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Pokemon Go-Karting


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But there would be more Pokemon games for Nintendo Wii won't there?


I don't see why, there's not the craze about Pokémon there was during the N64/ Early GC days, noor can I understand why you'd WANT a Pokémon spinoff. Sure, a 3D Pokémon RPG could work. But karting/running? Why do that when the Wii only just got Mariokart? Include Pikachu as an unlockable character in the next Mariokart, and we're done.

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Pokemon Snap Wii!


Thats more like it. I do enjoy that game, shame it was so short.


Anyway Pokemon racing wouldn't work. Pokemon can't operate cars silly. Humans and lizards and dinosaurs obviously can but Pokemon...nope nope nope!

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I don't see why, there's not the craze about Pokémon there was during the N64/ Early GC days, noor can I understand why you'd WANT a Pokémon spinoff. Sure, a 3D Pokémon RPG could work. But karting/running? Why do that when the Wii only just got Mariokart? Include Pikachu as an unlockable character in the next Mariokart, and we're done.


1. A 3D Pokémon can work, but certainly not the "classic" way. It's not feasible, period.


2.Spin-offs are the best way to keep the franchise running. Pokémon Pinball was awesome, the setting in the mystery dungeon games was good (not the gameplay, though), Pokémon Snap was also awesome, etc.


3.As for "why to do a Pokémon Kart when we already have Mario Kart", I don't know. For the same reason there's a Diddy Kong Racing when we already have Mario Kart DS. I just don't know what that reason is. :heh:

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1. A 3D Pokémon can work, but certainly not the "classic" way. It's not feasible, period.


Bioware should make it. A 3D real-time, plot-driven one (of course, there would be wild Pokemon) where you control the trainer and then the individual Pokemon themselves could be awesome. Although they'll likely have to massively reduce the amount of Pokemon in the game. It could work really well, especially if they had a Z-targeting system with Zelda mixed with Wii Remote aiming (so you have to aim at the centre of the screen or the part of the Pokemon you want to hit).

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Bioware should make it. A 3D real-time, plot-driven one (of course, there would be wild Pokemon) where you control the trainer and then the individual Pokemon themselves could be awesome. Although they'll likely have to massively reduce the amount of Pokemon in the game. It could work really well, especially if they had a Z-targeting system with Zelda mixed with Wii Remote aiming (so you have to aim at the centre of the screen or the part of the Pokemon you want to hit).


E-Mail then to see if they do it.

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I always hear that dog argument, but the beeps sound even less like growls and animal noises, they sound like weird robots.

And the names sound pretty realistic with pokemon like charizard and the like, where they growl bits of their name.


And why can't humans have named them after the name they say, naturally animals don't have super powers, so they're not animals, why can't there be a race of creatures that say one word that people decided to name them after?


But if the pokemon were named after what they say, why are their names based off of a human language. Yes the electronic beep may have sounded a little robotic in the older games, but the cries have improved quite a bit for the newer pokemon in the newer games.


Now, the pokemon world doesn't have what we think of as animals, they are the equivalent to animals.


E-Mail then to see if they do it.


And why would a developer reveal a secret project to someone just because they emailed them and asked about it?

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But if the pokemon were named after what they say, why are their names based off of a human language. Yes the electronic beep may have sounded a little robotic in the older games, but the cries have improved quite a bit for the newer pokemon in the newer games.


Now, the pokemon world doesn't have what we think of as animals, they are the equivalent to animals.




And why would a developer reveal a secret project to someone just because they emailed them and asked about it?


dont know we just have to wait then.

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Bioware should make it. A 3D real-time, plot-driven one (of course, there would be wild Pokemon) where you control the trainer and then the individual Pokemon themselves could be awesome. Although they'll likely have to massively reduce the amount of Pokemon in the game. It could work really well, especially if they had a Z-targeting system with Zelda mixed with Wii Remote aiming (so you have to aim at the centre of the screen or the part of the Pokemon you want to hit).


As I said, as long as it isn't "classic" gameplay, it can work.


Reducing the number of pokémon available, not being driven by a "catch/train'em all" objective, etc. Are things that can make the idea feasible.


Although, I wonder how reducing the number of pokémon available while keeping the wild (freely obtainable) pokémon would work...

