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The Wrasslin' thread


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Rumble predictions for tonight:


  • Stone Cold returns and wins the Rumble
  • WWE reverts back to WWF
  • Attitude Era MkII begins
  • Smoking Skull belt comes back
  • WCW returns and the Monday Night Wars come back
  • Hulk Hogan leg drops Cena through the ring and Cena is never seen from again


And if any of that happens, i would be crying with joy. Well i at least want the last part to happen.


Anyone wish to put a guess as to what "one off appearances" we may get tonight?. Also i expect to see RVD return for his next 90 day schedule at the Rumble.

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Hoo boy, that was a bloody terrible PPV. At least the crowd let their feelings be known throughout the show. You know something is wrong when people are chanting Booorrring during a title match.


well I was just about to ask if it was worth paying box office for the replay (since i forgot to order last night) but I think I'll just read results on the website now, cheers

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hi all .. how is everyone doing as i hope all is good and fair in their own business on the board .. joining the community fresh and looking towards it .. hope i am invited


Bot powers...........away!!!!!


My thoughts, having not watched the Rumble PPV i don't feel like i need to watch it based on peoples opinions and thoughts.


Batista winning the Rumble, c'maaan WWE it was too obvious since he returned last week. What would have been less obvious was if his return wasn't spoiled and he was a surprise entrant that won. And i also predicted Kane would enter and eliminate CM Punk, and that happened.


Mick Foley tweeted saying that are the WWE deliberatly trying to annoy the fans. Sorry, but with the WWE Network coming maybe people won't be so annoyed if they are only paying a fraction of the cost.


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Hoo boy, that was a bloody terrible PPV. At least the crowd let their feelings be known throughout the show. You know something is wrong when people are chanting Booorrring during a title match.


It was one of those smarky crowds though, the kind that chant Randy Savage for no apparent reason. They may have chanted boring but they still reacted for the near falls, they can say Cena sucks and Orton's boring all they want but they were still worked, by John "you can't wrestle" Cena and Randy "Boreton" no less.


Surely Foley was just referring to the lack of D-Bry in the rumble, it wasn't like Batista was booed on Raw, it would be a bit much to expect WWE to have changed the Rumble finish and Wrestlemania plans during the Rumble PPV, just based off one crowd.


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Apparently in all the delayed broadcasts the crowd has been muted at the end.


Guess the "E" doesn't like the critisism.


Former wrestlers on Twitter are giving advice on how to get the E to notice with Daniel Bryan (and anything that fans want to see). Only watch the segments which you want, and turn off the ones you don't. By turn off, that's changing the channel or turning the TV/Sky/Cable box off.


It was that bad, even the BBC reported it.


I would watch RAW, but i feel like watching the basketball instead. Less predictable.

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Just watched the Royal Rumble match on youtube and was very predictable.


Crowd was really into it until No.30 came out then it was all over the place with the crowd not reacting to anything in the ring.


Roman Reigns is a beast.


Lack of any good surprise entrants but was nice to hear the nWo music again.

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The kick-off Tag Team title match was good although a bit on the short side.


Wyatt vs Bryan was a great match from start to finish.


Orton vs Cena got slightly better as it went on but it was 'OK' at best.


The royal rumble match itself was good but you knew it was going to tail off once Batista entered. Was nice to see Sheamus back, people started to get annoyed by him but I always like the physicality of his matches and the effort that he puts in (those wars with the Big Show for example). Even though I knew Punk wasn't going to win, the whole predictability of it and the timing just made me hate it even more. I wanted to see Bryan as a surprise entrant and so too did the crowd but nope, WWE weren't having any of it.


Roman Reigns was the shining star in that rumble match but the best thing about it was those constant boos for Batista. That's as clear a message that WWE is ever going to get from the fans.


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Criticism of predictability in wrestling is a tricky thing. People demanded that Daniel Bryan win the Royal Rumble, and win the title at Wrestlemania, if he did then that would have met people's expectations, isn't that the definition of predictable? I love D-Bry as much as the next guy, just saying a little predictability is not always a bad thing.


I'm looking forward to Raw, will be interesting to see if they stay the course with Batista or change it up.


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Even if I don't watch it for the rest of the year, I always catch the Rumble.


New Age Outlaws are back AND they win the titles?

:o That's pretty cool, even knowing about their embarrassing TNA run.


Bray/Bryan was pretty good. Man, that crowd was really into him, can't believe he lost clean.


Brock and Show was short and to the point. So weird to see this rivalry again after 11 years.


