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The Wrasslin' thread


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Havn't been on social media to avoid spoilers, except twitter earlier. And some people spoiled a few matches for me in work. I know the winner of the US title and the WWE World Heavyweight Championship matches. I watched the pre-show, thought it was ok. Full thoughts coming later, just got to the Sting vs Triple H match which i'll watch after the Walking Dead finale.


Edit: Finished watching what i wanted to see


Wrestlemania Predictions


Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal


I chose Hideo Ikami, oh well.


Big Show



Tag-Team Title Match: Brass Ring Club © vs. The Usos vs. A New Day vs. Los Matadores


I chose the Brass Ring Club


Brass Ring Club



Main Card


United States Title: Rusev © vs John Cena


I picked Rusev to win, decent enough match.


John Cena (honestly, doesn't need it. Hopefully WWE don't ruin Rusev's momentum now.



The Bella Twins vs AJ Lee & Paige


Don't care, the Diva's division is pants. I actually skipped the match, so have no idea who won.


Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker


I chose Bray Wyatt here





Intercontinental Title Ladder Match: Bad News Barrett © vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Stardust vs. Luke Harper vs. R-Truth


I picked Daniel Bryan as my winner. This was a great match, some great ladder spots i thought


Daniel Bryan



Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins


I picked Randy Orton to win (by DQ). This was a good match, i enjoyed it very much so.


Randy Orton. That was an epic RKO



Sting vs Triple H


I picked Sting as the winner. This was a match which can only be described as hnnngggggg.


Triple H





Wwe.jpg Why couldn't this be what the Invasion should have been 15 years ago



WWE World Title: Brock Lesnar © vs Roman Reigns


I chose Brock Lesnar, because i thought it would be obvious after he re-signed with WWE


Seth Rollins via cash-in (it was about time)



Overall, it was a decent Wrestlemania. A few predictable moments, but there was that one Wrestlemania moment that stood out.




And that Triple H -Steph stuff....... slurp!!

Edited by Jimbob
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That Sting vs Triple H match... what?!


nWo come out to help Sting... okay... that makes no sense at all with Stings history with the nWo in WCW. Flair, Booker T and Arn Anderson, yeah now that would make sense but not the nWo. Just seemed a lazy way to get Hogan involved.


Still, nWo vs DX finally happened.


It was great fan service, didn't need to make sense! Nash faking a quad tear was incredible lol!

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My sky box cut out on raw when Brock was going nuts. Going to have to download that! Also, WM32 Rock & RRR vs HHH & SM mixed tag seems all but confirmed now! RRR vegetable Tshirt had me going fanboy nuts :D


It's on Youtube, i suppose WWE have to explain why he's not going to be on TV for a while. After all, he is part-time.

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  • 1 month later...

2 PPV's in a month then aye. I can deal with that.


Sucks ass about Daniel Bryan being injured again. Wonder how legit it is that he took alternative medication practices on his last injury which caused this problem.


Enjoying Dean Ambrose getting a bit of the spot light. Don't want him hanging around midcard to never get any higher. Personally think he along with Rollins and Reigns should be 3 of the future main event guys for a long time now.


Personally would like to see Rusev go up a step too. Thought his feud with Cena up to Mania was excellent. But time to let it drop now and push him up again. He could be a very convincing threat for the WWE Championship if you ask me.


Wish that Bray Wyatt had something more than singling out one wrestler every month to torment. He's gonna be stuck in Limbo.




I feel bad for Sandow, I loved his intellectual savior of the masses routine a few years back, and he came into his own with Mizdow. Now he's Macho Mandow with Axlmania.. hope this gimmick works for him, but unlikely. The dude's never gonna get a mid card belt shot is he? After the hype of him winning Money in the bank too. Shame.

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I feel bad for Sandow, I loved his intellectual savior of the masses routine a few years back, and he came into his own with Mizdow. Now he's Macho Mandow with Axlmania.. hope this gimmick works for him, but unlikely. The dude's never gonna get a mid card belt shot is he? After the hype of him winning Money in the bank too. Shame.


