it's the same old, I am glad to see it was at least enjoyable but for me, the current roster is so bland and uninteresting.

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Thanks for that. Not much of a fan these days as for me, I was drawn by the characters of the attitude era and around the same time as you stated (also used to watch when I was a kid and thought it was real back in the early 90s), but I like to try to keep up to date with what's going on and see if any of my faves have returned.

Seeing as it's the same old, I am glad to see it was at least enjoyable but for me, the current roster is so bland and uninteresting.


I feel that a bit, but I dunno if it's just me/my age or that most of their top talent seems to be injuring themselves :p

My issue is with the PPVs I do get round to watching - they're usually pretty good events and I enjoy them on the whole but the headline match outcome usually just completely underwhelms me. Shouldn't PPVs be all about the big story and cliffhangers? Get people buzzing and talking about the final outcome and where things will go next? For most of the events now it's usually an earlier match that buzzes me these days. Last year's match of Sting vs Triple H with the run in from old greats like DX etc was brilliant watching for me - and I wasn't even all that about for the attitude era stuff(basically I only saw some WWE Heat on C4, or a bit more if I was at my uncle's, or WCW on C5).


Having said that I do still find the wrestling I see enjoyable, and I'd really love to properly get back into it, but I'm not sure I'll stay committed. There's some good stuff being done by WWE, and some good fighters/gimmicks(New Day really does rock!) so I'd say if you find yourself at a loose end for one of the future PPVs to consider checking it out. I've probably watched maybe...4 or 5? of them over the past year now and generally enjoyed the events as a whole, even if not the headline matches. Chatting with people before/during/after is definitely part of what it makes it for me though.

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I feel that a bit, but I dunno if it's just me/my age or that most of their top talent seems to be injuring themselves :p

My issue is with the PPVs I do get round to watching - they're usually pretty good events and I enjoy them on the whole but the headline match outcome usually just completely underwhelms me. Shouldn't PPVs be all about the big story and cliffhangers? Get people buzzing and talking about the final outcome and where things will go next? For most of the events now it's usually an earlier match that buzzes me these days. Last year's match of Sting vs Triple H with the run in from old greats like DX etc was brilliant watching for me - and I wasn't even all that about for the attitude era stuff(basically I only saw some WWE Heat on C4, or a bit more if I was at my uncle's, or WCW on C5).


Having said that I do still find the wrestling I see enjoyable, and I'd really love to properly get back into it, but I'm not sure I'll stay committed. There's some good stuff being done by WWE, and some good fighters/gimmicks(New Day really does rock!) so I'd say if you find yourself at a loose end for one of the future PPVs to consider checking it out. I've probably watched maybe...4 or 5? of them over the past year now and generally enjoyed the events as a whole, even if not the headline matches. Chatting with people before/during/after is definitely part of what it makes it for me though.


OMG WWE Heat on C4 was...well for the consumer without the money for sky, awesome! And WCW on C5 filled in somewhat too. Although I remember many a night staying up too late and catching the PPV on C4 and being totally ruined for school the next day and following week. Good times. But it's exactly because of those times that I can't get hyped for what is here now. You had quality throughout WWE. Now it's just in pocket areas IMO.

For example, one of the most 'Vanilla' wrestlers ever imo, Kurt Angle, his gimmick being that he is an Olympic champion in wrestling is and was more interesting than most of the now. Think I should just go watch old matches.

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Having Triple H win the Rumble, i can see why WWE did it. It helps them rebuild Roman Reigns heading into Wrestlemania (Triple H will hold it until then, and he's a good chap to help build Roman up). It's a near cert on that part. Plus, it goes with the whole "Whomever the Authority sends in to get the job done fails, so do it yourself" motive. Quite surprised to see AJ Styles debut at the Rumble, even though it was kind of obvious. At least he didn't get eliminated quickly, and got a good run out of it.


The Last Man Standing match was great, back and forth throughout. As soon as i saw the two tables go up, i thought someone is going through that. But that was a great match none the less, and seeing Ambrose and Owens still selling the injuries in the Rumble itself was good. Too many times you see people coming in not looking hurt (*cough* Roman Reigns)


US Title match was decent, just wish they'd stop going back and forth with whom has the belt and leave it on Kalisto a while. I skipped the Diva's (WWE can never get them right).