Cena/Orton was so meh.


The rumble didn't disappoint :hehe: You can call me a Roman Reigns fan, now. I had hopes that Punk might just win this, though. His performance reminded me of Chris Benoit.


Also, loved JBL in this. All of it. And Cesaro, The Shield, Kingston, Sheamus and even Mysterio and Batista.


And man, what a fickle crowd. So good at times, but when they got silent, shit was harsh! You really felt that they weren't really booing Mysterio, they were booing the lack of Bryan


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I caught the first 15 -20 minutes of Raw last night,

I thought it was pretty good that they acknowledged the negative reaction from the PPV. Triple H making fun of the audience about it was pretty funny.



Speaking of JBL


Did anyone else find it a bit weird when Michael Cole mentioned how this was the JBL personas first time entering the rumble? It felt a bit like he was breaking the fourth wrestling wall, acknowledging that he had changed characters and Bradshaw had been in the rumble.


Yeah I caught that too. I can't remember a time they've mentioned different personas like that apart from Mick Foley/Cactus Jack/ManKind/Dude Love.

Edited by Helmsly
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Yeah I caught that too. I can't remember a time they've mentioned different personas like that apart from Mick Foley/Cactus Jack/ManKind/Dude Love.


Especially when all 3 faces of Foley entered the same Rumble match. JR's commentary was brilliant on that night.


Didn't watch RAW, didn't see the point after the lack-luster Rumble.

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Especially when all 3 faces of Foley entered the same Rumble match. JR's commentary was brilliant on that night.


Didn't watch RAW, didn't see the point after the lack-luster Rumble.


I'd say is worth watching the start of the show because they seem to be directly following the negative reaction Rumble got rather then just stick with whatever storyline they had planned originally.

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CM Punk has walked out.


Former WWE and World champion CM Punk has been pulled from all advertising of WWE live events going forward after a meeting with WWE management yesterday at the Raw taping in Cleveland, Ohio.

We have been working on details for the last 24 hours (as Dave Scherer and I noted on our respective Elite audios earlier today), but the belief among those who are willing to talk about the situation is that Punk is no longer factored into company plans. Punk is under contract to WWE through July.


Punk was slated to face Triple H at Wrestlemania 30. This past Monday's Raw instead began teasing Daniel Bryan vs. HHH down the line, possibly for Wrestlemania.


We have heard from several sources that the original script for yesterday's Raw called for Punk to wrestle Antonio Cesaro and lose after Kane interfered, allowing Cesaro to qualify for the Elimination Chamber. It should be noted that another source has denied that and claimed that Punk was never booked to wrestle last night and was only booked to do a promo that would follow up on Kane causing Punk's elimination from the Rumble. But, Punk was originally slated to be on Raw and those segments were yanked. He was not backstage during the taping and was not backstage at Smackdown.


It is believed that when Vince McMahon had the writers re-write Raw late yesterday (6 PM for a taping that was scheduled to start at 7:45 PM), it was because Punk had informed the company he was going home and wouldn't be back.


While we cannot 100% confirm why, the belief among wrestlers backstage is that Punk leaving was not an injury issue. It was described to us as more likely a case of burnout and unhappiness with the overall direction of the company. Punk had been very vocal in the past about the usage of returning and "part time" stars being pushed beyond wrestlers who were working full-time for the company.


In his interview with Ariel Helwani last week, Punk talked about the crazy schedule he's held up working for the company over the last decade. Punk said that he's been doing it ten years and doesn't know anyone else who can say that. He said that he's only taken time off for injuries and that when he took two months off in 2013, it may not have been long enough.


Punk, who worked about 50 minutes in the Royal Rumble match was described as "pissy" after the PPV, although that wouldn't be an unusual description of Punk's demeanor backstage.


One source believed that since Punk's last goal was to work a Wrestlemania main event, it may also be a situation where Punk realized it wasn't going to happen this year and with his WWE deal expiring in July, that may have weighed down upon him because he was so goal driven and this was one he couldn't accomplish because of elements that were outside of his control.


In the interview with Helwani, Punk was asked about WWE killing his momentum at times and why such things happen. Punk responded that he'd like to think they don't make those decisions on purpose and it's more they wanted to go in another decision. He claimed it's a different era and different time and it can't be looked at the same way he did when he was a kid.


Yesterday, Punk wrote on Twitter, "Thanks for all the support. Keep being you guys, it's pretty cool."


Depending on how you read the statement, it could be taken as a cryptic farewell.


We'll obviously update more as we confirm additional details.

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