I quite like Sandow but equally I'm not bothered if he doesn't win any titles. I think there's a feeling amongst some fans that all things being fair, any half decent wrestler should have success, "pushes", "runs" and "moments", and they expect his should happen to all and any wrestlers. But it doesn't work like that, for everbody that moves up the card, somebody has to move down, trouble is these fans have have a hard time accepting any of their many favourties suffering any kind of demotion.


For example they take the demotion of Ziggler as a personal burial, when in fact the people ahead of him are arguably better, guys like Brock, Cena, Rollins, Bryan, and the same people criticising the 'burial' of Ziggler applaud the push of Ambrose. You can't push everyone at the same time. So if Sandow (and Rusev) never win gold, so be it, not everybody does, nor should they.

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Anyone watch Payback and / or Raw last night?


I went into Payback expecting the worst, but it turned out to be a pretty damn good PPV. Ryback vs Bray was the weakest on the card, but I did genuinely enjoy the rest of it.


The Tag match was phenomenal, and the main event wow. I was 'marking' out like a mother fucker during the

brief Shield reunion. Loved it, and I loved the bro talk between Reigns and Ambrose when everyone was laid flat but them 2.



Glad to see Ambrose didn't float at midcard level too long and is now in main event / title status.


I put the results up and thoughts on the matches over here - https://geeksleeprinserepeat.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/wwe-payback-2015-results/



As for Raw...

Kevin Fucking Owens, what a main roster debut. And he's gonna feature in Elimination chamber PPV against Cena. Awesome.





Looking forward to NXT tomorrow night (but will be watching Thursday evening rather than live Wednesday)

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Anyone watch Payback and / or Raw last night?


I went into Payback expecting the worst, but it turned out to be a pretty damn good PPV. Ryback vs Bray was the weakest on the card, but I did genuinely enjoy the rest of it.


The Tag match was phenomenal, and the main event wow. I was 'marking' out like a mother fucker during the

brief Shield reunion. Loved it, and I loved the bro talk between Reigns and Ambrose when everyone was laid flat but them 2.



Glad to see Ambrose didn't float at midcard level too long and is now in main event / title status.


I put the results up and thoughts on the matches over here - https://geeksleeprinserepeat.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/wwe-payback-2015-results/



As for Raw...

Kevin Fucking Owens, what a main roster debut. And he's gonna feature in Elimination chamber PPV against Cena. Awesome.





Looking forward to NXT tomorrow night (but will be watching Thursday evening rather than live Wednesday)


I thought Payback was a pretty solid show too. RAW was great and I thought the stuff in spoilers was perfectly played out. Really liking his character.

Can't wait for NXT special. They are always top notch stuff.

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  • 2 months later...
Just lost another wrestling legend.


RIP Rowdy Roddy Piper






That sucks. I just read about this and went "not another one".

he may not have reached the top of WWE in his runs, but he was a great guy to watch. Some of the best interview segments came from the Pit.


RIP Piper

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  • 4 weeks later...

anyone else watch NXT Takeover: Brooklyn?

Easily the best PPV/big show of the year. Every match had a great feel to it, even the Samoa Joe vs Baron Corbin match which I weren't too into, was a great brawl. Woman's title match between Bailey and Sasha was easily match of the year so far. And the ladder match between Finn and KO was a great match with some great moments.


Best news of all is that NXT is coming to the UK in December.

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NXT, as a product (which Triple H runs) is still a heck of a lot better than what McMahon offers with their main shows RAW and Smackdown. All i can say is, if this is what Trips can do on a small scale, what can he do when given the main shows. Havn't seen the NXT Takeover yet, same as i have not yet seen Summerslam (i know 2 results, thanks to a mate whom texted me at 4am)


Overall, it wasn't a bad PPV. Quite liked the Wyatts vs Ambrose and Reigns match, and the Rollins vs Cena match was great (right up to the interference). What was surprising, is that all the titles (sans Diva's title) were defended on the actual PPV, and not on a pre-show (WWE World Title, US Title, Intercontinental Title and Tag Team Titles. Have heard some weird stuff happened during the Undertaker-Lesnar match, not seen the full match yet.