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But if the pokemon were named after what they say, why are their names based off of a human language. Yes the electronic beep may have sounded a little robotic in the older games, but the cries have improved quite a bit for the newer pokemon in the newer games.


Now, the pokemon world doesn't have what we think of as animals, they are the equivalent to animals.


They're not necessarily based off human language, they're just random sounds that people could interpret as words.

Like togepi says tchukipree, they just made a word that sounds like what they say...


I really don't even think the creators thought about this as much as we do.



And there are fish in the pokemon world, real fish. And they say words like dog and cat occasionally even though we never see one.

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I really don't even think the creators thought about this as much as we do.


Yeah, Gamefreak just made the games and made the monsters sound as they had planned. Then the cartoon came along and the Pokémon said their own names which was probably deemed more charming than them making their Gameboy cries... and Meowth was given a voice. And Mewtwo as well, I'm not sure if any others spoke too?


You're telling us that stuff is all canon? You can't trust things that happens in the cartoon and base your understanding of the Pokémon mythology of that.

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They're not necessarily based off human language, they're just random sounds that people could interpret as words.

Like togepi says tchukipree, they just made a word that sounds like what they say...


I really don't even think the creators thought about this as much as we do.



And there are fish in the pokemon world, real fish. And they say words like dog and cat occasionally even though we never see one.


Some of the pokemon have names though that just couldn't possibly be natural.


Plus, the games came first, that was what pokemon's original creators would have imagined the pokemon sounding like. The anime just added the pokemon saying their names to make it sound more cute for small children.


But, TBH, this isn't worth arguing about.

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Yeah, Gamefreak just made the games and made the monsters sound as they had planned. Then the cartoon came along and the Pokémon said their own names which was probably deemed more charming than them making their Gameboy cries... and Meowth was given a voice. And Mewtwo as well, I'm not sure if any others spoke too?


You're telling us that stuff is all canon? You can't trust things that happens in the cartoon and base your understanding of the Pokémon mythology of that.


Actually iirc Mewtwo communicated telepathically.

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They're not necessarily based off human language, they're just random sounds that people could interpret as words.

Like togepi says tchukipree, they just made a word that sounds like what they say...


I really don't even think the creators thought about this as much as we do.



And there are fish in the pokemon world, real fish. And they say words like dog and cat occasionally even though we never see one.


Why are you going on about keeping the disgustingly cheesy sounds from the crappy show? To me, Pokémon is all about the games. All the crap that got introduced in the show, like the voices, and the huge emphasis on friggin Pikachu should NOT influence the games.

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Why are you going on about keeping the disgustingly cheesy sounds from the crappy show? To me, Pokémon is all about the games. All the crap that got introduced in the show, like the voices, and the huge emphasis on friggin Pikachu should NOT influence the games.






Oops, too late.


Honestly, I don't mind it too much. What's wrong in adapting some of the more popular things from the anime? It's not like the games suddenly feature Ash, or give a more relevant role to Brock and Misty.

The only anime-to-game influences were really minor.

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Why are you going on about keeping the disgustingly cheesy sounds from the crappy show? To me, Pokémon is all about the games. All the crap that got introduced in the show, like the voices, and the huge emphasis on friggin Pikachu should NOT influence the games.


But fuck... (lol 'Butt fuck')


When I release my Charizard from a pokeball, I don't want to hear "Bzzztzap! jingle" - I want to hear that deep, growl Charizard does. Would it make any sense if the pokemon characters in Brawl didn't 'speak' as they do in the anime but just issued those annoying SE from the GB games?


The lack of an in depth 3D pokemon game on the same scale and build quality as the Stadium games is, as I've always preached, just pure laziness. It COULD be done, but because Nintendo doesn't need it and simultaneously the Pokemon buzz has died down since 10 years ago, Nintendo/Game Freak probably won't make it. Pokemon Battle Revolution was a joke, and isn't worth spending £39.99 just to see your GB pokemon in flashy graphics, doing exactly what you were doing on the Gameboy.


Colosseum was dire and boring - not because of the battling system or the training, but because the story was a bore fest, the music; distasteful, the pokemon on offer were the crappy ones with crappy movesets and the way you travelled from place to place completely sapped any sense of 'adventure' from what was meant to be a Pokemon adventure.


