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The Wrasslin' thread


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Yeah Raw was alright! I did enjoy seeing Reigns playing out to the crowd while Bryan was against BigShow. I did enjoy it actually, having a cocky persona Reigns.


And when they finally started brawling, that's when I realized that I'm actually looking forward to the Fastlane main event.


Somehow they've twisted the Rumble result into something that works and i'm interested in so well done I guess.



Loving Lucha Underground too, and NxT Rival was fucking immense.

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lol, totally forgot about the WWE Network :heh:


Must check my TV see if I can d/l direct on that.... will it allow you to watch replays of PPV's on demand after they aired? Or do you have to watch them live?


You can watch the replays pretty much as soon as the live feed has finished. For example, last nights PPV is in the library already :)

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Thought Fastlane was a good show.

The opener was solid, the tag titles match was good, Cena vs Rusev was also good, and Bryan vs Reigns was superb i thought.


I'm sure the 'IWC' are crying a river over Reigns winning, but I thought he looked good and more than played his part in the match. Is he 'ready'? Probably not. Does it matter? Probably not. His promos could obviously use more work, but without even saying a word he's a more credible threat to Brock.



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Thought Fastlane was a good show.

The opener was solid, the tag titles match was good, Cena vs Rusev was also good, and Bryan vs Reigns was superb i thought.


I'm sure the 'IWC' are crying a river over Reigns winning, but I thought he looked good and more than played his part in the match. Is he 'ready'? Probably not. Does it matter? Probably not. His promos could obviously use more work, but without even saying a word he's a more credible threat to Brock.



Not seen it myself, but...


Sting vs Triple H confirmed, and the legendary black baseball bat made an appearance.


However, i'm happy Reigns won. He needed to win as it would have put the point of the Rumble match into guaranteeing a number 1 contenders match and not a title match.


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Here's how the card is shaping up to me



Brock Lesnar vs Roman Reigns

Cena vs Rusev

Wyatt vs Undertaker

Sting vs HHH

Rollins vs Orton

Battle Royal



Goldust vs Stardust

Paige vs Nikki Bella

The Usos vs Cesaro and Kidd

Barrett vs Ambrose

Miz vs Mizdow


The IC title is match is a little tricky to predict as they teased Ziggler and R-truths' interest in the title aswell on Raw, so maybe a four way?


Also there is no obvious opponent for Bryan, will he be in the Battle Royal? Seems a bit of a waste of his ability.


I could see either the tag titles match or the Rhodes bros. match relegated to the pre-show. I'd like to see Miz vs Mizdow, today's MDM vs Virgil, on the card somewhere but is there room?




Edited by pratty
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There really isn't any need for Taker to come back, the only reason i saw was his streak. Which has been ended, so unless he's going to put over Bray Wyatt then i don't see a need for him to come back.


That Mania card, too many single's matches.


I think they'll always have a Taker match as long as he's able to it, he's a special attraction, someone you don't see every week, and the fans are always excited to see him, so from WWe's point of view I think that's reason enough to have him on the show. Know the streak is done I thinlk there's more chance Bray will win.


Generally I prefer singles matches to triple threats and 4 ways. If singles matches limit the number of people that can get on the card then so bit it, I think Mania should be reserved for the most over and biggest names.


My issue with the amount of singles matches basically does down to time and possibly crowd fatigue, adding Bryan in a singles match doesn't help either. So maybe fueds like Miz and Sandow and Paige vs Nikki won't be settled at Mania. Or maybe there will be a bumber pre-show. I could see the Ic match turned into a multi-man match.


Hopefully there won't be a musical act this year eating up precious wrestling time.

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Bold predcition there regarding Cena, I don't think it's impossible that he loses but the "never give up" man tapping out, I just can't can't see it, would almost be like a shocking moment like the streak ending if he did.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm only interested in the Sting vs Triple H match, the rest of the card seems pointless. And kind of predictable.


Wrestlemania Predictions


Wrestlemania Pre-show


Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal


So, why was this moved to the pre-show again. Ah, that's right i have no idea. According to the WWE, it's to give the rest of the card more time. The only participant whom i'm rooting for is Hideo Ikami, he qualified on NXT for a spot. He has a chance to show he's ready. Otherwise, it's a Battle Royale for the rest of the talent whom couldn't make the card.


Winner: Hideo Ikami


Tag-Team Title Match: Brass Ring Club © vs. The Usos vs. A New Day vs. Los Matadores


Why are the Tag Titles here, i have no idea. Should be on the main card, like all the other titles are. A New Day are a gimmick team whom would be better as heels, instead of some babyface annoyances. Like the Diva's division, i fast forward their segments.


Winners: Brass Ring Club




Main Card


United States Title: Rusev © vs John Cena


I've heard Cena could be the one to defeat Rusev, if Lesnar is to win and continue his sporadic appearances then i guess Cena winning would make sense. Rumours are that the WWE would look at making the IC and US titles more relevant by having them defended in the main events at PPV's. Anyway, back onto the matches themselves. Cena doesn't need this, let Rusev continue. Last newbie Cena defeated had to be relaunched, that was Bray Wyatt.