And for RAW, well


Sting re-appeared to challenge Seth Rollins and The Dudley Boyz (yes, both D-Von and Bubba Ray) returned. Have to thank the same friend again for spoiling things, i plan to watch tonight.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
hiya, i figured i'd make a thread to see if there are any fans of wwe/pro wrestling here. has anyone caught your eye? seen an amazing match recently? want to moan about roman reigns? feel free to post your wrestling-related comments here! probably don't bother if the only thing you've got to say is "wrestling is fake" (no shit).


survivor series was a bit bland, and it's a shame as wwe really had the chance to step up and do something interesting amidst all of the injuries and lack of star power, but they decided to continue on auto-pilot in typical wwe style. saying this, i don't actually have any problems with sheamus as the champion for the moment, he's really good when he's not going through the motions. what did you think of survivor series, and where do you think wwe will go from here?


Didn't see Survivor Series, but i'm fine with what they did with the world title. I don't think Sheamus is anyone's ideal champion but they had to cash in his MITB at some point and now with so many stars missing it was probably the best time to do it, the big creative push with the big stars will probably begin with the Royal Rumble leading to Wrestlemania. for all the talk of WWE doing the safe option I think putting the belt on Sheamus of all people is anything but. "Anyone but Reigns" people said, this is what you get, be careful what you wish for.


I've no problem with Reigns myself, nor do I really get the hate he gets from some people. His match with Cesaro the other week on Raw was fantastic, shame Cesaro is injured also.

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@Frag Grimes, this is the thread you're looking for!


cheers pal, did search for 'wwe' but it said there was nothing about!


Didn't see Survivor Series, but i'm fine with what they did with the world title. I don't think Sheamus is anyone's ideal champion but they had to cash in his MITB at some point and now with so many stars missing it was probably the best time to do it, the big creative push with the big stars will probably begin with the Royal Rumble leading to Wrestlemania. for all the talk of WWE doing the safe option I think putting the belt on Sheamus of all people is anything but. "Anyone but Reigns" people said, this is what you get, be careful what you wish for.


I've no problem with Reigns myself, nor do I really get the hate he gets from some people. His match with Cesaro the other week on Raw was fantastic, shame Cesaro is injured also.


I actually think Sheamus is a really safe option, he's literally there to take the fall for the next champion, and even then asides from the casual fans backing Reigns, most will cheer Sheamus over Reigns. I don't mind him at all, Sheamus can be a great worker, he's not amazing in ring or on the mic, but he's still miles ahead of Reigns. I'm not an absolute Reigns hater, I don't think he's particularly good, but he has improved a lot the past few months, but his best two matches (Daniel Bryan, Cesaro) were him being carried pretty much the entire time. The match with Cesaro especially, it was obvious at times that he was really struggling to keep up with him, even early on. It's good having top workers have decent ring-time with Reigns as he'll keep learning and keep improving, but despite that, he's going to continue getting rejected if WWE continue to push him down everyones throats, and giving him mic time really isn't helping.


The injury thing is a huge shame, but it's partly WWE's own fault for pushing the whole "there can only be one top guy" thing they've continued to do for too long. I'm not too big on Ambrose either, but they had a naturally over superstar who they could've pulled the trigger on a more than once and made him one of the very top stars, but they're far too hesitant to even do that because the spot is already reserved whether we like it or not, and it's such a big shame. Sami Zayn is on his way back within the next month and Rusev is already back, so they've got a few back-ups, but having most of the big names out really isn't helping at all.




In other injury/wrestling news, I don't know if anyone watches puroresu, but AJ Styles is reported to be injured... which might mean the Nakamura/Styles match for NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 10 is questionable right now. Really hoping it's not serious and it can go ahead, because this could be a fantastic match.

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cheers pal, did search for 'wwe' but it said there was nothing about!




I actually think Sheamus is a really safe option, he's literally there to take the fall for the next champion, and even then asides from the casual fans backing Reigns, most will cheer Sheamus over Reigns. I don't mind him at all, Sheamus can be a great worker, he's not amazing in ring or on the mic, but he's still miles ahead of Reigns. I'm not an absolute Reigns hater, I don't think he's particularly good, but he has improved a lot the past few months, but his best two matches (Daniel Bryan, Cesaro) were him being carried pretty much the entire time. The match with Cesaro especially, it was obvious at times that he was really struggling to keep up with him, even early on. It's good having top workers have decent ring-time with Reigns as he'll keep learning and keep improving, but despite that, he's going to continue getting rejected if WWE continue to push him down everyones throats, and giving him mic time really isn't helping.