XD was boarderline ok for the added improvements like that Battle channel and by adding drastically better pokemon. Still a lame story with uninspired (unchanged) locations and music.


I generally disagree with the 'Pokemon RPG on Wii won't work'. Just put the world of pokemon in a deeper, engaging story with added Nintendo quality and all should fall into place. There would be little to no differences to level grinding RPGs like Final Fantasy. The anime and movies have offered some some what engaging stories that definitely triumph over the re re-worked Gameboy formula. So in that sense I would like the games to take some heed from the anime section.


Gameboy pokemon may be all about the pokemon - which is why an unnoteworthy story is always included. But a console release has the chance to not only make it about the pokemon but also a good storyline with greater RPG elements. Because lets face it, there is no real Nintendo RPG staple currently on Wii or even previously on the GC. Pokemon could be that.


Add to that, I don't think adding another 100 pokemon to the same old pokemon formula can quite do it for the franchise next time around. Its better if they invested more in creating a new identity on Wii... So many things possible yet naught have been done.

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Once again, we don't really know what Genius Sonority is up to at the moment. Its possible they're working on a Wii pokemon RPG. And there's a good chance they are. Battle revolution was I think rushed along so it would come out not long after D/P, its possible it was going to be more like Colosseum/XD but Nintendo decided to have it come out sooner. Colosseum and XD were both pretty good games, but for some reason didn't feel that much like pokemon games. I liked how Colosseum at least ditched the "10 year old kid going out to save the world and become a better pokemon trainer than people who have been at it for years" thing. A 3D pokemon RPG like the handheld ones could work, its not like there aren't other 3D rpgs out there. And it would probably be received like Metroid Prime was, some like the change, some don't. I'd like to see them ditch the old formula though for a 3D RPG. Not entirely. But perhaps get rid of the gyms and league and like King V said, concentrate on the story more. Pokemon is one of those worlds I want to explore more of than just what I've seen. Games like Ranger try to do that, but it feels like I'm not in the same world. For instance, why does nobody train pokemon in the region it takes place in?

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the Pokemon buzz has died down since 10 years ago, Nintendo/Game Freak probably won't make it.

The fact that all recent pokémon games except dash sold millions says no. Seriously how can anyone still say the buzz has died down?


Also, yeah Pokémon voices are freaking awesome.


I think a main console Pokémon RPG could certainly be done, but it's undeniable that the biggest charm of the games is being portable (at least for most people, also pokémon = pocket monsters :P) and that to make an even decent Pokémon RPG would be a ginourmous effort. One that I wouldn't mind if they made, but not because of story, more because I'd like them to replicate the feeling of being able to adventure throughout the world with your Pokémon in 3D.

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Pokemon is one of those worlds I want to explore more of than just what I've seen.


Exactly. I want to get the same atmospheric feeling I get from locations such as the Fire Temple/Goron Mines in Zelda, in a pokemon location such as Mt Ember for example. That can't be conveyed properly in handheld technology. It just aggravates me because this is 1) a missed opportunity by Nintendo and 2) a missed opportunity by Nintendo to create what so many people want - especially on a console where 'Pokemon' and 'RPGs' are insanely missing.


Battle Revolution is so easy to create it could have easily been a side mode from the main adventure of a game, like in Colosseum. Even much of the pokemon animations were reused from Pokemon Stadium (Pidgeots, Venusaur's, Gyarados' to name a few) and of course the audio too... Its annoying to witness such a lazy game at full price and by Nintendo.


The fact that all recent pokémon games except dash sold millions says no. Seriously how can anyone still say the buzz has died down?


Also, yeah Pokémon voices are freaking awesome.


I think a main console Pokémon RPG could certainly be done, but it's undeniable that the biggest charm of the games is being portable (at least for most people, also pokémon = pocket monsters :P) and that to make an even decent Pokémon RPG would be a ginourmous effort. One that I wouldn't mind if they made, but not because of story, more because I'd like them to replicate the feeling of being able to adventure throughout the world with your Pokémon in 3D.


'Pocket monsters' was the term coined just for the fact that the pokemon are stored in pocket-sized pokeballs. It does nothing to suggest Pokemon must be primarily portable in game form.


I meant the Pokemon buzz has died down from 10 years ago, as in it is not what it once was - but of course still popular, case in point: me.

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