Will be interesting to see how WWE handles AJ Styles, and will it mean seeing the likes of Samoa Joe and Austin Aeries coming up from NXT to join him.


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:yay::bowdown::yay: This guy is the only time and reason I tune in to WWE now.


The Big Show section was hilarious. :D


Watching The Rock in those backstage skit so, then at gorilla position just shows that he is possibly the best at what he does. Possibly the best sports entertainer ever. No matter what, he always has the crowds and fans loving everything he does.

I like the returns and it's great that it's not being overdone. Keep them special.


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It's always nice to see The Rock, just his skit showed probably how weak the rest of the talent is. The skit with the Big Show was funny though. And at the Gorilla position, and 1/2 of his promo with the New Day.


I still can't believe WWE managed to secure AJ Styles, if only they'd bring Samoa Joe and possibly Austin Aeries up from NXT to the main roster. Would certainly give the main event scene a must needed boost.


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Overall a pretty enjoyable event. The matches were solid but I did feel a little let down by the Rumble itself. Great to see the new guys doing some good stuff in there but the lack of big names of the past was a letdown.


The main issue for me was letting Reigns take that half hour break in the middle of it, I don`t really get what that added to the story. Surely it would have been better to have him battle through and then finally be taken out jsut as everyone thinks he`ll go all the way.


Triple H winning was pretty meh, obviously it was the main expectation before the event but I really didn`t think they`d go with it. It`s not so much I didn`t want him to win, more that I still don`t see this being an interesting build to Wrestlemania.



Meh. I just don`t care at all. Triple Threat match for Fastlane is interesting but the way the story is set up Reigns seems like the only one that can win it. I really hope they go with Ambrose and have Wrestlemania be title vs. title but I don`t see it happening.


On the Rock, am I the only one that didn`t like it? It seemed like was playing a strange caricature of himself for me.


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  • 4 weeks later...

So Fastlane was a given with the triple threat main event but HOLY CRAP! RAW kicked off with the biggest surprise in a long time. I'm so glad that was not leaked or given away anywhere.


Shane O Mac is back and wants control of the company. Vince said all he had to do was win one match. That match is at Wrestlemania against the Undertaker in Hell in a Cell.

Also getting Brock vs Ambrose in a no holds barred street fight which I can see as being awesome.

And just seeing HHH beat the crap out of Roman at the end was worth it. Ligitimally thought that that blood was done the hard way.


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So Fastlane was a given with the triple threat main event but HOLY CRAP! RAW kicked off with the biggest surprise in a long time. I'm so glad that was not leaked or given away anywhere.


Shane O Mac is back and wants control of the company. Vince said all he had to do was win one match. That match is at Wrestlemania against the Undertaker in Hell in a Cell.

Also getting Brock vs Ambrose in a no holds barred street fight which I can see as being awesome.

And just seeing HHH beat the crap out of Roman at the end was worth it. Ligitimally thought that that blood was done the hard way.


I've been reading on various dirtsheets that WWE wants to take the Wrestlemania route as being a bit "edgier" again.


Which would explain the blood on Roman Reigns, the fact Vince dropped the "f" bomb live on national TV.


It's quite remarkable that Shane O Mac got a better reaction that 1/2 the WWE roster does. Everyone was cheering, i clapped when i saw he had returned. Always liked the character.


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So Fastlane was a given with the triple threat main event but HOLY CRAP! RAW kicked off with the biggest surprise in a long time. I'm so glad that was not leaked or given away anywhere.


Shane O Mac is back and wants control of the company. Vince said all he had to do was win one match. That match is at Wrestlemania against the Undertaker in Hell in a Cell.

Also getting Brock vs Ambrose in a no holds barred street fight which I can see as being awesome.

And just seeing HHH beat the crap out of Roman at the end was worth it. Ligitimally thought that that blood was done the hard way.


Well yeah, it was a good surprise, given the people involved you can see how they managed to avoid the news getting out early, you do have to laugh at the people criritcising WWE and wrestling in general for the predictability and lack of surprises, while also being glued to the dirt sheets.

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