The injury thing is a huge shame, but it's partly WWE's own fault for pushing the whole "there can only be one top guy" thing they've continued to do for too long. I'm not too big on Ambrose either, but they had a naturally over superstar who they could've pulled the trigger on a more than once and made him one of the very top stars, but they're far too hesitant to even do that because the spot is already reserved whether we like it or not, and it's such a big shame. Sami Zayn is on his way back within the next month and Rusev is already back, so they've got a few back-ups, but having most of the big names out really isn't helping at all.


Sheamus is unlikely to gain much of a ratings/PPV/Network boost, so in that sense it's not a safe option. A safer option would have been to put the belt on someone whos actually been in and around the main events of late, such as Reigns, Bray, Ambrose or Owens, or rush back Orton, Cena, or Brock.


I couldn't care less if Reigns is carried or not, what difference does it make? A good match is a good match, and in order for it to be a guy like Reigns still has to be carry their end. I thought Reigns match with Brock was fantastic, and Brock is hardly Ric Flair able to carry the proverbial broom.


I don't get the being pushed down people's throats thing either. People do like and cheer for Reigns, that's a fact, a vocal portion of the fans don't and that's fine, it's simply not actuate for people to say 'the fans' don't like him. you only have ot look at his entrace and you can see the love he gets, he is generally well liked.


In fact he's always been fine as long as he isn't pushed in the title picture, then peopel spit their dummy out, WWE must be utterly confused, he gets cheered in the midcard, so they push up him which is what you do with someone like that and then a portion of the fans turn on him. :confused: If people booed him from the start then WWE would have no reason to 'ram him down people's throats'.


People say they don't mind Reigns but he's 'not ready', how is somebody not being 'ready' the fan's concern? It's like being a Leicester fan and booing them because they're having too much success too soon and they're 'not ready' to complete in the Champions League. Who cares? You either like something or someone or you don't.


With Ambrose yes they could have pulled the trigger, but at those opportunities you have to consider who they did have at the top of the card, in order to put Ambrose up there you've also got to say who comes down.


That's one of things that annoyed me (amonst other things) about Foley's recent rant on Facebook, he said WWE should have pushed Cesaro, Ziggler and Owens, but didn't say who WWE shouldn't have pushed to make that happen. Would Foley have the balls to look Sheamus and Reigns in the eye and tell them they don't deserve the spots they're in? Because that is effectively what he said.


Everyone says push this guy, push that guy, like it's that simple, the reality is you can't push everyone at the same time and for every step up for somebody there is a step down for someone else. Additionally people never consider whether a person can handle the responsibility of being a top star or how realiable they are, are they always late, are they injury prone etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Frag's gotten me a bit into the WWE events that come about this year so I'm getting somewhat used to all these people. I must say though that I'm thoroughly nonplussed by Reigns - he seems a bland pretty boy to me. I don't know what, if anything, his gimmick is supposed to be, I can't say I find his wrestling remarkable, and I don't quite understand with that why he seems to repeatedly be the main man at the moment.

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Frag's gotten me a bit into the WWE events that come about this year so I'm getting somewhat used to all these people. I must say though that I'm thoroughly nonplussed by Reigns - he seems a bland pretty boy to me. I don't know what, if anything, his gimmick is supposed to be, I can't say I find his wrestling remarkable, and I don't quite understand with that why he seems to repeatedly be the main man at the moment.


He's the type of wrestler that Vince McMahon likes to get behind and while he was still with the Shield he was getting pretty popular with the crowd. It was only afterwards really that when the WWE decided to give him the big push that the crowd turned on him, especially when Daniel Bryan came back and the crowd as usual decided they wanted him as the main guy instead.


I feel sorry for Reigns to be honest. Yes he isnt the most interesting wrestler but a lot of the hate he gets isnt really his fault. Wrestling fans either have way too much power or at least think they do these days.

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