Winner: Rusev


The Bella Twins vs AJ Lee & Paige


Don't care, the Diva's division is pants.


Bray Wyatt vs The Undertaker


After Brock Lesnar defeated Undertaker last year, i was hoping that would be it. Undertaker would retire and that's that. And once Sting made his debut, people wanted to see him vs Sting. But Wyatt vs Taker, and because the Streak is out of the way then i could see Wyatt take the win, but then Taker would be out for revenge and would make this a fight. It will be close.


Winner: Bray Wyatt


Intercontinental Title Ladder Match: Bad News Barrett © vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Stardust vs. Luke Harper vs. R-Truth


WWE have wasted a prospect match of Stardust vs Goldust, Fast Lane threw in the tease. And yet nothing came from it. This ladder match does seem like many wasted opportunities thrown into one to me. Not a lot of build to it, which is a shame really. I can see a new champion.


Winner: Daniel Bryan


Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins


It's had a decent build for a change. Ever since Orton has come back, he's wanted his hands on Rollins. He's managed to manipulate the Authority, and got his way. Will be a close one, but i can see J+J getting involved.


Winner: Randy Orton (by DQ)


Sting vs Triple H

Only match which actually interests me. It's had the best build over the rest of the card, which is surprising. It's a match people believed may not ever have happened (well, the other is vs Undertaker which may come yet). And the reason why, was because of 1 man. Sting. When the WWE bought WCW, people were expecting Sting to come. He never did and it was looking very likely he would be the last big WCW name to not come to WWE after the buy-out. But 2014, he finally made his debut at Survivor Series.


Triple H has faced most the big names of WCW over the years. Booker T, Goldberg, Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash*, Hollywood Hogan*, Ric Flair and Big Show. The few left over, Diamond Dallas Page and Sting. Sting wanted to face Triple H and/or Undertaker, he's got one. It's WCW vs WWE part 2 in my eyes


Winner: Sting

WWE World Title: Brock Lesnar © vs Roman Reigns


This is one match i don't really care about. Since Roman won the Rumble this year, the WWE thought it would be nice for him to defend his spot at Fast Lane vs Daniel Bryan. I mean why, this wasn't needed. And after the beatings Lesnar has taken (especially at the Rumble) and he still came back and won, it will take a lot more than a Superman punch and a Spear to slay the beast. I was originally going with Roman Reigns, a fresh face for the title. And someone different than John Cena. But, since Brock Lesnar has recently signed a multi-year deal with the WWE, well now it's obvious whose going to win.


The only way(s) to make it interesting, would be for either Roman to beat Lesnar (somehow) and Rollins to cash-in on Roman. Or for Paul Heyman to turn on Lesnar, screwing him and letting Roman Reigns turn heel with Paul Heyman as his mentor. Maybe, who knows. If either of these things don't happen, it will be boring.



What always interests me is the RAW following Wrestlemania, rumours are either Sting or Undertaker will call the other one out for a match at Wrestlemania 32. Both will wrestle their last matches if that's the case, both WWE Hall of Fame bound.

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I'm looking forward to Mania. :)


I don't think it's as predictable as people say. If it were that then there should be lots of rich wrestling fans on monday after all the winning bets they surely placed on the matches, I mean it is that predictable right?


Even if you judge all the non-kayfabe reasons for matches to go a certain way, WWE usually book one or two matches to go against conventional logic, eg Edge beating Del Rio, Henry beating Ryback, Brock beating Taker, Christian beating Jericho, Matt beating Jeff, Matt Hardy beating Rey etc.


But even if the results go the way you expected it doesn't spoil the show, it's the little doubt at the time while you watch that makes it still worth watching.


I think Brock vs Reigns can be a good match, forget 'movesets' and 'workrate' and all that crap, to me it's all about who's gonna win between two beasts, if they do it right it could be really dramatic and exciting.


A lot of people say Reigns isn't strong enough to beat Brock, but he hardly loses, has wins over main eventers like of Orton, Bryan, and Punk, smacks around big guys like Henry, Kane and Big Show on the reg, and his spear is ideal to beat Brock with his history if intestinal problems.

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The way WWE have booked Lesnar, he's an unstoppable force. Look at what Lesnar took at Royal Rumble, and he still fought back. It will take more than a Superman punch and a Spear to take out the Beast, well to make it believable anyway.

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Hnnnng. That Triple H v Sting match... And the fan service to the IC title!


Holy fucking shit... Trip and Steph section. Watch it!!!!


That Sting vs Triple H match... what?!


nWo come out to help Sting... okay... that makes no sense at all with Stings history with the nWo in WCW. Flair, Booker T and Arn Anderson, yeah now that would make sense but not the nWo. Just seemed a lazy way to get Hogan involved.


Still, nWo vs DX finally happened.


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